

It all started out with a feud that lasted a few years with Isabella loosing her mum in the process at a young age while having to take care of her brother. With the opportunity that came knocking on her door,she worked hard at the same took care of her brother's needs,only to come across Lucas again after a few years with the impression they both had on each other ,the feud between them resurfaced.

Beckyfaith · Urbain
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11 Chs


The cashier was attending to the woman in front of them,with both Isabella and Lucas standing there waiting to be attended to. As much as Isabella didn't want to ,she couldn't help but notice how they just had to end up in front of the same cashier,she would have gone to stand in front of the other cashier but it was more crowded compared to this one and she needed to leave soon

She stared at the things she held in hand while silently hoping for the money she had brought along to be enough. And if it isn't she would have to return at least one of the things she bought. It felt like the cashier was taking her own time attending to the woman and Isabella found her self taking note of the time. Once the woman moved away, Isabella placed the things she bought in front of the cashier

The girl let out a long breath,the cashier told Isabella the amount she was supposed to pay and the girl was glad she had enough money with her ,she quicky paid and the purchased things were packaged into a bag. At the same time ,she noticed how the guy didn't pay any attention to what was going on and had his own attention on his phone. She noticed the kind of demeanor be carried with him and her curiosity got piqued since all she knew was that he's a rich brat.

Isabella immediately left the place and headed for where Maya and carl were waiting for her,they are probably having fun,she thought.

Checking the time on her phone while taking note that her mum wouldn't be home by now,she texted Maya before pushing her phone into her pockets.

At the arcade,the duo had their focus on the games they played while winning tickets. They stepped out of the place ,Maya scanned the place at the same time ,her firmly held Carl's hand. After receiving Isabella's text she had decided to step out to wait for her along with carl

At the same time ,she wondered what they should do in the mean time, she turned to look at Carl who had his eyes on a cake shop where there was a cake display that one could see through the transparent glass,she smiled knowing what he wanted before they went ahead to buy the cake

When they came out, Carl was munching on the dessert,the soft texture rubbing against his tongue.

Maya who smiled while enjoying the delicacy in her hand paused when she caught sight of a few familiar faces,they were not too far from her,one of them turned to notice her and she could tell that he had also informed the others. The only option right now is to walk the other way,she thought when she heard Carl ask her "don't you like the cake ?"his eyes looked at the cake then at her.

"it's delicious,we should go and wait for your sister" Maya declared ready to move from there when carl pointed "there she is ..." she waved for Isabella to notice them. Maya who heard this saw Isabella across the street with and she sighed while temporarily forgetting about the people she wanted to avoid .

"sorry I'm late" Isabella lightly panted her eye falling on her brother before lightly pinching his cheeks "I bought snacks" she raised the white bag in front of her waving it in the air like a trophy she had just one.

"the night isn't over,we can still stay for an hour"declared Carl ,he continued to munch on his cake and this had Isabella wonder if she wasn't feeling sleepy at all.

She chuckled" let's go" . The trio was about to leave when they were interrupted by a female voice "hi there".

Approaching them was a brown haired girl,her hair was curled and her smile wasn't one that seemed nice . Isabella rolled her eyes at her,she wondered what she wanted. Maya on the other hand noticed the other three had went in,her attention turned back to the girl who stood in front of her .

"what do want Jessica?" Isabella wasn't ready to waste time on this one and all she wanted was for this night to get better rather than turn worse.

Jessica looked disappointed and said "you shouldn't be rude to me afterall I'm just saying hi "

"you are not the president's daughter for me to not be rude to you and even if you were , I'd treat you the same and go back to whatever it is you are doing" came Isabella's remark while Maya didn't say anything,Carl on the other hand seemed to have found another interesting thing apart from the cake he was eating as he watched his sister and other girl talk,he could tell they weren't close to being friends.

If things were to escalate,the event would be stuck in his head

"I came here with the thought to make your night better " Jessica said when Isabella replied"and our night just turned out to be the best with the waves if excitement moving across our bodies" came the sarcastic words which the other three didn't fail to fake note of.

Jessica's eyes moved to look at Isabella then Maya before it finally landed in carl. She smiled to the little boy who gave her a blank expression in response.

"I'm sure you have more important things to do,so you should go your way " it was Maya who spike this time,this was what she wanted to avoid another round of talking and throwing words at each other .

"uh uh ,your boys are waiting for you?"Isabella chimed in .

Jessica left with a smirk and both the other girls knew something like this would happen again because they attended the same school.

Isabella turned to look at Maya and the latter, noticing the hard stare said "what?"