
Exam day

The sun was shining brightly but I didn't care about that. Today was my Maths examination but I just wanted to pass. I reach the school a little early than usual ,chatted with my "friends" a little. My friend are really nice people. They only talk to me when they need me and they wanted to cheat today obviously.well I didn't say "no" cause I can't. You see my social skills are lower than a turtle.

Here comes the time of the exam it was not really hard , just boring again. I showed my paper to my so-called friends And just like that my school was over but my day wasn't.

I went to take my shoes from the locker and shockingly there was a love letter there. At first thought I was happy but after a while I realize that why would anyone have a crush on me. I hardly talk to anyone in school Or outside the school.At this point I thought it was a prank. The letter said to come to the backward of the school. Even if the letter was saying the truth, would I accept her feelings? If I do start dating, would my day be any less ordinary? I don't think so. It would be rather more ordinary. I went home without knowing the truth.

The next day, I came to know that it was a prank by my Matsuri and my other friends.But I ruined their fun and they were annoyed by it.


I suddenly started laughing a lot. why did I laugh? was it because the I was involved in at least something Or was I enjoying my friends getting annoyed? Could be both actually but the latter seems more true.