
A player's game

This is a story about Maris Clint, a young woman who doesn't believe in love and family bond because of her past experiences. Her life then changes due to the arrival of a little girl, Sol. Sol made a crazy wish for Maris and it came true is it a good thing or a bad thing who knows? Keep reading to find out. Thank you

Loveno123 · Urbain
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

The surgery was about to start... I gave her some words of encouragement and jokes to ease her tension but i could still see fear in her eyes. "I will survive this for Sol" they took her to the surgery room. Sol went to do a little survey.

I can't believe you this happened to you, Please let Hilda be alright. I squeeze my eyes and hands tightly hoping everything will work out Oh please let the ...

  Martin Pov

This is how it is old man... He looked lifeless that woman sure did a number on him. Uncle never listens he's like a child wanting to touch a knife even though he knows it's dangerous. I wonder how his daughter is handling the situation

Oh well it ain't my problem. I wonder how she got my line I felt something dragging my trousers I looked down it was a little girl "hey little one, how are you doing"

" fine, you can come inside he won't bite"

    "nah am good" is she lost why isn't there anyone here

  "Sol?! Where are you, hey"  it was a lady's voice maybe her mother, she had a petite structure when she came closer.

     I figured out who she was. She's Maris Clint, his daughter slim and petite figure she had nice curves too, brown beautiful eyes pink full lips it was natural and she didn't apply any make-up she's was a true beauty just like her mother. To bad though I heard, his ex wife stole her husband, he's at loss

  I wonder what He saw in Carol, sure she's hot but she's no saint. I barely know much about her but according to what I heard she cheated on him many times with only God knows.

    "Good morning" she said with a smile, the curves on her lips were so enticing "Good morning"  "let's go little one are you done with your exploring? She nodded her head in response is that her kid? Thats definitely not her kid ( Ring Ring) it was my phone. It's Gretha again, I didn't have the courage to answer so I left it on silent there's too much drama in the family.

Gretha is my kid sis, she just recently got married tho before my dad died, him and Mr Clint were close. To the extent they made a bet with their families, Maris huh? So she's the one.

Maris Pov

Some minutes later I've been waiting for the doctor or someone for news on Hilda, anything... Sol looked sad I guess she has seen Hilda sick so many times

"Excuse mam, how is she?"

" the Patient in room 13, Mrs Hilda?"

"yes that's her"

"the surgery was a success and the patient is stable" she said with a warm smile "excuse me miss" she left to attend to other matters "Thank goodness" I left of a sigh finally some good news in my life I made all the payments and preparations immediately and I went to buy some balloons and cards for her. I left Sol at her bedside and I asked a nurse to watch them, I can't allow Sol to wander around too much.

"Hey, err excuse me please" I was trying to get by but I couldn't and they started pushing and struggling I lost my balance. "Be careful are you okay?" he grabbed me before I could fall but I did fall actually on him, he was just too tough that he maintained his posture. "thank you" I said with a smile, he smiled back he looked awfully familiar. He looked back at me to make me realize I was staring I let of a chuckle "sorry I had a strange feeling we've met before"

"Have we now?" he kept a grin on his face

Hey guys, sorry for the late update. There are things going on lately but it's okay,better days will come soon. Stay safe and mask on bye for now

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