
A Sword Demon In Naruto

A normal man from the realm of earth is reborn into the world of naruto he receives the powers of demons from demon slayer and the breathing from said slayers what path will he go down with his new found power good or bad?

Kneesdeep24 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs


The gullible lady looks up me with a look of pity, she then gives a tired sigh.

Lady: "Why don't we go find her?"

God almighty is she nice, to bad I need to eat her though, you snooze you loose I guess, especially in a dog eat god world like Naruto.

I give her a fake look of appreciation and give her a nod, she grabs my hand with a soft grip and asks me.

Lady: "Where did you see her last?"

Mustering up the my inner baby I let out a small whimper before reciting a made up story of how i lost her in alley.

Lady: Ok I think I have a rough idea of where you may have lost her, hold on tight I don't want you losing me to."

She tightens the grip around my hand and leads me towards the nearest alley, how dumb can some people be.

I couldn't help but grow a small grin but I quickly cover it with my free hand

after navigating through the dense crowds of central Konoha we finally reach the alley i foretold in my story, my grin grows wider as we approach it.

Me: "Go further down she has to be hear somewhere!"

The kind lady walks further down till no one can see us it was just me and her

Upon realise this I immediately capitalise on the situation by catching her of guard she turns her attention from me from a split second and I immediately go for a bite of her arm, I sink my teeth into her and she starts bleeding she immediately recoils her arm in pain and disgust, falls to the ground, she just stares at me with a look of pure horror as I inch closer to her licking my lips

Who would have thought human would be the best meal I ever had, it tasted so good. I want more!

upon realising that human flesh was the best meal I ever had I seem to have become primal I looked like a crack addict searching for there next fix, my eyes grew wider and my breathing became heavier

I want more!

but first of all I have to act logical, I take my t shirt of, almost tearing it in the process I do this to avoid any blood stains that may splatter onto it, i take a moment to admire my injured prey another grin grows on my face flashing my sharp teeth.

Without hesitation I dive on her, eating away at her flesh, first I eat her face then I go down to her chest and finish of with her stomach and leg's which were by far the juiciest part.

I Get of her body or what would have been her body if I didn't eat it, and admire my handy work I notice I don't seem to show any remorse this must be my demon side working its magic I don't even feel an inch of pity I don't feel anything really I just feel full like I've just had a hearty meal.


A notification sound appears in my head and i know what it is

Me: "System."

Hidden quest complete! Eat first human!

Reward: 1x swordsman training book, 2x demon art scrolls

Swordsman training book: A book explaining the basics of swordsmanship and how to use them effectively

Demon art scroll: In one of these scrolls contains a learnable ability that only those of a demonic descent can use you can train these abilities and make them stronger or more effective. They are different from the blood demon arts as any demon can learn these and the blood demon arts are individual and unique to the demon.

Lord: Aplogash

Race: Demi-Demon

Name: Inteki Ashura (Chris)

Blood demon art: *LOCKED*

Petal Breathing: Lvl 1


Dance of the Sakura lvl 1

*New* Energy: 100/100

Gifts: 1x tanto, 1x swordsman training book (basic), 2x demon art scrolls

Me: System use tanto gift!

I say this and suddenly a sword with a pink handle appears in front of me it was in an a black holder, the blade was about 3/4 as tall as me an had a slight curve to it. I take it out its black holder and give it a swing, soon after I realise how much I'm gonna need to train, I knew nothing about swords I told Iruka I like them to avoid suspicion if I suddenly have a sword one day.

I didn't even know how to swing it properly, I guess ill have to learn pretty quick and soon!

I put the tanto back into its holder and strap it to my side, not before putting my shirt back on after I quickly vacate the scene, and run home. On the way I see some of my class mates I give them a awkward wave and continue on my journey home.

I knock on the door and my mum opens it, she gives me an warm smile much like that of the ladies and invites me in.

Mum: "How was your day? also how did you get that sword?"

She raises her eyebrow

Me: "Well Mum my day went alright I beat this Yamanaka girl in a fight and uhhh the academy gave me this sword!"

Mum: "Wow, that's my son! I cant believe it, You beat a clan member?"

Me: "I sure did Mum! What's for dinner I'm starving!"

I couldn't help but giggle to myself

Mum: "Well to celebrate your first day of the academy were having ramen also, what's so funny?"

Me: "Nothing Mum!"

Mum: "Whatever you say sweet heart now go sit down at the table, I'm about to get started on dinner."

Me: "Yes Mum!"

I follow my mums instruction's and sit down at the dinner table, I play with my thumbs for a couple minutes till my mum comes in with a hot steamy bowl of ramen, I'm already full but I eat it anyway to avoid suspicion.

Mum: "Your Dads gonna be working till late....