
Act of Bravery or is it just Foolishness?

"What am I going to do?" Lance complained.

Lance is a 35 year old man who has been jobless for 5 years. Now, with his remaining funds running so low that he could only buy a meal once a day for 5 days. With the heavy inflation rate, the high requirements of a workplace, and the lack of job opportunities in his country contributed to his laziness, It is no wonder that Lance is jobless still.

"Working is such a hassle. Why can't I just live in comfort for the rest of my life?" Lance silently screamed in his mind. Lance is just an average Joe, even his performance in his schooling days have been at best just average.

While heading home and waiting near the crossing for the light to turn red, He saw an old man in beggar-like clothes trying to cross with his cane. When suddenly Lance heard a loud engine coming closer.

"Oi! Hey Gramps! Watch out for the truck!" Lance tried to catch the attention of the old man by shouting but it seemed that the latter could not hear him and was oblivious to the fact that a truck was rushing at him.

"Shit!" Lance cussed as he threw away his briefcase and rushed to the old man. Not caring about his life and pushed the geezer away from the road but due to it, his momentum stopped and he is right in the path of the truck.


His body was flung away like a string-less puppet and crashed into a wall. There he lay in a pool of his own blood with his consciousness beginning to blur out.

"Ahhh F#@*$@*. I wonder if that old man is okay." He thought.

"What am I doing? Worrying about someone else while my whole body is mangled. Am I stupid?" *cough* "Truck-kun please bring me to another world." He thought in his head while his consciousness blacking out.

"What is this? Why is it so bright?" Lance tried to cover his adjusting eyes.

"I say,young man. You had a very lazy and boring life. I am amazed you could bring out such bravery." An aged voice seemingly appeared in Lance's head.

"Huh? What? What the? Gramps? What are you doing here? Did you also die?" Lance looked around and saw the Old man he had tried to save.


The old man hit the head of Lance.

"What do you mean die? How can Gods die? Are you stupid?" God rebuked.

"Wait a second. YOU'RE A GOD?! So my sacrifice was in vain?!" Lance exclaimed as he was too surprised that he forgot about the bump on his head.

"Of course. I say, you are either very brave or very foolish hehe." The God chuckled slightly as if to tease Lance.

"I'm not brave neither am I foolish." Lance seeming to accept his situation slumped down to the floor and lied down face up.

"I'm just very lazy. All my life I had avoided things I deemed a hassle. My parents disowned me because of that." A drop of tear leaked down Lance's eye as he remembered his harsh past but didn't blame anyone because it was his own fault. The God just quietly listened.

"Maybe I saved you because I thought that at the least I can leave a mark and save someone before I disappear." Lance sadly said.

"Well I am a God so I guess there's no harm in giving you a second chance." The God said.

ヾ(^∇^) Introduction hehe

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