
I Want to Make It Clear to You

Sheng Jie and Dong Manman had already been waiting downstairs for a very long time. Sheng Jie didn't mind though. After all, if Leng Yuchen did not go to work, there was no need for him to go either.

So, Sheng Jie figured that he might as well take this time to research the latest collection of programming. But, Dong Manman felt differently about the matter.

After all, she was a restless woman. Because of this, An Qi secretly suspected that she could be suffering from ADHD.

She had even hinted as much to An Shijie before, suggesting that they take Dong Manman to the hospital for a checkup. Unexpectedly, An Shijie had readily agreed and had taken her to the hospital immediately.

It turned out that Dong Manman only had a very hyperactive cerebral cortex and did not suffer from ADHD at all. Since then, whenever Dong Manman had a mood swing and An Qi would step forward to calm her down and tell her not to worry about her.

At that moment, An Qi let An Yufei take her hand and the pair went downstairs together. Leng Yuchen was behind them, his face displaying displeasure after having his mood spoilt.

As An Yufei was his precious daughter, Leng Yuchen would naturally not be angry with her, but as for the two unexpected guests, he wasn't inclined to have such a good temper toward them.

"Aunt Manman!" An Yufei's voice could be heard before she was seen. "Yo, it's little Yufei!"

Once Dong Manman heard An Yufei's voice, her worry seemed to melt away and she softened. The truth of the matter was that both An Qi and An Yufei, whose characters were rather cold, liked to be in the company of Dong Manman, who had a fiery character.

This trio's close bond was puzzling to many people. Regardless of this, it was undeniable that their personalities complemented each other well.

"Eh ... Boss Leng… Hi!" Before Sheng Jie even looked up, he could sense a cold stare coming in his direction.

Out of his desire for self-protection, Sheng Jie did not wait till he looked up before he had started speaking. When he finally looked up, he saw Boss Leng's cold face.

Gosh, what's going on here? Dong Manman could also tell that something was very wrong. She couldn't help but wonder… Why did the temperature in this house drop by several degrees so suddenly?

However, when she followed the direction of Sheng Jie's gaze and saw the people who were approaching clearly, Dong Manman realized that, unlike the exquisite, mostly physically blessed male models at the Paris shows, the man in front of her was a real man, with both physical and mental qualities that took one's breath away.

And, what did Sheng Jie just address him as? Boss? He must be... Is it really Boss Leng? As he was indeed addressed as Boss Leng, that man must be An Qi's husband! Dong Manman looked down as she thought about this situation carefully.

By the time she raised her surprised eyes again, Leng Yuchen was right in front of her. He then looked her right in the eyes and said, "Hello, I'm Leng Yuchen. I hear that you are friends with An Qi."

Oh my God, the handsome man just opened his mouth to speak to me! Dong Manman always thought that such handsome men should exist only in the world of some other godlike beings' dimension. But, this was reality, and she was stunned by his even addressing her.

For a moment, Dong Manman, who had always been so quick witted and fast in her responses, did not know how to reply when Leng Yuchen reached out to shake her hand. As she stood there, frozen in place, she did not know what to do next.

Fortunately, An Qi, who had just arrived a few moments ago, seemed to have anticipated that such a thing would happen. After all, if she had not already shared an intimate relationship with Leng Yuchen, she could have behaved the same way that Dong Manman was when she first met Leng Yuchen.

Suffice to say, Leng Yuchen had this devastating effect on many women. Fortunately, he did not like to make too many public appearances. Otherwise, based on his handsome good looks, all of the world's other young men, who paled in comparison, would be devastated by his rivalry.

"Manman, I am sure you haven't slept well, as you have a habit of only being able to sleep well in your own bed. Let me introduce the two of you. This is Leng Yuchen, An Yufei's father, whom I mentioned to you before." An Qi put her thoughts aside for the moment and walked quickly toward Dong Manman to help her out of the awkward situation.

"Oh, yeah, you are right." Dong Manman giggled for a moment before finally mustering up the courage to reach out and take Leng Yuchen's outstretched hand.

After all, Dong Manman was utterly awed by him, as he did really look as if he had just walked out of a painting. In fact, Dong Manman was secretly afraid that the minute she let go of Leng Yuchen's outstretched hand, he would ascend to heaven like an immortal!

As she was attempting to manage this scene, all An Qi could think about how hard she had worked for so many years to get this life. Now that she had finally managed to own have such a gorgeous god-like figure in her life, she would not forgive Dong Manman if she were to mess things up now. In fact, Dong Manman would not forgive herself for doing that to An Qi either!

Leng Yuchen was confused by the women's strange behavior, so he retracted his outstretched hand. In fact, if Dong Manman wasn't An Qi's best friend, Leng Yuchen would not even have greeted her.

This was because there were far too many rumors about Leng Yuchen circulating in the city, one of which was that Boss Leng never had too much physical contact with women. Another of these rumors was that he did not shake hands. Therefore, over the years, the sexual orientation of Leng Yuchen had been the focus of much gossip and speculation.

Some of the rumors were rather bold. Besides claiming that he was constantly bedding women, they also claimed that he occasionally took a turn with men as well. Unfortunately, no man or woman before An Qi had seemed to capture his attentions for long, much less wrangle him into a serious relationship.

Therefore, most people had come to the conclusion that the reason for this lack of commitment may be because Boss Leng's physical appearance was almost that of an immortal. Thus, it would make sense that he could not accept mortal-looking people as an equal romantic partners. In light of this, perhaps the only person who deserved to be with Boss Leng would be his own clone!

Seeing the awkward situation, An Qi quickly and enthusiastically led Dong Manman away and brought her to the dining table. She was the first friend that An Qi had introduced to Leng Yuchen, and An Qi clearly had no idea how to balance the relationship between her best friend and husband. As her husband was notorious for his cold and unfriendly face, this meeting had been a test of An Qi's reaction skills.

As An Yufei followed behind them, she made a face at her father. She was such a playful little creature, one who even dared to make a face at Leng Yuchen! This was the first time that Sheng Jie had met her.

The most important thing about this interaction between father and daughter was that Leng Yuchen did not choose to ignore her antics, but made a silly face back at An Yufei. The scene, much like the melting of a thousand-year-old iceberg, was so warm that Sheng Jie almost wanted to cry. It turned out that Boss Leng had an unexpectedly playful and fun, fatherly side.

After everyone was seated, An Qi told the housekeeper to prepare an additional portion of fruit salad for the guests, while she and Leng Yuchen ate their pre-prepared breakfast.

During the meal, it could be seen that Dong Manman was still tense. For someone who had always been so straightforward, since meeting Leng Yuchen, Dong Manman tried to avoid talking at all and focused on being as ladylike as possible.

Upon seeing this, An Qi could not help but laugh in secret. However, just when An Qi thought that Dong Manman had passed the introduction hurdle with Leng Yuchen, Leng Yuchen said to Ding Manman, while he casually sliced the fried eggs on his plate, "There were some inappropriate points in our introduction just now, but I want to make it clear to you..."

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