
A Teachers' Wish (xianxia short novel)

Ren Huian, a disciple is forced to take in disciple despite his will, thus he promises his teachers if they let him choose he would be willing. He traveled around and found two orphaned girls to teach. His first lesson started with a question as he forced his students to hold a blade for the first time in their lives. "Do you hold a blade to kill, or do you hold it to protect?" Author notes: Art Drawn by me This is mostly something new I'm trying out. There will be only 30 chapters, each one will have to be around 1, 000 words. (This is a absolute rule I have to comply). And also for me to not have any pressure, I'm going to try and make extremely unhinged characters because I feel like I'm too comfortable with making normal humans and they turn out to be boring af.

cas5_off · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Kill or Don't Kill

Riding along the wind atop the sword. Bai Hong and Lei Yue could see animals and people as they become as small as a ant. the whole world seemed to be so much smaller from here. 

Both of them wanting to become stronger for different reasons. 


Ren Huian looks toward the right and think about something for a second.

"Is something wrong master?" Lei Yue was the first to notice the change in behaviors. 

"...we're taking a detour."




Deng Guiren, the Sword sect leader was sitting on a chair in the middle of the meeting room. His 3 Junior brothers and 2 sisters seated at each chair. 

"Sect leader, will Ren Huian really be willing to teach his disciples? He's so lazy, I fear that he might neglect his disciples." Tang Yi, had white hair at his side. 

Deng Guiren smiled and laughed, "Hahaha, no worries, no worries! Ren Huian, although lazy will do his job to perfection!"

Deng Guiren had 100% trust that Ren Huian would teach his disciples.....Although he had one doubt.

"Will he 'care' about his disciples....'




"If you have to do something you have to do it right."

This was one of Ren Huian's rule. Since he couldn't stay away from work, he should do it correctly in the first place without mistakes, so that he can relax later without having to worry about it.


As they got closer to the source of the sounds, they saw bandits trying to rob a noble. 

 "I-its a Immortal!"

They looked up. Seeing a immortal cultivator appear caused fear and hope. 

With a snap of his fingers, Ren Huian stopped every bandit. He turns to his disciples as they landed. 

"This will be my first lesson." 2 silver swords appear from the sky and hovered in front of them.

He pointed at the bandits. 

"Kill or don't kill?"

Lei Yue spoke up without hesitation. "Kill." She grabbed the sword. 


"If you don't kill then they will keep robbing and killing innocent people. "

Ren Huian nodded, then he looked at Bai Hong.


Ren Huian noticed her hesitation.


"....Because it's the right thing to do."

"...Since you decided to kill, then kill. I won't make a move."

Lei Yue bowed to Ren Huian and strode to the bandits side easily, while Bai Hong seemed to not be able to take a step forward as she held the cold sword. 

Lei Yue looked back. Her master seemed to be trying to teach them something so she waited for his command to kill. 

Ren Huian waited for Bai Hong to make a move. 


She kept stuttering as she gripped the sword. 

"I'll ask you again. Kill or don't?"

"...At first, I also thought that killing them was the right thing...but they have families they have to feed, people that care for them, and...I don't know if it's the right thing to take a life."

She held her head down. 

Ren Huian spoke, "Before you kill, you have to take into consideration the consequences. If you kill without consideration, you will only suffer from your inner demon. Lei Yue, Bai Hong. I don't care whether you choose to be a Saint or a Sinner, as long as you have no guilt in your heart you can cultivate easier."

Bai Hong became confused. "Is a sinner, still worthy of being cultivating?"

"It matters not if you are a sinner, so long as you are true to yourselves then you can become stronger. If you doubt your path, if you try to act like a saint, you'll only suffer as a cultivator."

Ren Huian continues, "I teach you to reach the peak. Technically, I should be responsible for your behaivors and actions; however, what is right and what is wrong?"

He points to the sword.

"It all depends on who wields the sword. In other words, strength is justice."

He turns to face the bandits.

"Right now, I won't blame you if you choose to spare them, or kill them. But you must make a decision."

Lei Yue bows. "I will still choose to kill. Since they have picked up a sword and decided to harm others, they themselves should have been aware of the risks."

Ren Huian nods, "What about you?"

"I-I don't want to kill." She spoke her honest wish. 

Ren Huian nods again. "You can choose to kill and not to kill. You can also choose to protect. The sword is strict, but also flexible. It can defend and strike. Right now, one of you want to kill, but the other doesn't So who should be the one to decide?"

"You don't want to kill, so do you want to protect? Or will you leave it to your Junior sister to kill for you? If you leave them be they might kill others, or they might turn into a good person and help the world. If you wish to have a choice, then you must fight."

Lei Yue pointed the swords towards Bai Hong.

"I-I don't want to fight Lei Yue..."

"....Then you forfeit the right to choose."

He nods to Lei Yue. 

Lei Yue understood as she had been silently listening to Ren Huians teachings. 

She holds her sword up as her eyes struggle to look at the bandit. The bandits eyes looked at her in fear, right now her words controlled his life, with one swing her sword would kill. 

The feeling. 

Her heart started beating.

She had tried to conceal her emotions from her master, but now she couldn't help it.

Ren Huian spectated with emotionless eyes, taking note of all her actions.

Lei Yue unintentionally....smiled.

"Ah~ How fun."



The strike was shallow as this was her first time using a sword, causing the bandit to suffer as the pain engulfed him. Tears started to flow out unknowingly as he looked back into the girls eyes. Knowing that she had not intent to spare him. 

Bai Hong, wasn't able to look at the scene and tried to cover her eyes, but Ren Huian stopped her. 

"Look, you must look. Whether you regret your decision or not, you must see the result of your choice."

Engraving every scene in their eyes, Lei Yue and Bai Hong realized that their master wasn't normal. 

They feared him, but they also respect him. He didn't reprimand them for picking a choice. He didn't admonish them when they didn't pick. He simply allowed them to be....free. 

Then they looked to one another. One covered in blood with a smile. One in tears and quivering. 

They instinctively knew, they would go on different paths.