
A Taste of Chaos

Meet Ji Hoon, our 23-year-old protagonist grappling with the weight of his past and struggling to provide for his brother Min Jae, a beacon of hope in his sombre world. Little does he know that his live is about to take a turn and the world as he knows it is about to experience a cascade of events that could very well shatter the delicate balance of reality. Now faced with challenges greater than he could have ever imagined, will he be able to overcome all odds and uncover the secrets of the universe?? and the mysterious system he suddenly discovers?? .... The system doesn't appear for while into the story so if you're here for that, please be patient. Also I'm a new author so the story might be a little rough at the start, please bear with it, it gets better. That's all, I hope you enjoy the read.

David_F365 · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 15: Unexpected Encounter

With everyone geared up, they begin their search for Jae-ho through the city. With Ji-hoon leading the way, they carefully navigate their way back to supermarket carefully surveying their surrounding for any human activities and infected.

As they approached the vicinity of the supermarket, Ji-hoon signaled everyone to halt. The area seemed relatively quiet, but the group remained vigilant. Ji-hoon motioned for them to spread out and search for any signs of Jae-ho or a potential shelter.

They checked alleys, behind dumpsters, and even entered nearby buildings to explore possible shelters carefully avoiding any infected they saw while searching. The tension in the air grew as they combed through the area, uncertain of what they might encounter.

After an exhaustive search, they regrouped near the supermarket entrance, their expressions a mix of frustration and concern. No trace of Jae-ho was found, leaving them with the decision of whether to continue their journey or invest more time in searching for him.

"What now?" Min-ji asked, breaking the silence that hung in the air.

Ji-hoon pondered for a moment. "We've spent a considerable amount of time searching. We can't be sure he's still around, and we need to consider our overall safety. Let's move forward and be cautious. If we come across him or any other survivors, we can reassess our plans."

Interrupted by a sudden noise echoing in the area, the group swiftly seeks refuge. Ji-hoon, Soo Won, and Min-jae find themselves grouped together behind a dumpster, while the rest of the group takes cover behind an abandoned car.

The source of the noise becomes apparent—a lone infected walking in their direction. This particular infected stands out from the others due to its unusual movements, hinting at a level of intelligence not commonly observed.

The realization hits them that they are not only near an infected but specifically the special one they've been actively avoiding. The trio behind the dumpster—Ji-hoon, Soo Won, and Min-jae—watch with a mix of concern and tension, realizing the precarious situation their companions are in as the infected was moving through a path that would surely lead it to finding them if it was really intelligent.

Ji-hoon signals for everyone to remain silent and hidden, knowing that an encounter with the special infected could bring unpredictable consequences.

Ji-hoon signals for everyone to remain silent and hidden, knowing that an encounter with the special infected could bring unpredictable consequences.

As they observe the infected, it soon becomes clear that with the direction it was moving, it was sure to find the group hiding behind the car.

The trio hiding behind the dumpster stare at the infected gradually getting closer to the car and racked their brains for a plan to help the others. Min-jae suddenly taps Ji-hoon and Soo Won and points towards something behind them .

Looking back at what he was pointing at, they seemed to have understood what he meant as they all nod at each other. By now the infected was in front of the car and had almost discovered the group when a sound of something closing echoed through the mostly silent street.

The infected immediately came to a stop and ran backwards toward the sound in a speed that was surely unnatural.

As the infected approaches the location where Ji-hoon, Min-jae, and Soo Won had hidden, it finds an empty space with only a manhole cover. It seems to deduce what must have happened, displaying a surprising level of intelligence. The infected peers into the dumpster, ensuring no one is inside, before decisively moving toward the manhole cover. Without hesitation, it effortlessly removes the cover, showing no concern for whether it was locked or not.

The group, behind the car, watched from a distance, realizing they are dealing with an infected unlike any they have encountered before. Waiting about a minute before confirming the infected was really gone, they came out of their hiding spot.

"That was close," Mr. Park comments, a hint of tension still in the air.

"What about the others?" So Mi expresses her concern for the trio that had hidden behind the dumpster.

"They must have gone into the sewers" Mr. Park replied.

"Are they going to be safe? We have to help them" Min-ji expresses her concern.

"We can't do that, we might change the infected's target to ourselves if we follow behind it" Mr. Park says.

"But they just risked their lives for us, we can't just leave them" Min-ji replies, surprised at Mr. Park's reasoning.

"We can and we will. Don't you remember the agreement we all made? If we ever get separated or one of us is in danger, we shouldn't save them if it's a situation that is too dangerous for all of us and did you see the speed of that infected, that's a sure to die situation for us if we decide to follow it and alert it towards us" Mr. Park emphasizes.

"But still, we can't just abandon them" So Mi retorts.

"We're not abandoning them. It's not like they are dead or sure to die, we'll just meet them at the rendezvous point. I'm sure that's where they will go. Or have you forgotten that as well?" Mr. Park reminds everyone of their earlier agreement to meet at a particular place if they ever got separated.

The group, reluctantly acknowledging Mr Park's logic, decides to proceed with their original plan, hoping Ji-hoon, Min-jae, and Soo Won would make their way to the agreed rendezvous point.

The group, giving up on the search for Jae-ho, decides to continue on their way towards the rendezvous point when a sudden sound startles them from behind. Their senses heighten as they turn to face the source of the noise, tense and ready for whatever might come their way.

Meanwhile, Ji-hoon, Min-jae, and Soo-Won find themselves running through the dark, damp tunnels of the sewers, the infected seemingly getting closer. Desperation fuels their steps as they take a turn to the right, deviating from their original path in an attempt to lose the pursuing threat. The echoing sounds of their hurried footsteps mix with the distant water drips, creating an eerie symphony in the underground maze.

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