

A heart broken Iris is desperate to have a boyfriend. She meets a guy in the most unromantic way possible. This guy leads her to other five guys all good enough for her. She however doesn't shoot her shot because she is weird like that. A lock down brings them all under the same roof again and she was advised to put the boys to test to know whom to date.

Vani_ira26 · Urbain
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11 Chs



Ugh ! Another day. Another torturous, long, boring day stuck in this house waiting for nothing really. Nothing! I seriously hate this lock down period . When will everything go back to normal?

I just can't get used to this new normal. I know I am saying too much when I ask for a little excitement cause hey, I am Sage. I don't do excitement and thrill. Izzy likes to call me emo. I am not. I am just a girl who doesn't like pink and glitter. And I don't even sigh that much!

My clothes and belongings are either black or white. And I may have a few grey this or that . Speaking of pink and glitter, Rita called a week ago and told us her daughter was coming to stay with us. Here at Skai's place where the rest of our parents thought it best to have us locked down at.

See Rita is business partners with the rest of our parents and they say they were friends since high school.

Damn I am tired from all that explaining .How does Mitch manage to talk non stop. I was only ranting in my head and I feel a headache coming on. I think I will just go back to sleep now. When I wake up I will have a glass of water and finish that for you I promise.

I fall back on my pillows and close my eyes it's just 9am after all .I groan and prop myself up on my elbows and look at my door. Fine I'll finish the story. Ugh!

So the eight of us have been friends since forever. Grew up together. Went to school together. Now we are in the same college. I know. Same circle of friends. Same faces.

Anyways, we have never seen or even heard of Rita's daughter. We didn't even know she had one. So since every room in Skai's house is taken the only room available was Skai's very bedroom, being the master bedroom it was big enough for two king sized beds and enough space to do whatever.

Izzy had a good time redecorating half the room in pink and glitter. The queen sized bed, the covers, the wallpaper and interior decor, the rugs, were all pink. Different shades yes but pink all the same. There is even a painting of shades of pink, what is it called? Abstract art? Or something, it is just there, a piece of art you can't explain because apparently that's the plan. Art is so weird and crazy.

I won't forget very soon Skai's reaction when he walked into his room. He screamed. A girl's screaming. It was hilarious I actually laughed for five seconds. Five. New personal record for me.

They ended up chasing one another up and down the house, Izzy making fun of him and he calling her colorful words.

'I hope she is pretty ' he had said, ' oh, I am sure she is, have you seen Rita ' she had assured .

That was two days ago and today she was coming. I won't lie, I am not excited for the new comer. Mitch on the other hand is bubbling with excitement. How do I know? Well I can hear music playing downstairs, his music, his playlist, since 6am might I add.

And yesterday he kept talking about how the new girl will be friends with him and he be her favorite. He even made her a banner with boxes and glitter. Kill me already!

It read, 'welcome Rita's daughter ' I rolled my eyes seeing it. How lame.

Oh, and I should probably mention Raj made her brownies. Izzy made best friends wrist bands for herself and the new girl.

Ouch! I thought I was. Or at least the hideous pink band I wear everyday and completely hide it in my sleeve said so. Ugh! I can't even remove it because it'll hurt her feelings but she gets to do this! Not that it matters to me. I don't care.

Abhi made her a slideshow of us saying welcome. I will just say it was a long day. I feel tired just remembering it. Kyle said he'll coax her into joining his book club which is just him in it. Throat clearing. His words, 'we will read our eyes out and forget about this quarantine and global pandemic '. Poor girl!

So Skai said he will make her a sundae when she comes. Jace got movies he plans to watch with her. I got nothing and I don't care. I know they are all downstairs waiting and here I am going back to sleep until...

"Sage, get your lazy ass out of that bed Rita called, her daughter is ten minutes away. " Mitch beams and I don't have to open my eyes to know he is all smiles.

But I open them anyways to give him a look. The look. Why am I not surprised!  The guy is dressed up. I roll my eyes. If trying too hard was a person!

Ignoring me, "I'm so excited! " He says before rushing to me and grabbing my blanket then running outside screaming like the immature bastard he is. I know !

Like a zombie, I get up and walk to the door before walking out into the hallway. All rooms have doors wide open like everyone was in a hurry to leave. Idiots!

Since I got the last room at the end of the hallway I have a long way to the stairs. I drag my feet like they are heavy. I wish I had everything in my room so I didn't have to leave. I hate life and the feeling is mutual.

So after eons I see the stairs and my blanket all over the railing. And also everyone else except for a certain Asian American with stubble like hair looking jumpy and anxious in the living space down there . Dressed up. I look at myself and I am rocking my pajamas as Izzy says...

"So, rocking those pajamas today too, eh? " Izzy asks. A little disappointed.

When is she not. I roll my eyes and keep taking a step a minute. As if I actually don't want to reach wherever I'm going.

"We should seriously have rules for no pajamas downstairs after 8am. "Raj says eyeing Skai.


,"We should do it " Jace agrees eyes glued to the TV.


"Come on you guys, Sage is allowed to wear anything she wants, " Kyle says getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

Thanks Kyle.

But he stops at the doorway and looks at me, " Seriously though, today you should have tried to wear clothes. "

Never mind.

"Sage, whatever makes you happy girlfriend, do it. "  Skai says and I nod.

"Don't encourage her! " Izzy mutters typing away on her phone. When is she not. I roll my eyes.