


A/N: [Shameless Promo]:

Hello everyone. I hope you can check out my other novel; the 280th WPC entry. You can vote for it with PS if you thought it was worth it.



I had to give the little girl credit for her tenacity. She would not stay down, no matter how much humiliating I made her fall appear.

There were not any miraculous sudden improvements, nor any epiphanies that enlightened her. But she followed my instructions with robotic precision— eerie even.

That didn't last long, as she passed out. I went close to her to pick her up, but what came my way was a handful of dirt aimed at my eyes and a quick thrust to my nether regions.

'Shit. Maybe she's learning too much.' I grimaced.

I closed my eyes and dodged the frankly deadly strike to any male. ''Good. You learn fast.'' I nodded to her.

However, I made sure to put both hands over my precious jewels, just in case. I don't want to take any chances.

She looked really bitter, her face scrunched in frustration. The girl was really competitive, wasn't she?

''Come one, what's with that face? How about we end it for now? I can teach you again, what do you say?'' I messily rubbed her head. She just pouted but didn't remove my hand.

Such a reaction only made my laugh grow in intensity.... making her pout even further and cross her hands with some red on her cheeks.

The crowd somehow found this scene more unbelievable than the spar. They were some murderous glances that made their way to me. Somehow, all of them were females'.

''Good match.'' I heard the voices closing on us.

''Why didn't ya tell me yer so strong?'' Loki hit my shoulders.

I looked at her weirdly ''You didn't ask me, why would I tell you?''

''She has a point. Why haven't we heard of you?'' Said a tall elf with jade-coloured hair tied in a tail that reaches to her waist, same colour eyes. She had fair skin, and perfectly symmetrical features decorating her face.

She is exceptionally beautiful, more beautiful than several goddesses I saw.

[Riveria Ljos Alf-Lvl6]

HP: 3230

MP: 4100

She was looking at Aiz intently when she asked that.

''Oya, Oya. Is someone afraid to lose the teacher's spot? Is that it?'' I grinned at her shaking my index finger. An eye-twitch ruined the otherwise perfect poker face she had on.

''Good one lad.'' Gareth boisterously laughed and I smiled at him.

''Well, as for the answer. I don't know it myself, can't remember much from my past, to be honest.'' I said casually.

They all looked surprised, looked at Loki and she just nodded.

'I can't believe how much trust they put in the built-in lie detector gods have.' I shook my head. 'Hephie and I did some runs, and I can consistently lie to gods as long as I make myself believe what I'm saying.'

''Sorry. That was insensitive.'' The elf-lady apologised bowing her head slightly. I could see that some elves in the back looked ready to strangle me with my own entrails.

''Think nothing of it. Can't remember much anyway.'' I waved her apology off. The golden-haired Loli was looking at me from the moment I mentioned my amnesia.

'Oh, right. I guess we are kinda similar...' I weirdly thought.

We spent a bit more time indulging in casual chatter, but I had other stuff to do so I went my way. The dungeon is not going to clear itself.

I looked at my daily quest.

[Daily Quest issued! Conquer the dungeon.]

-Objective: Reach the 40th Floor.

-Rewards: 5 Stat points.

-1x premium skill gacha token.

It was the first daily quest in a long while that had rewards other than the stat points. This could just be random... which I doubt. Meaning, that the trip to the dungeon is not going to be fun.

Teleporting directly to the mark I put on the 37th floor earlier. The scene looked much too different. Exactly as Fels said, there was a deep hole connecting multiple floors of the dungeon. Some rocks were melted and turned into glass by the energy of the explosion.

The greeting I received was the uncanny roar and shake of the dungeon.

'Thank you for the warm welcome, sweetie.' I sarcastically said.

In return for my sarcasm, I had a floor boss spawn right before my eyes from the floor of the dungeon.

[Monster Rex Udaeus( Black Sword)- Lvl6]

HP: 9300

MP: -


HP: 2100

MP: -

"It is too late to say sorry?" I hopefully said. Alas, the dungeon couldn't care less about my half-baked apology.

'Wasn't there an expedition just a few days before?' I gaped my eyes looking at the scene in front of me.

The Udaeus was a colossal black monster, capable of wiping out large-scale parties. It had the same skeletal structure as the Spartoi, save for the non-existent lower half.

It was carrying a massive black sword with both of its hands. The said sword was starting to emit some dangerous crimson light.

A mob of enhanced Spartoi was spawned along with it. Armoured and well-fitted with weapons, glowing red eyes to match. Looking like an ancient battalion straight from hell, ready to harvest the souls of the living.

I teleported out of the way of a sword swipe from the Udaeus. That swipe carried energy carving out a decent chunk of the floor.

That didn't seem to bother the Spartoi, they started going toward my way.

There was no time to be dallying around. I quickly engaged them, charging some holy magic along my blade.

'Always deal with the mobs first.'

I was about to deal the killing blow to the thirteenth Spartoi, but a large black hand extended from below preventing me from doing that. I barely dodged in time.

In that time short time, the floor boss spawned more Spartoi than I killed.

'What the actual fuck is this Udaeus on?' I exclaimed inwardly, but was too busy to give it too much thought beyond that.

The Rex started to charge up his sword again, this time the damage was more controlled to a certain area, consequently discharging more pressure. My feet slightly left the ground for a moment due to the wind gust produced.

'Holy crap. It's even learning? Just how much does this stupid dungeon want me dead?' I screamed in my mind.

The same routine continued for a while, me trying to kill the Spartoi, and the stupid Rex spawning more.

At one point, I decided to just ignore the little fuckers and focus fully on the Floor Boss.

'It seems you don't always deal with the mobs first....' I shook my head.

It was the risky way to go about it, but I saw no other way. Their spawn rate was simply ridiculous, so I just let them grow out.

Coating myself with a thick layer of holy magic, I went head-to-head with the Boss. There was no way for me to block his overly choreographed attacks. I could only parry or redirect it relying on my superior Swordsmanship, or barely avoid them in time.

The spartoi were getting thinned out by the sword swipes and my attacks, the Udaeus didn't seem to bother summoning more. But, they did their job of distracting me spectacularly.

No matter the consequences, the number one priority was to hit me in however way possible. Lances, Swords, and even maces were thrown..... Heads rolled, yet still looking at me with great hatred for moments before their lights dimmed out.


[Akagi Ken]


HP: 3300--->3860

MP: 1650--->1930

STR: 102-->112

VIT: 105-->112

DEX: 104-->112

WIS: 105-->112

Unallocated Stat points: 127

Valis: ~10mil

-Strength: IH130-->C620

-Endurance: F320-->C630

-Dexterity: G210-->C610

-Agility: G210-->C610

-Magic: F380-->C650

Skills: Gamers Mind - Gamers Body - Instinct - Mind's Eye (True) - Mage - Mystery- MasterSmith- One-Handed Sword Mastery - Rejuvenation - Shapeshifting - Mixing- HeadPatting.

Magic: Ele magic - Non-Ele magic - Inventory- Space-Time magic.

[One-Handed-Sword Mastery: Lv100.]

[Elemental Magic: Lv100.]

[Non-Ele-Magic: Lv95-->Lv100.]

[Space-Time Magic: Lv100.]

[MasterSmithing: Lv10.]

[Alchemy: Lv1--->Lv49.]

[Headpatting: lv41-->lv46]

If you have to help me out, have any ideas or want to read advanced chapters ahead: patron.com/MunirSM.

I would like to give out a special shoutout to the patrons that enable the continuation of this fanfic. It really means a lot to me.

*LemonOx Kaine -Omni -Lefi -Carl Steelhammer -C Vidal -Victor Gonzalez -devin drenovas -Amit Efraim -Nightingale -Reed Pace -Diabet0s.

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