
A Rare Gem

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. She is a rare soul, she has this infectious energy that makes you want to run next to her, she belonged to no one but herself and to anyone that has yet understand themselves, found the missing pieces in her presence. George Stewart, a CEO billionaire tycoon happens to fall in love for first sight with an ordinary middle-class stranger who he barely knew. Diamond Miller. Chaos busted when his family tarnished his relationship with Diamond by bringing in another woman into his life. His life turned into a scattered puzzle piece when Diamond ran away, unable to endure with him and the other woman his family brought. But little did she know that she was already pregnant with his child. As a rare gem that she is, would George ever find her like a missing piece of puzzle and bring her back into his life?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urbain
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

I was already tired after going through five files. I wonder how George used to do this every five days in a week. Like seriously, am freaking out whenever my eyes flick on the stack of files still waiting for my attention.

And there are still more coming from different department.

I noticed the weird look on the staffs face when they saw me walking into the Boss office with a keycard in my hand. I had my chin up and my face looking straight at where I was going.

They must be awestruck and confused at what they might think of me in his office. Only few of them like Martins and Timothy and Frances and some other staffs already recognize me as his former wife.

While some are still thinking that we're married.

The gossip I overheard as I pass through the hallway was really pushing. Some were busy whispering and mumbling something that I was just a common employee who used her body to entice the boss and got him wrapped up around my fingers while some also said that I was his mistress and never his wife.

So many things. So many rumors and gossips.

I don't really care anyway. I just do my thing.

As for Nadia, she arrived late before I left the house. Thank God none of our family members where there with us. They'd have suspected something about her.

She was looking a bit haggard from getting drunk late night. Though, it was Greg's chauffeur that dropped her off at our house this morning. She was still smelling alcohol. I told her to take today off since George and Greg won't be around today. Her absence will be left unnoticed.

She was so eager to explain everything that happened last night because she blamed herself so much and she needed someone to talk to. But I told her to keep it until I return from work. Then, we can talk.

I called George to know if everything was fine over there with him.

"How was the meeting? Did you get to meet your grandpa?" I asked, relaxing my back on the comfort of the ergonomic chair.

"Yeah. The meeting just ended. Grandpa is at home with Dad and Greg. I told him everything about you at the airport and he wants to see you."

"Hmm…" A smile on my lips, my brows above my head. "So, what did you tell him that makes him so eager to see me?" I leaned my arms on the desk.

He laughed richly. "Everything."

"Everything?" I nod my head slowly. If there's still one person I haven't met in George's family, it is his grandparents. He barely talks about them whenever we're together.

"I told him I'll be bringing you and Corey to see him on weekend."

I thought of something, then asked, "What about your parents? They'll be there, isn't it? You know we're not in good terms."

I don't want whereby I get the embarrassment of my life again.

"No. Grandpa has his own mansion and that's where he lives. So…no worries."

'No worries' he said. So I'll just hold on to that like nothing is gonna happen.

Perhaps, it's been a long time since I last set eyes on his parents. And since they've been out of the list for a while, I had rest of mind.

We talked about a few random things – flirty things before we called off the call. Then I went back to what I was doing previously before the call entered.

Just when I was about leaving the office to get a cup of coffee, I bumped into someone at the door.

Ugh. Not again. Am seriously too worn out for a fight this morning. I don't even have the time or power to. Besides, it's still very early to exchange words with some irrelevant species.

"As I expected…" Melissa brush her shoulder over mine and walked into the office like she owned it. Her face baked in harsh make-up.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and tried hard to control the strong urge of anger biling at the back of my throat. But my fists are tightly clenched and known.

Without my authority, she dropped her designer handbag on the desk and helped herself to the fridge for a glass of water.

I stood there, doing nothing. I just stare at her with narrow eyes. She's the main reason why my marriage with George broke up. I should have pounced on her and torn her apart like a piece of steak but no. Am just trying hard to hold back my little strength and rising anger.

She took a sip and swirl the rest slowly. Her eyes darting at me with a devilish smirk on her lips.

Since she refused to say anything, I decide to ask her something. "What are you doing here, Melissa?"

And with an Italian accent, she exclaimed. "Splendida!" Meaning splendid.

I just cross my arms and march forward to her front. Our eyes piercing into each other's. "Listen, I don't have the strength to fight or argue with you. But I'll kindly ask you one thing. Please leave." I gesture my hand to the door.

She let out a mockery chuckle and mumbled something, "Questa donna mi sta spingendo. [This woman is pushing me.]"

I tilt my head to one side slightly, "Pardon?" I don't understand a thing she just said.

I was expecting her to translate for me but what she did next shocked the living hell out of me.

Melissa splashed the glass of water on my face, sending the droplets on my white chiffon blouse. I can merely see my black bra and my boobs showing from the inside.

I glance at my body and back at her. Am the kinda person that takes her time to process a sharp scene in front of her and this one took my vocals for seconds.

"That is for the slap I received from George." She flick a strand of hair behind her head and dropped the glass on top of the fridge.

I was still tongue-tie, merely deciphering this moment.

"You think you're smart. Tsk." She clink her tongue as she pace around. "Ma sfortunatamente sei solo un avanzo. Un idiota totale. [But unfortunately, you're just a piece of leftover. A total dumbass]"

"Listen…." The moment I got myself back. But she hushed me.

"Keep quiet when am trying to speak!" She snapped and I startled immediately. Her heels clicking on the smooth floor as she approaches me with dead glares. "For three years I thought you were out of the list and nobody would share my man with me but I was wrong."

"It's just barely two weeks since we started seeing each other." I corrected her.

"And he has been spending his time with you, true or false?"

"Melissa, I…"

"For two weeks, you locked him up in your house. For two weeks, you've been fucking him. For two weeks, he forgot about me, about his home, about his real family. Don't you have a guilty conscience that tells you how greedy, selfish and stingy you are?"

I paused. I obviously have nothing to say because if I start now, we might end up fighting and it'd cause a big scene. Especially, when there's a CCTV planted at the ceiling.

She freaked out the more when I didn't say a thing to her. Her hands raking her hair and her chin clenched.

Maybe I didn't do something right on my part. Maybe she has the right to blame me because for now, she is the legal wife and am just the side chick. The Ex.

"Melissa…" I cleared my throat. "Am not trying to steal your husband away from you." Did I just addressed him as her husband? God, help me I don't tear up in front of her. "You see….things just kinda happen."

"And you think so?" She scoffed. "I wasn't the one who chased you out of his life in the first place." Did she just….say she didn't – "You packed your bags and left him for me. And now, you want him back? You're surely a gold digger, you know. There's obviously something you want from him that makes you 'Come and go' and here you are, in his office with his permission."

"George had something to do today. He couldn't make it to work so he send me, taking his space for today." I stood under the air conditioner for my blouse to dry.

She laughed wickedly and showed me the ring on her finger. "You see this? You see this shining expensive thing right here? I guess you're not blind. Well, this is a rare gem. Very expensive and priceless. Now for your information, this thing represent our wedding bonds. Meaning, am his wife and you have no right over his office. Now, move out."


Is she crazy?

She have no say because she has no degree about business or whatsoever. Besides, am the only one George appointed to take over his office today not her.

I refused to move an inch from my standing novation. And that send her anger boiling up to her face. "Are you deaf? I said flush out!" She shouted but still, I refuse to move.

She got pissed the more and walked up to me and pull me by my wrist but before she could drag me out, I didn't know where I got the nerve to slap her hard on the face.

She remained quiet for what seem like hours as she process what just happened.

Even me myself, I can't believe I just raised my hand on her. I've never been this bold in my entire life before.

But am sure not to apologize.

"How dare you slap me!" She slapped me once and I lost my balance to the ground. Before I could get up, she started pulling me by my ankle. "You daughter of an harlot. You think you can walk into my marriage and tarnish it, huh? Husband snatcher!"

"Melissa…." I tried to withdraw my leg from her grasp. I grab unto the couch like a pillar. It made screeching sound as she pulls me.

"Bitch!" She left my ankle and came pulling my hair.

I screamed in pain. "Let go, you're hurting me. Melissa, please stop."

I screamed and screamed but she still didn't gave up. My head was hurting and I felt my brain shifting out of space.

I held onto her wrist to stop her but to no avail, she was a bit powerful than I thought.

Just when I felt her hands leaving my hair, I thought she had already gave up. But just then, I felt her holding a rope over my neck from behind.

"Am going to end your life today so that in your next life coming, you'll learn never to go close to another woman's husband." She laughed wickedly as she tightened the rope around my neck.

I couldn't breathe. I felt my breathing stopped and my eyes popping out of their sockets.

My fingers turned weak from holding the rope on my neck.

I was about giving up when my hands fell to my sides, then the door opened and Mrs. Patricks entered.

Immediately, I felt the release of the rope on my neck.

I lost my remaining balance and fell helplessly on the ground. Breathing heavily like I just came out of the depth of the ocean. I could barely utter a single word and my eyelids were turning weak and shutting down slowly.

"Jesus Christ!" Mrs. Patricks threw the files in her hands and rushed down to meet me.

Instantly, Melissa grabbed her handbag and hastened out of the office.

"Ms. Miller? Ms. Miller, are you alright? Oh my God." Mrs. Patricks rushed to the fridge to give me a glass of water. She supported my head up a bit and fed me the water.

I coughed and she placed the glass on the floor. "It's alright, Ms. Miller." She helped me regain a sitting position on the floor and I leaned my back against the body of the couch.

She waited for me to regain consciousness. It was almost twenty minutes before I could open my mouth to speak.

My eyes staring weakly at her. "….Mrs. Patricks…" I paused and continued. "Please don't say anything to George, I beg of you."

Just imagine if she hadn't come into my rescue. What would I have become?

Maybe a dead body by now.

She frowned deeply at me. "Why?" I know she's very furious after seeing what happened a while ago. But I have to beg her to keep it a secret. I have my reasons. "That woman deserved to be jailed and locked up forever behind bars! For goodness sake, Ms. Miller, I saw her strangling you to death."

I place my hand on her shoulder and shook my head, "You don't understand anything, Mrs. Patricks." I told her everything that happened from start to finish.

"And so fucking what? You're still the boss's wife. You're his legal better half, she is just a slut! And all these while you've been hiding?"

"What can I do, Mrs. Patricks?" I let out a frustrated sigh. "Going back is like leaving heaven to hell. His parents don't even like me."

"Listen to me, Ms. Miller." She said calmly and sat beside me. "As far as you already have a son for Boss, you also have an upper hand over hers."

"I don't want to fight her." I don't want to.

"Stop giving yourself fake vibes." She frowned. "She don't belong there. She's a thief! She broke your marriage and stole your husband away from you. Fight for it, Ms. Miller. It's your right."

I just look at her with a weak smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Patricks."

She pulled me into her embrace and caress my head. "It's okay. Just stay strong and you'll overcome all these chaos. Nothing lasts forever. Very soon, they'll become an history of the past."

I hope so. The sooner, the better.

I want Melissa out of the picture so I can have my man again. I want him back into my life. I missed him so much.

I miss my George.

That afternoon, Mrs. Patricks insisted I go home and take a rest.