
Bloodline purification,?

----------------------------- Timothy pov------------------------

after Timothy woke the first thing he knew was pain after he opened his eyes he saw that his whole body was covered in bloody bandages, he nearly started screaming again but a calming force force-calmed him after being calm he asked the system what the heck was going on the system answered:

"User has to know everything comes with a price and the price for a better body and pure bloodline is pain, the user should thank the system that it was gracious enough to bring the purification out in the first place and before the user loses his cool he should first at his physical strength and his pain resistance humpf!"

timothy's lips and eyes kept twitching while reading this shameless message he got from the system he suddenly felt a calming force sighed, and before anything else started to check his body while doing so he noticed that the pain he felt suddenly vanished he was confused for a moment before realizing that it probably was his bloodline kicking in he looked at his stats to read his race perk where he saw:

[Name: Timothy Löwenherz]

Race: Vampire [true ancestors bloodline]

(the noblest of all demon clan clans the true ancestor was the first demon, created by a vengeful God of the dark by sacrificing his last life force with only one thought in mind to kill all the wicked humans who not only joined hands with his hated siblings but pillaged, raped and massacred any and all of his churches and temples/monuments with his body and soul he wanted blood so he created the lord of it the only wish he had was to kill this however was shortlived as after awakening the first thing the true ancestor did was to drink every bit of God blood after this something unexpected happened not only gained he part of the memories of the God he too got a domain of the night which was a lesser form of the domain of darkness

the memories the ancestor gained were these of the birth of the God the childhood of being bullied and later getting the only thing he loved destroyed: his church, after which the ancestor swore to get strong enough to repay the debt to his creator which he thought was to destroy the church of light to which the ancestor

started training and draining all the blood he could after a thousand years of this he sought conquest got to the human alliance which formed after the first hundred years of terror in the form of a handsome man with pale white skin, crimson red blood like hair, red eyes, black 3½ cms

extremely sharp fingernails, and long canine which the lord of darkness used to drain the mortals he sought conquest over, the alliance consisted of the human's race which were known for there wicked nature and ruthlessness, the dwarfs which were known for there finesse in metal and weapon working, and the elves which were known for there beauty, gracefulness and connection to the spirit realm. after an eon-long fight of up and down the Hero named Alucard which ironically was the first born son of the true ancestor Dracula himself together with the queen of werewolves Styria, after being backstabbed the ancestor only asked his son for a future for the vampires to which his son promised a glorious future for the noble clan of vampires and dhampires, after the ancestor fell into ashes with a smile on his face i is told his only regret was not being able to repay his debt with his creator the God of darkness)

[perks] [reach 12th birthday to unlock the other 3 and 100th for the rest]

- magical physic grants the user partially grants user imaginative magic [unlocked]

- Blood and flesh magic [unlocked]

- turning [partially unlocked group turning locked]

the ability to turn humanoids, into

lesser ghoul (mindless undead)

(usable once an hour to turn up to a hundred corpses into lesser ghouls)

ghouls (a form of undead that partially kept his mind intact max amount of 6)

(usable once a week has the ability to turn those

he killed into lesser ghouls)

lesser vampire (only usable once every month max amount of 500000)

(weakend in daylight

turns to ashes if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 1000 years

lesser bodily reinforcement

strength reinforcement

lesser regeneration heightening

lesser blood magic

regrows canine

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain strength and lost stamina)

vampire (only usable every 6 months max amount of 50000)

(weakend in daylight

burns if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 10000 years

mid bodily reinforcement

high strength reinforcement

mid-regeneration heightening

lesser blood magic

regrows larger canine

turns eyes red

regrows fingernails

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina)

vampire baron (only usable once a year max amount of 32)

(weakend in daylight

able to turn lesser vampires

burns if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 100000 years

greater bodily reinforcement

greater strength reinforcement

mid-regeneration heightening

less blood magic

regrows larger canine

regrows sharper fingernails

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

vampire viscount (only usable every 3 years the max amount is 24)

(weakend in daylight

ability to turn lesser vampires, vampires

burns if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 100000 years

greater bodily reinforcement

greater strength reinforcement

mid-regeneration heightening

mid blood magic

regrows larger canine

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

vampire earl (only usable once every 3 years the max amount is 16)

(weakend in daylight

ability to turn lesser vampires, vampires

burns if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 100000 years

greater bodily reinforcement

greater strength reinforcement

mid-regeneration heightening

mid blood magic

regrows larger canine

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

vampire marquis (only usable once every 3 years the max amount is 8)

(weakend in daylight

strengthened in the night

ability to turn lesser vampires, vampires

vampire barons

burns if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 100000 years

greater bodily reinforcement

greater strength reinforcement

mid-regeneration heightening

mid blood magic

regrows larger canine

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

vampire duke (only usable once a decade max amount of 6)

(weakend in daylight

strengthened in the night

ability to turn humanoids

into lesser vampires, vampires, vampire barons, and vampire viscounts,

burns if directly touched by sunlight)

(grants turned

a life span of 100000 years

greater bodily reinforcement

greater strength reinforcement

mid-regeneration heightening

mid blood magic

regrows larger canine

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

royal vampire (only usable once a decade max amount of 4)

(weakend in daylight

strengthened in the night

able to transform into a bat

able to turn humanoids into vampires under the rank of duke)

vampire lord (only usable every 3 decades the max amount of 2)

(weakend in daylight

strengthened in the night

able to transform into a bat

able to turn humanoids into vampires under the rank of duke)

(grants turned

a life span of 100000 years

greater bodily reinforcement

greater strength reinforcement

greater-regeneration heightening

greater blood magic

regrows larger canine

turns eyes red

regrows large sharp black fingernails

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

vampire king (only usable if the old king dies max amount of 1)

(strengthened in the night

able to transform into a bat

able to turn humanoids into vampires under the rank of royal)

(grants turned

is immortal till being killed

ultimate bodily reinforcement

ultimate strength reinforcement

ultimate-regeneration heightening

greater blood magic

regrows larger canine

regrows long and extreme sharp black fingernails

turns eyes red

grants the ability to suck blood to allow

to regain mana strength and lost stamina

and control vampire under the turned's rank)

- Instant bodily regeneration [partially unlocked unlock rest at users 12th birthday]

- "True" immortality [locked till 12rh birthday - (will lock bodily look at the age of 16)]

- shapeshifting [locked till 12th birthday]

- [locked]

- [locked]

- [locked]

then a 3d model of his body his looks where like this

shoulder length white hair, red eyes,

extremely smooth pale skin,

and longer than normal canine

a height of circa 160cm,

a muscular bodily build without an ounce of bulk

and to top it 3½ cm long and sharp black fingernails

and no other body hair other than facial hair - and that on the head

age: 11 (16)

Level:10 (0/10000 XP)


- lucky survivor (survive being brought into this world trough mere luck

grants an extreme high luck bonus in every situation)

- Lord of the night (have pure true ancestor blood)

- grants a domain of the night - and the ability to grow giant functional bat wings

(a one would be a standard male adult civilian farmer for physical and a one for mental and magic would be a civilian that can use basic tricks like letting a small object slowly float from one end of the room to the other or starting a fire or making a first sized water ball)

physical strength: 109,0

physical defense: 80,8

mental strength: 10,1

mental defense: ∞

magic strength: 200

magic control: 0,002

magic defense:100


before he could read more he saw the door move he quickly closed the system window and saw uncle guss together with tillia and berthram coming in

when they saw him, uncle, guss directly turned to ring a bell on the wall when he did so Timothy saw a shallow light coming from the bell before could do anything else two human missiles in the form of tillia and surprisingly berthram rushed into his small frame

he tried to retaliate but before long calmed down and gave in to the hug after a minuted or two:

uncle guss calmly said: "cough cough I'm sorry to break the moment but we should ask Tim a few questions first, now Tim first it is good you woke up you slept now for nearly 6 days even though you were only here for a bit over a weak you grow on most maids and butlers so I'm sure they will be glad you woke the two here checked up every day and then stayed here for at least an hour hoping for you to wake up, now i -no we want to know what happens if you were kind enough to explain?"

after guss said that Timothy felt warmth in his chest as he looked up to tillia, and berthram he could see the worried expression and sighed before saying:

" sigh I was goi- going through my blood purification, "

after saying that he looked up to see the three looking bewildered well that was to be expected

while the three of them heard of blood purification the one they know is a ritual that needs lots and lots of precious materials timothy seeing the confused expression stated:

"the blood purification I speak of is one of my bloodlines abilities someone of my race will sometime after they're 10th birthday randomly activate it can happen from a day to a century I don't know if to either call me lucky for activating it so fast or unlucky to unfortunately activate it while sleeping because I could literally do nothing to help about it, and before either of you asks I only know this because of the only personal thing that I can call mine"

he said while bringing out his

"how to be a vampire (true ancestor edition)"

luckily enough there really was such a thing as blood purification after the 10th birthday while the three of them read through the book,

Jacob came running in through the door seemingly outer breath he rushed over gave a curt nod to guss before abruptly starting to unbind the bandages and checking me trough after doing so for a good hour he sighed and said:

" your bodily condition is back to a quite good state it seems either your bloodline or race gives you a natural healing boost still you survived only through some food potions and that too after living off these things for two whole weeks after master guss found you in the forest, you will need to rest and eat and drink a lot for at least half a year to completely heal it off so I will hope that berthram would be kind enough to play guardian for half a year naturally only if master is ok with it"

he said while looking at guss who directly nodded and said: young timothy I will ask you here and now do you want to become my adopted son?"

And another one I think this one is the worst chapter from the three welp, if someone's reading this Hi, and have a good day

Affe20000creators' thoughts