

In the distance past a battle raged across the cosmos, enemies and allies alike have died, many beings with unimaginable strength have been wiped out, out of thousands of them only 3 survived, not even their leader made it out. They did everything they could and won the impossible war. The remaining 3 "Gods" did everything to regain order in the now chaotic multi-universe. After thousands of years, even with their injuries, they have finally accomplished it, now in need of others to fill in the voids of the deceased they combined their powers and some of their essence and created something that could change their lives forever.

After thousands of trials, they have finally found someone it's compatible with.


ROB #1: Who wants to start the ritual?

ROB #3: Me, me Its not fair that you all get all the fun, now how shall we do it?

ROB #2: Mhm, how about that little trouble maker?


Have you ever thought about how a normal blind person experiences life? Yea I did because I was never a normal blind person. I was born blind, that was what the doctors told my parents, my parents traveled around to see what could be done, but some said that I was born with a mutation in my eyes that made me unable to see properly. Other doctors said that I wasn't born blind but that a never before seen mutation occurred in my eyes that made my eyes not be compatible with my body.

Ever since I was a kid I could see, I have mentioned this to my parents but they never believed me. They just thought that I was just trying to cheer them up, after many unsuccessful attempts at convincing them I started to just not mention anything. While growing up I learned to understand that I wasn't normal. I could see, read and act as if I was a normal person, it was as if I had a six sense, I was able to perceive the world around me like no one ever could.

Since I became aware of my special circumstances I kept them to myself, I went to school, normal school as if I wasn't 'blind'. During the beginning of my senior year of high school, I met someone that I couldn't take my eyes(?) off of. Oh did I mention that I have 360 vision? no well, now you know. Back to topic, I fell in love with that girl, after a couple of weeks of interacting with her I grew the courage to ask her out on a date. She accepted. I was ecstatic. While I was going to our meeting place I saw her, she was beautiful. I forgot that I was crossing the street that I didn't pay attention to the truck that was speeding on the road. While I was admiring her, I saw she was screaming and pointing at something when I followed her finger I then noticed it. My last thought before I got hit was "Sorry for ruining our date". Yea, she was my last thought.


A blinding light attacked my vision. When my vision cleared I looked around. I was in an empty white expanse with nothing in sight.

"Wasn't I just killed?"

Something makes me feel calmer than I have ever been as if it is suppressing extreme emotions.

"Yes, yes you were"

"Ahh, who are you!? don't scare me like that!!"

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice someone sneak behind me, no not someone, it should be some being. They were taller than anybody I've ever seen, at least 7ft tall. And it wasn't just one but three that were behind me. I couldn't see their faces, it was as if something was blocking me from being able to do it but I was able to tell that they could stomp anybody in my world in terms of looks. However, what got my attention is that they were emitting an unseen pressure as if they were compelling you to obey them.

"I hope you can accept our apologies for scaring you like that. My name is Emil, to my left is Gabriel, and to my right is Manuel" Emil said with a voice that sends shivers down your spine. She was a beauty for sure, I might not be able to see her face but just by that body of hers could tell.

"Ah yes, It's okay my name is Leonardo, nice to meet you"

"As you might have noticed you are dead. We scooped up your soul when it was going to the reincarnation cycle and we have an offer that we would like to give you. Would you like to go back to the cycle or would you like a chance to reincarnate somewhere else" Emil said

"To make it simpler to understand we are giving you a chance to live in any world you wish fictional or not with added benefits, and wishes" Gabriel added

"Those benefits she so mentioned are a chance to reincarnate anywhere, except your world, with your memories intact and customizable looks. We would also give you a certain quota of wishes that you could expend, it could be tens or just 2 depending on your type of wish, so think wisely." Added Manuel, his voice sounded childish, despite his looks

I was stumped, I was going to ask to be brought back to life but It seems it's impossible. I decided to think about the wishes I could ask for.

"I accept your offer, can I have some time to think about my options?"

"Of course you could" Emil replied

===== 17 minutes later =====

"I decided I want to reincarnate with my current body and I would like to reincarnate in naruto and my wishes are:

1. Kamiya Yato's skills

2. high compatibility to anything I want to learn

3. Narutos fraternal twin

4. Innate control

5. An ability that lets me travel to any world I so wish

6. Arc of Embodiment from fairy tail

7. An almost unlimited energy source

8. A system, any type as long as I can still afford it,

That's all I want"

There was silence for a second before Emil said

"Yes, they are fine, just wait a minute we are going to discuss something"

'Should we tell him about our and by extension his circumstances?' Manuel asked

'No, I think it's too early for him to know' Gabriel said

'What about his eyes? Should we tell him? That they are not normal' Manuel mentioned

'No, let's just give him a hint and let him discover some of his abilities for himself' Emil said. With that done they went back to him.

"Leo, we will be sending you off now, But let me give you a hint, those eyes of yours are special you should explore them because they will be your most useful tool. Have you watched kekkai sensen? if you did they are similar to that Leonardo but better. Anyways good luck in your journey we will be watching you." Emil said with expectation in her voice.

"Ahh wait what do you mean b-" And I was gone before I could finish my question

This is my second novel the other one got dropped in ffnet because I didn't like where I went with it.

I hope that if you find any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes you could help me by commenting below. I am using Grammarly but it is just the free version so there is things it missed, English never was my strong suit.

This story isn't going to be able to satisfy everyone's tastes but as long as I can ill continue to write this story.

BTW I am still a student so I will be busy, I won't have much time but I'll try to write at least a chapter a week!!

Enjoy this first chapter!

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