
A really fucked up world

The world that this story shall take place is really... well just read the title and tada you know what to expect. This is not the synopsis because I feel that this version of a synopsis is too limiting for it, so the very first chapter will be the synopsis explaining the world that I have created however keep in mind that this story will be very disturbing to some or outright... difficult to read. If Webnovel allows the book to stay up it shall however if not it shall be either be moved elsewhere or dropped entirely since I am, still using this to do other stories. Anyway if this somehow intrigues you then the first few chapters are going to be interesting for ya so take a look.

Destro_35 · Action
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47 Chs


"Bring up most recent memories," Maddox says as for his first command which only brought up one file in front of him which surprised him a bit since he was expecting more

Grabbing it Maddox sees that the timestamp is formatted for a month and not like the weeks he had seen with the other's minds he had accessed.

"Make a copy of the file" Soon another folder appears which was floating in the air

Any files that Maddox brought from someone else's mind would have to be viewed by him so it was useful to have a few on hand so that his time sleeping could be spent viewing them rather than trying things out in his mind space.

Putting the copy file off to the side for the time before Maddox allows himself to return to the task at hand as the new command was waiting for him to be asked of him.

"Hmmm... bring up anything I can modify"

[Processing request, please stand by...]

'Huh, that is new...'

[Warning! Hostile entity detected within hosts mind! Attempting to eject entity!]

The area within Maddox for some reason glows red as the message appears in front of Maddox before flying away from him to a certain distance where it stays.

"Fuck... this can't be good"

Maddox sees that miasma starts stirring about the area as tendrils of it begin to converge in different spots around him and creatures made of miasma are formed together. The miasma forms wolves with their bodies pitch black which is visible within the red light everywhere. They seemed to almost be made out of some sort of black smoke as there were visible trails of miasma constantly leaving their bodies which made them look ferocious but cool at the same time.

Still, though Maddox could not help but grin seeing these wolves form since he was learning something interesting in that he might be able to truly create a creature of miasma if in this space these bodies were formed.

Maddox looked around and saw hundreds of these miasma wolves being formed constantly in the distance with those that were fully formed advancing towards him.

'Now this is INTERESTING!'

Each of these wolves was acting differently with no one being the same as any other from what Maddox could see which meant that in a sense these wolves were separate beings.

"I could just end this quickly but I think not... I guess I should exercise a bit" Maddox stretched his arm out while making a grabbing motion and soon within his grasp the form of a miasma sword appeared in his grasp which looked like the katana that he had bought

He had practiced forming weaponry in his mind space after encountering Jack back then since he saw that he was lucky with defeating him in his mind space.

Anyone would feel scared and Maddox was no different since he was pretty much surrounded and unsure of what would happen if he were to get injured in this form. Still though finding things out would mean having to get some scrapes and bruises especially since he could just absorb the miasma around him to go in his body.

Now while he may already be full with miasma he could easily transfer it to the hole he bought since it seemed to act as a holder for miasma which was useful in this situation.

Still, though Maddox had this strange urge lately with wanting to fight that seemed to be deeply rooted within him and would not go away unless he fought with something so he figured he might as well scratch that itch now that it presented itself to him.

"HOWL!!!" The wolves howl loudly together as they all charge at Maddox who simply wields the sword in his hand while manipulating the miasma around him to protect his back

Charging forward with him adding weight to the blade to make it feel as natural as the real deal would help him when he would have to fight for real so this was great training for him.

The pack of wolves all swarms him with what ensued was a drawn-out fight of Maddox slashing these wolves and tearing them into pieces with his blade swinging around in a... unorthodox manner. Maddox never had any training with weapons which was why he was swinging his sword in a random manner around him which somehow lead him to kill a few wolves as they exploded into the miasma they were made into.

The only reason that he was not completely swarmed by the endless amount of wolves and being torn apart by these creatures was due to him manipulating the miasma around him to act as restrains and whips to attack wolves behind him to prevent them from attacking him behind.

This was wonderful for Maddox since he was gaining experience in fighting and manipulating miasma at the same time which was slowly getting easier as time went on. Still, though Maddox knew he could not spend too much time in here because he had other pressing matters so eventually he restrains all the wolves around him.

Once that was done he prevented more from being made in the surrounding area by sort of restraining the creation process as best he could which was proving to be quite a struggle and it was bringing upon a headache for him.

Controlling so many aspects and things going on around him was difficult for him that Maddox was almost overwhelmed by everything that he was doing.

That was until it appeared.

While Maddox was busy with that he failed to see how some of the wolves began to act weirdly in that they stopped struggling against his restraints before they all of a sudden began to disintegrate as if they had been killed by Maddox.


Turning around Maddox's eyes widen slightly as he sees standing behind was another wolf but this one had the same characteristics of the infected wolf he was in the mind of currently.

Its eyes, unlike all the others, had red glowing orbs in their eyes giving the impression that this wolf regardless of the size was completely different from the others before as it seemed to look upon Maddox differently.


Leaping backward Maddox lets go of the restrains of the wolves that remained and focused on preventing the creation of more as the giant wolf charged him with its wide jaws open threatening to snap him in half.

Other than that he attempts to stab the wolf and kill it but as he plunges the blade within the body of the wolf when it gets closer proves ineffective as his blade just get absorbed by the wolf.

'Shit that won't work'

Maddox is now running around while killing a few of the smaller wolves that were chasing him as well since they were still trying to kill him as well as the big one.

"Well this has been fun but time to end this," Maddox says while he stops running and focuses on absorbing all the miasma wolves and ending this fight here and now

Against his expectations though after causing only a few wolves to disappear he suddenly feels resistance in absorbing the miasma that stopped him.

"So... you are my cute little pup, huh?" Maddox says as he looks at the giant wolf that was standing in the middle of a massive pack of wolves

When Maddox had absorbed some miasma from the wolf he saw that the giant wolf froze in place as if it were concentrating on something important which means that the giant wolf held the consciousness of the wolf.

'Then what the hell is controlling the smaller wolves'

Maddox pushes that thought aside before he moves his attention away from draining miasma from the wolf to restraining the smaller wolves so that he could figure out how to deal with the giant one.

'If only I could bring essence in here...' Maddox having that thought looks at his blade in his grasp as a few of the wolves begin to run at him

Soon though all of a sudden a golden light appeared from within Maddox's sword in his hand bringing forth the white light of essence to this world.

What he did was simple really since he could not come in contact with his essence that did not mean that his miasma couldn't for him since it was already doing that. The essence surrounding the essence orbs took the energy that he let out of them to bring them here into his blade where miasma coated the blade but underneath it was the essence energy that allowed him to wield it safely.

This was how he could utilize essence but it was difficult since his attention had to be placed solely on this and nothing else meaning that a few of the wolves that he had caught with the surrounding miasma were let go and more miasma wolves were created with some sort of renewed vigor.

"Well then I am pretty sure this is going to hurt you a lot," Maddox says as he runs in the direction of the giant wolf

Smaller wolves attack Maddox but he simply attempts to avoid them since he knows that once he uses his essence in the blade that will be it for him since he only has two orbs of essence he can not do much with it currently so this was the best he could do.

Weaving and ducking amidst the swarm of wolves was not easy as Maddox found himself clawed at, bitten, and smashed into by the smaller wolves trying to kill him but he was not that easy to take down.

"HOWL!" The giant wolf howls before it moves by charging at Maddox while the smaller ones stop attacking Maddox seeing him hurt badly

It was difficult for him to maintain his connection within the mind space but Maddox was sure that he could hold on just a bit longer until the giant wolf came in for the kill. Some things never change as this giant wolf was acting like the alpha of the pack and it wanted to finish its prey but as it charged Maddox he was grinning like a madman seeing how stupid this creature was.

"The first thing I am going to do is make you a whole lot smarter you bitch"

The giant maws of the wolf open wide as it planned to bite off Maddox's head in one bite but he rolls off to the side and stabs his sword into the side of the giant wolf.

No cries of pain are heard as the giant wolf still moves forward before stopping and standing still in one place. As it does the other wolves all suddenly dissolve and the giant wolf falls to the ground while sad whimpering is heard from its direction as the blade is still stuck in its side.

"Haha take that you bitch," Maddox exclaims as he gets up in triumph

Walking over to the wolf he sees that its form is fading faintly as more and more miasma is slowly drifting away from its body.

Maddox is now standing over the body and looking at the wolf with a devilish smile plastered over his face seeing that he had effectively killed the creature.

"Now then back to what I was doing," Maddox says as his gaze falls upon the set of text in the distance that was still there throughout the entire time

'W-wait...' A voice calls out

Maddox instinctively turns around to look at the giant wolf knowing fully well that there was nothing else here that could call out to it except the creature dying on the ground.

"Oh? You can speak?" Maddox inquires while getting closer to the wolf's body

'Me... no want... death' The voice pleads

"Oh, will you follow me then obediently?" Maddox asks


Maddox's smile grows wider at this as he approaches the side of the wolf which still had his katana essence and miasma weapon in it.

Grabbing it Maddox slowly pulls it out while also making sure to manipulate the miasma to collect all the essence that was already converting the miasma to its side.

"Now then why don't you get over here?" Maddox simply says while his gaze is on the floating text

It zooms over to Maddox as the red lighting within the room dims leaving nothing more than the darkness surrounding him as usual.

[Input command]

"Modify everything"

[Command cannot be carried out]

"Alright then"

Maddox glances at the wolf which was pitifully lying on the floor with its breathing ragged and forced as it felt very weak and on the edge of death.

"How about this then?" Maddox says while a surge of miasma envelopes Maddox's hand that he reaches out to the text

Normally Maddox could not make contact with the text as it would just pass through however his hand made contact this time and he begins to eject miasma into the text.

The once white-colored text turns gray for but a moment before shining white once more and then a new set of text is made.

[Imprinting successful, welcome back adminster]

Edited the chapter to make it a bit easier for me in the upcoming chapter, plus trying to slow this down just a bit

Destro_35creators' thoughts