
Prologue (definitely wont continue this story)

I wake up, rub my eyes and prepare myself for the day.

i hear my mom shouting from downstairs to tell me that breakfast is ready

i run downstairs hoping that my mom prepared my favorited dish for today.

it was pancakes for today. although pancakes aren't my favorite dish to eat at breakfast, i still happily enjoyed my meal and went to school hoping for something new to happen.

the bus arrives near our house to come pick me up. i get on the bus and sit to my best friend Mason.

we talked about the new show on TV for the whole ride


at last, we finally arrive at school

as me and Mason part ways, he shouted to me "hope your class goes smoothly bud!"

i reply "yeah.., hope yours does too!"

as i walk into class the teacher welcomes me and the students behind me entering the classroom.

the class seems to be going on smoothly, the class clown Meril seems to be in good spirits; i wonder why,, maybe because his parents didn't beat him at home last night? aha probably since he's been doing pretty good in class.

our classes go smoothly and lunch time comes.


I walk into the cafeteria and look for my friend mason.

I find him getting teased and bullied by some girls a grade higher than us.

(editor's note: ah.. how lucky)

i go up to them and tell them to stop, but i somehow get included in the teasing and bullying of the girls.

suddenly a guy comes up and tells them to stop bullying the "poor little boys"

the girls understand and finally leave us alone

uh should i thank him orr..

before i could say anything mason thanks him for chasing away the girls

"haha no problem. my name's Eitan. if the girls ever come to bother you again just come to my class and tell me alright? it's class A3 at the 3rd floor"

"uh thanks eitan, we'll be sure to let you know" mason replies with a smile

our newly made friend walks away and leaves us alone.

"huh, he's a pretty nice person isn't he?"

"yeah, i guess he is pretty nice" i respond

"alright lunch time's almost over so we gotta make the most of it, what are you gonna get?"

we continue to grab our food and talk about countless things we like as lunch time passes by


after a few more other classes, school has finally ended.

i go to mason's classroom to go pick him up

we were planning on walking home together today since.. it's the last day i would ever get to see his face again.

it appears that mason's class hasn't ended yet and mine just weirdly ended earlier than his class.

an hour later his class finally ends and he walks over to me. we walk to home together and talk about how we can still talk to each other even when we're in different countries.

we finally arrive at my house. mason asks my mom if he could stay for a bit since it'll be our last time being with each other ever again. of course, my mom's not a heartless monster so she agrees.

we play games for the whole evening until it was finally time. i say my last goodbye to mason as he walks away from our house.

i go to my bedroom and check my calendar, moving day is tomorrow..

i go to sleep sadly thinking that i'd never see my best friend mason again.

what i didn't know,, was that this won't be the last time i'd say goodbye to him