

My name is Bhinnya . The meaning of my name is to be different. Indeed I am.That is the reason I was harassed and shown inferior in every points of life. This is not only the story of Bhinnya but also of all the tortured people who had been and is being underestimated at every single point of life. What is the reason ?-the skin colour, race , cast , money , looks, education , jobs and lot more. I was born to a family in Kanpur on 28th February.It was very cold and we were so poor that we could not even afford a thick blanket. We had a small hut. I was grown up in those conditions and never got a chance to go to school. From that young age I had to start working in the fields. I was never very beautiful in the eyes of some so called fair people who thought themselves to be superior.I was brown in colour with black oily hair and about 4feet9 inches height.