
Unexpected Surprises

Finally, the influx of memories came to an end just in time for me to hear my dad shout up to me, "Alex! Come down to see your sister and help with the bags!" hearing this voice it was both familiar and unfamiliar to me. My memories practically screamed at me that this was my father but the memories from my past life screamed back just as loud that this was Charlie, Bella Swan's father from Twilight.

But near instinctively I just answered back, "Okay, give me a second, dad!" before getting up and looking in the mirror next to me.

What greeted me was a handsome youth with pale white skin, messy dark, chocolate brown hair and blue eyes which seemed deep enough for someone to drown in. I was 6'1" with a decent figure with some muscle definition here and there, though I knew this would change when I started phasing - I'd enter a growth spurt where I'd grow even taller and the muscles would start sprouting out all over me.

All in all, I was happy with my level of handsomeness and my overall appearance.

Getting past my vain instincts and suppressing my thoughts on my new memories, I quickly jogged into the hallway and down the stairs toward my dad and presumably my sister, Bella.

Finally seeing my sister, I've gotta admit that she was quite beautiful; no wonder the guys at school all start fighting for her attention.

My new (at least for me) sister had a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, a widow's peak, unique chocolate brown eyes and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead. Her eyes are large and widely spaced. Her nose is thin and her cheekbones are prominent. The only problem I could find was that her lips were a bit too full for her slim jawline but even then it wasn't much of a problem.

Seems me and her got all the good genes~

When she looked up the stairs to see my broad figure bolting down the stairs, I saw her look of disbelief as she looked at me.

As I was standing in front of her, she let out a nervous laugh before looking up at me, her height of around 5'4" dwarfed by my 6'1" frame, "Are you sure you're my little brother, Alex? You look more like my older brother..." she ended off with a nervous laugh as she measured the difference in our height with her slender and pale hands.

My new memories rushed to the service and I couldn't help but pull her into a hug, attempting to squeeze the life out of her. She yelped before timidly returning the hug herself.

After a dozen seconds of hugging my sister who I'd decided I loved unconditionally (in a platonic way, of course), I let her go before beaming down a smile at her, "And you don't look like a girl who's been living in Arizona for most her life - seriously, you're paler than me and I live in, like, the wettest place in the continental US!"

Seemingly taken aback by my charismatic behavior, Bella just chuckled nervously but deep in her brown eyes I could see she was happy about how I was treating her and I could guess why - I was a lot like our mother, rather than like our father who was quiet and stoic. I was pretty straight forward about my emotions and had no problem talking about them or disagreeing with someone if they did something stupid.

Picking up a few bags on the floor, I turned to the two people I would now be living with, "Well, come on then, let's go get these in the room they're meant to be in!" I then started walking up the stairs with Bella and dad following me.

On the way up, Dad made some awkward attempts at small talk and Bella awkwardly replied to most of them. If it weren't for me bringing up things we could all talk about, I could only imagine the awkward silences filling the house and silently killing me via cringe.

When we finally got to Bella's room I put the bags down gently, not knowing if she had anything in there that was fragile.

Dad went on to speak, "This is a pretty good work lamp," he fiddled about with a desk lamp next to him, switching it on and off before he pointed to the bed, "The sales lady picked out the bed stuff," referring to the pillows, blanket, and some random purple secondary blanket. As if realizing something, he worriedly looked at Bella, "You like purple, right?" his anxious voice set me off and I started laughing, while unsuccessfully trying to stifle it.

Turning to reprimand me, dad just sighed before I came to my own defense, "Hey, you being like this doesn't happen often, I'm just capitalizing on a rare chance," speaking with a playful indignation to my voice, I raised my hands to the air in surrender before lowering them and carrying on, "Plus, dad, Bella's a big girl, I'm sure she can deal with the color purple even if she doesn't like it," the first bit earned me a few giggles from Bella while the last one earned me a look of gratitude from her.

Backing me up, Bella spoke up, "Yeah...purple's fine, so don't worry about it," she then started looking around her room with more curiosity. At this point, dad just shrugged his shoulders before walking out of the room.

As Bella had said in the movies, one of the best things about our dad was that he didn't hover around you. It's like he knows how long he needs to be somewhere and he only stays that amount of time. Though it is a bit annoying at times, I'll admit. More than a few memories are filled with my frustration at living with such a stoic father.

Anyway, following his lead I walked to the door and looked back at Bella with a smile, "If you need anything, my door's opposite yours, okay? Even if you don't need anything, feel free to come by and just talk - we've got a load of catching up to do, sis~" and with that, I went to my room to go and get some homework done.

Luckily, the homework was pretty easy for me now with my new genius-level learning ability. I pretty much just had to remember the lesson regarding what the homework was about and I'd understand it completely. Though I admit to purposely getting a few answers wrong as such a sudden jump in grades would be quite suspicious. But that doesn't mean I'm planning on keeping my scores as they are, I'm planning to slowly raise them so it looks like I'm just naturally improving and/or putting in more effort.

Anyway, by the time I was done, I heard a car pull up onto the drive and found a smile spreading across my face at the thought of who was here.

Charging out of my room and down the stairs, I jogged out the open door and saw my best friend - Jacob Black. Seeing me, a smile spread across his face and put his hand out and when I got in front of him I clasped it before we pulled each other into a hug meant only for your bros.

Slapping each other on the back like some gorillas, we pulled away from one another before another memory popped into the forefront of my mind, "Jake, we need to get those bikes done by the weekend, dude, my dad finally got me a new tool kit!" my excitement even surprised myself.

Huh, guess I like bike-stuff? Well, it seems like fun anyway.

Oblivious to my own thoughts, Jacob's face lit up before he smiled and did a mini-fist pump into the air above him, "Yes!" the goofy smile on his face didn't remind at all of the moody, temperamental teen from the movies and even if he still becomes like that, at least I know I'll also try and cheer my best mate up.

Plus, we'll be sharing heritages at some point, so best friends who turn into giant kick-ass wolves together? Yep, that's pretty badass.

"Hey, you two better be careful on those bikes - and I'm looking at you to be the sensible one, Alex. Jake'll just end up doing something stupid like always!" hearing laughter, I felt a playful punch to my arm before looking to Jacob's dad, Billy Black.

Billy is heavyset, with a deeply wrinkled face and dark russet skin with black eyes. He's currently wheelchair-bound as a result of nerve damage due to complications from diabetes, though that didn't stop him from looking like he could kick your ass. It was quite weird but I always shrugged it off as him just being a 'hard as nails' kind of guy. Now, however, I knew it was because he was from a long line of magical chieftains who could change into big Wolves.

The more you know, I guess?

Coming out of my thoughts, I smiled down at Billy before giving him a more casual handshake, "How you doing, Billy? And you know me, I'll always keep this lunkhead from hurting himself," finishing this, and before Jacob could refute me, I pulled his head into a headlock before grinding my knuckle against his head of long black hair.

Billy and my dad started laughing at our antics, while Jacob was struggling to get out of the headlock. Finally, I released him and glared at me but with the lack of heat in the glare, I knew he wasn't too annoyed.

An awkward cough behind us brought all four of us out of our revelry and my dad, remembering why Billy and Jacob had come over, walked over to Bella before putting an arm around her and bringing her over to introduce her.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black, right?"

Bella had that small, nervous smile on as she reached out to shake Billy's hand, "Yeah," when they were shaking hands she carried on, "Wow, you're looking good," the last part came out a bit awkward but Billy didn't seem mind anything by it, instead smiling back at her with his pearly whites.

"Well, I'm still dancing," he said sarcastically, before carrying on, "But I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie and Alex here haven't shut up about it since you told him you were coming," he laughed lightly, a smirk spread across one side of his face.

Dad got all embarrassed while I didn't care - it was true, I was pretty excited to see my older sister who I hadn't seen in years. But that didn't mean dad wasn't.

"All right, keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud," he said as he walked around to the back of the orange truck Billy and Jacob had come in, and onto the street behind it.

Taking this as a challenge, Billy turned himself towards dad before speaking, "After I ram you in the ankles, that is!" before he rolled himself at dad, aiming to ram him in the ankles.

As the two of them got on with their little play fight, me, Jacob and Bella laughed at the two middle-aged men play-fighting.

Letting the two of them get on with their stuff I pulled Jacob over closer toward me and Bella before introducing her, "This is my best friend, Jacob, Bella. You remember him, right? Us three used to be a little mud pie factory when we were little."

Nodding her head, Bella replied with a thin smile, "Yeah, I remember. Hi," she nervously said, seemingly drawing back into her shell, but something stopped her as she looked off to the side at our dads messing about, "Are...Are they always like this?" she seemed a bit in disbelief but I could practically see the mirth floating about in her eyes.

Jacob, obviously smitten already - the poor guy - jumped at the opportunity to make a joke, "It's getting worse with old age, sadly," he replied with a joking smile which showcased his pure, white teeth.

Before we could joke around anymore, dad and Billy put an end to their play-fighting before dad walked up to the orange truck and slapped the side, "So, what do you think?"

Bella, unsure what he meant just tilted her head, "Of what?" her confusion clear on her pale face.

Pleased with himself, dad replied in a 'cool' voice, "Your homecoming present."

"This?" Bella followed dad's eyes to look at the truck and her own went wide in disbelief, as her breath seemed to be taken away.

"Yep, just brought it off Billy here," to which the heavy-set man nodded his head in agreement to what dad said.

Once again taking the chance to impress the pretty girl in front of him, Jacob spoke up again, "I totally rebuilt the engine for you," before glancing at me, "With a little help from your brother, as well."

Feeling surprised he'd include my involvement, I laughed, "Yeah, but it was mainly Jake. I just did some basic stuff," I shrugged it off as nothing big despite me doing just as much, if not more than Jacob to rebuild the engine - I didn't want my sister driving a car that would fail her, sue me.

Looking gratefully at me, Jacob walked toward the front of the car while Bella started to gush about the care, "Oh, my gosh!" she stopped to laugh before smiling and carrying on, "This is perfect," she went for the door as Jacob was walking past it and opened it into his body, causing him to yelp a little in pain and for her to apologize but she soon got over it, the excitement and happiness suppressing her timidness.

Though it does show that she's still just as clumsy as ever~

As they went about how to work the car, I smiled knowing I had a lift to school instead of having to walk to it or getting the bus.

. . .

Looking around the cafeteria, I spotted Bella sitting with Jessica and the others, looking just as awkward as she always does. It seemed that Mike had already been shown up by the kid who kissed Bella's cheek and pulled his chair from under him because Mike was nowhere to be seen. I clicked my tongue, having wanted to be there to stop that ass from kissing Bella or just to stop the fighting over her which must have been incredibly embarrassing to Bella.

Anyway, walking over to them with my tray full of food in hand, I see Bella look up and look instantly relieved at my arrival.

Smirking at her awkward behavior, I speed up a little before arriving at her table, "Hey, sis, mind if I sit with you and your new friends?" a charming smile spread across my face and Bella looked toward the others who all give me a look over before nodding their heads.

Not waiting for Bella to tell me to sit down, I squeeze in next to her before someone rushed in and sat down next to Jessica with a camera in hand, "Smile~" she said in a sing-song kind of voice before taking a picture.


A flash damn near blinded me, nevermind Bella who the camera was directly aimed at. Nonetheless, her timidity shone through and Bella only looked down at her plate, "Okay..."

"Sorry, I needed a candid for the feature," the rather tall, skinny girl said as she looked at Bella and by extension, me, with apologetic eyes through her glasses.

As they went on to talk about some girly stuff, I just sat and looked out the window knowing what was coming next.

A group of 5 slowly entered the cafeteria from a door connected to the outside and I've got to say, I was struck by their overall beauty. The girls of the group were breathtakingly beautiful and the boys were incredibly handsome.

But after that, I felt something. Like something inside of me was turning.

Every breath I took, I only smelt the newcomers. That specific group of five. With every breath I took, their sickly sweet scent got stronger and stronger until I really did feel something turning around and around inside of me.

It felt like a valve was opening and letting something into me. Only a little of 'something' at a time but it was noticeable.

But then it hit me; I know what this was.

I'm starting my phasing. 'But why?' was a question constantly floating around my head but that answer soon came to my head as well, my improved brain being better at making conclusions than a normal person's.

It was because I was the only wolf in my pack, and in just walked 5 Vampires. If the phasing relies purely on the danger the pack/tribe is facing, what could be more dangerous than the pack/tribe having no Shapeshifter/Warriors when 5 Vampires rock up out of nowhere?

Great. The Vampires are here and now I'm phasing. Puberty within puberty. What a wondrous life.

Closing my eyes and controlling my breathing, I tried to keep my eyes away from the 5 Vampires entering before I saw something weird.

I saw a sixth Vampire entering after the first 5.

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