
Non lethal combat

Well shit first contact with real human being and i look like a bloodthirsty undead. Maybe it's not that bad.

Derek:what the heck is a skeleton knight doing here?

Jacob:guys keep calm. He's alone, we can take him on if we proceed


Lana:YEAH! Cmon Luna what level is that thing?

Alright it is that bad they're going to try and kill me. Still though, i can probaly avoid killing them since it takes gold adventurers to beat a skeleton knight but i can easily clobber them while these guys are still silver. I'll just play on the defensive while showing off my strenght to scare them off.

Luna suddenly freezes up and pales considerably.


Luna suddenly collapses catching everybody including me in surprise.

Lana:Sis! What's wrong?


Jacob:pull yourself together Luna what level is it?

Luna:[identify] didn't work, it's too powerful to be identified!

(unlike[observe] the spell [identify] can only be used on sentient beings and only those that are close to the user's strenght. It is extremely rare for [identify] to not work)

All the adventurer's eyes widen and they too start to pale. At this point, a part of the wall crumbles and a skeleton knight lumbered out, further scaring them.

Yes, a perfect chance to flex! I leap towards the knight and before it can react, i bash its head into the wall with {the iron castle} emitting a sickening *CRUNCH* and the knight fell down dead with its head crushed. Didn't expect that to insta kill it, oh well let's see how they feel about that.

Derek:h-h-how? It crushed the skeleton knight with a single hit!

Jacob:it didn't even use its sword. We cannot face this monstrosity!

Meanwhile, Lana was holding a still shaking Luna in her arms glaring at me but i can sense fear in her eyes. But suddenly, those same eyes emit unwavering courage and resolve then she pulls a scroll out of her robes and shove it into Luna's palm.

Lana:Luna this is my only teleportation scroll. Taks it and go to the guild and inform them of this.

Luna:wh-what? Bu-

Lana:NO BUTS! Can't you see it Luna if this thing gets out of this dungeon then the entire town will be endangered. You need to find help while we stall it!

Now the two of them are openly crying and hugging each other... Why do i feel so much guilt despite not doing anything?

Luna:p...pls stay safe sis.

Wait a second... Fuck i can't let her leave or i'm gonna have a bloody bounty on my head. I can't get there in time ans daggers are too inaccurate. Ah ha! The flintlock will do the trick.

The rest of the adventurers got into positoon while Luna started to channel mana into the scroll making it glow a faint purple. *BANG*. Derek, Jacob and Lana snap their heads towrad me to see a smoking flintlock in my hand pointing at Luna.

The scroll got hit dead center and start dissolving.

Lana:it can use magic???


oh and there goes the waterworks again, i'm sorry little one but it must be done.

Jacob:nowhere to run now guys, if we're going down, we'll at least weaken it to give other adventurers a better chance.

Lana: i won't let you hurt my little sister demon!

Derek:Luna cast [hasten] on me.


Hmm i need to see their capability. [observe]

Jacob Black

Level:19 assassin



Derek Blaze

Level:18 defender



Lana Azure

Level 20 mage



Luna Azure

Level:17 priestess



That's kinda sad... And really really bad. They're only a little bit stronger than a skeleton soldier, i'm definitely kill them with a direct hit no matter how weak the hit is. I'll just use splash damage from the shockwave to wear them out.

Derek charged head on at me. Wait what? *Cling* his mace didn't even leave a single scratch although he did caught me by surprise. Just a moment ago they were wary and now they're doing direct attacks, that is either unyielding bravery or straight up stupidity.

I "gently" backhand him in the face. Gently in my stsndard as thag single strike sent him tumbling back 6 feet.

Jacob thought he could've backstsb me but dark souls pvp taught me alot. Right before the daggers touch my back, i roll backwards into him and from my sheer weight cause him to fall over. I then grab his arm and toss him over my shoulder into Derek who was still recovering from the floor knocking both of them out.

Just then i saw light coming from the corner of my eyes and see Lana charging up a large [fireball]. The armor already gave me elemental protection but with my shield too, the attack felt like getting hit by toddler with a stick.

Definitely can't shoot her with the flintlock, dagger will make her bleed out... I will use this random pebble on the ground. I picked up a piece of gravel and just chuck it at Lana with all my strenght.

Lana tried to use [shield] but it took too long to cast and *bump* the pebble impacted hard on her head knocking her out as well.

Now it was just Luna left and quite frankly she looks ready to faint at any moment.

I slowly stalk towards her deliberately making my steps sound heavier. *Clomp*...*Clomp*...*Clomp* the closer i get the more anxious she gets.

I got up to the point where i'm directly infront of her and kneel down. I used [intimidate] and stare into her eyes and she immediately faints from the sight.

Good now that they're out... How tf am i supposed to calm them down when they wake up?

Total inventory:

The iron castle

1 flintlock pistol (5 shots remaining)

12 iron daggers

Blood reaver

Warp dagger

Helm of clairvoyance

Old knight captain's armor

11 slime essence

20 bone powder

10 scrap metal

4 shard of decay

Leather accessories(pouch, belt, holster)

5 healing potions

Greater ironskin potion

Captain Lambert's journal entry #1

75 coppet 23 silver 10 gold

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