
A dream

"Here it comes, here it comes!!" A shoutcaster screamed to the top of his lungs.

"Come on, come on go in!"

"GOAAAL!!!" the caster shouted once again destroying his lungs, meanwhile little Louc trembling from excitement.

"Mom!! Dad!!! Did you see that?! Did you see that?!!" Louc jumped and wiggled his hands into a wave and started dancing.

"Yes honey i did." She said whilst giggling at how cute Little Louc was.

She glanced at Louc 'How did i get such a cute little boy..' and then glanced at the 34 year old man sitting on the couch

"Yeah!! Lets go arsenal!!" He slapped his ass, and started to dance as well.

"Yeah!!" Little Louc screamed as well.

The caster who screamed, maintained his excitement and went back to his calm mood "Man what an amazing goal by Lacazette, he truly did well by using his team's assist, making the chance turn into a goal."

"Your right about that smith a truly well desrved goal for the arsenal, but lets talk about the call that the referee made, amazing call from the referee not even needing the VAR to check if its a foul or not lets see the clip." he said and glanced over to the right to signal the man controlling.

"As you can see he maintains a very high concentration over the field, and to the 2 players fighting it out, he's like a hawk overlooking the entire field waiting to see if somebody is doing something wrong."

"Your right about that Buckley, whats truly amazing is that he did not even get intimidated by the player that fouled Lacazette, this is the amazing point about Pierluigi Collina."

"Look look, even if the player was trying his hardest he doesn't budge he knows, and the best part is that he is full of confidence something you dont see in many referees, other referees might even get scared and try to intimidate the player by telling them they'll give him a red card if they keep talking to him, but Pier just shrugs it off and stares at the player's eyes to intimidate them, those eyes can easily tell them "Im the one in control of the game, so shut up and return to the field." thus intimidating the player, making them realize its futile." Smith said in analyzing tone while giving praises.

"True that." Buckley agreed and focused on the game once again.

Smith glanced to the right side signalling that they were done analyzing and needed to return frame to the field.

"Its 4-3 with the Arsenal leading against Chelsea." Buckley mentioned.

"Yes, its 87 minutes already all they have to do is hold on for 3 more minutes and win."

the match continued eventually leading to arsenal winning the match.

Woo! a bunch of noise came thundering inside the stadium, if not for the stadiums size if one were inside a room and heard this thundering noise they would've gone deaf.

"Lets goo!!" Louc's dad shouted and ran around the room with a corndog on his hand while slapping his face.

Little Louc quickly followed and started to run with his dad around the room.

Louc's mom aswell got up and ran with the two of them, eventually leading to 3 people running around the room screaming.

"Wtf.. wtf is going on over there..?" A neighbor muttered.

"What date is it today...?" he glanced at his watch. "Oh its game day, arsenal won." he said sitting down and grabbing his coffee.

the familly of three always does this and sets off fireworks at the yard celebrating the victory of the team. The neighbors always hears this loud noise but does not argue with them, because they also know the joy of your team winning, they now just made the family as their newspaper.

"Dad," Said little Louc looking at his dad.

"Yes son?" John asked.

"I wanna be a referee just like that bald dude!!" He shouted telling his dad his dream.

While John was just giggling and Louc's mom giggled as well.

"Oh? Is my son going to become the next Pier? Or an even better one?" He said with a playful tone

"Yes! But i dont want to become bald.. what if i become bald..." Louc said solemn, he thought that if he does referee he will become bald just like Pier.

"Ahahaha son your not gonna get bald, if you take care of your hair and wash daily you wont get bald." Laughing while explaining to Louc.


"Really, now go and brush your teeth and go to sleep remember being a good ref also needs a good body now go!" He said and Little Louc followed his orders and went to brush his teeth changed into his pajamas then slept.

"Do you think he can do it?" Abbie said

"He will, it will be hard but he will be able to i can see it in his eyes, the determination its not like the eyes i see in kids making promises." John stated and then went to bed and said.

"But i want something else..." He uttered and then pointed at his thing.

" hm.. idk.. im not feeling up to it," she said.

"What! Why?"

"Its small."

Ouch! Critical damage hit John hard it felt like he just got one punched by a bald man.

"... I'll show you small come here!" he said

Thus ending the night for the Cartel family.

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