

After his death on the Death Star, Anakin Skywalker thought he was finally reach to peace, but the Force had other plans.

adil_6022 · Films
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~~Endor System-Death Star~~

Young Jedi Luke Skywalker stood beside his father, who had finally escaped from the dark side. Normally it should have been a joyfull moment, but Jedi Anakin Skywalker was on the verge of death from injuries sustained throughout the battle.

"Help me take off that mask Luke"

"but you die"

"Nothing can stop it now... for once... I want to see you... with my own eyes"

Realizing that his father is now about to become one with the force, Luke decides to fulfill his last wish. As he carefully removed the mask that had tormented his father for many years, he saw his deformed face.

Anakin Skywalker smiled fondly when he saw his son's face years later, freed from his suffering at the hands of the dark side.

"now, go my son... leave me"

"No, you must come with me... I won't leave you here."

"You already saved me Luke... you were right... what you felt about me was true."

"Tell your sister she's not wrong"

"Dad... I won't leave you"

Thus the chosen one should have become one with the force, having fulfilled his mission in life and destroyed the Sith for the time being, but this did not quite happen. When Anakin closed his eyes for the last time in this life, he was waiting to finally find peace. But the Force had other plans. In the chosen one's last moments in this life, he was given one last chance as a reward for his defying the emperor and the darkness. A chance to correct the mistakes he made in his past, a chance to give himself and his loved ones a happy life, a chance to bring full balance to the Force...

--Anakin Skywalker POV—

My head is spinning, I feel bad but also very good. In fact, I'd be not a lie if I said I haven't felt this good in years. It's like the pain I've been feeling for years has just disappeared. It's as if my body has returned from that day in Mustafar... before my battle with Obi Wan...

wait a minute, that's not all. It's like... as if the force is much more attainable. I feel like I can do anything I want with the force.

It's like... my body is back to normal. During the battle at Mustafar, my midichlorian count had fallen. Although still not a large amount, there was still a decrease. But now it's like I'm back to my old, younger self.

But there is something wrong here...

Just as I was thinking these things, I heard a voice, a very familiar voice.

"Anakin... hey Anakin, can you hear me?"

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything looks very familiar. I'm tied to a stone pole in an arena and... and I have hands. When I looked to my left, I saw someone... someone very important to me. Someone who was once my enemy, before that a brother and teacher.


"Yes, yes it's me, Anakin. Answer me are you okay now. You suddenly fainted. If you're sick or something, you picked the worst possible time. We have to get out of this arena."

Looking ahead I see 3 creatures being driven towards us by the Geonosians. Wait a minute, Geonosians, arena, Obi Wan...

I came to the past. How did that happen… no, there are more important questions than that. If I'm here, that means "she" is here too. Fearing that it wasn't real, I slowly turned my head to the right... and there she was. She has freed her hands from the ties and she is climbing the stone pillar. This was the woman I loved, the only being for whom I could burn the entire galaxy.

This was too good to be true. But it's true. This is my chance. A chance to fix everything.

"Anakin, if you can stop looking at the senator, we should get out of here too. Looks like she can take care of himself." I looked at Obi Wan again and I have to be honest this is really weird. I searched for years to kill this man. But now Obi Wan is right. I have more important things to do.

The geonosians had finally unleashed the creatures upon us. An acklay attacked Obi Wan. A reek was running at full speed to me. Just before Reek could reach me, I jumped and got on his back. The animal could not stop and crashed into the stone pillar. And at this time he removed the chain I was attached to from the pillar. I then reached out to the Force and tried to calm the animal, but all these Geonosians around weren't very helpful. Damn bugs keep attacking both me and the reek. I swear these nasty bugs will pay the price when I get out of here.

While I was dealing with all this, I heard a voice. A cry of pain... Padme's cry. That's when I remembered the past. All the pain I caused Padme. And the hatred inside me grew again. My hatred for these damn bugs, my hatred for Dooku because he imprisoned her in here, my hatred for Palpatine because he stole my future with her... but more than anything... my hatred for myself... for failing her.

At that moment, I reach to the force and attacked with all my will to protect Padme.

"Get away... from Her aaagghhh!!!" While pulling Padme towards me, I threw the nexu attacking Padme against the arena wall and smashed it into pieces. Meanwhile, a shockwave spread throughout the entire arena, knocking back everyone in the arena.

--Obi Wan POV—

I dodge again from Acklay's attack. No matter how hard I try to get rid of the creature, the chain and the Geonosians aren't very helpful. As I survived another attack from the creature, I felt a surge at the force, followed by Anakin's shout and a great shockwave. At that moment, the acklay, who was about to attack, was thrown against the arena wall. Just like all the geonosians in the arena. I even looked up and saw that even Dooku was trying to regain his sense of direction on the ground. When I finally looked back, I saw the source of all this. My Padawan, Anakin. He was holding Senator Amidala tight, and he was obviously staring angrily at the wound she got from the nexu, which was now lying in pieces on the arena floor. There was silence in the arena as everyone slowly got to their feet. Everyone was looking at the couple in the middle of the arena. Including me. Yes, it was really a mistake to leave these two alone and go on another mission...

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