She walked in and was greeted by the well-trained butler. "Miss this way." He urged in a sophisticated manner. She is led into the lavish living room where she takes a seat on the surprisingly uncomfortable sofa. "Mistress will be here in a short while-" "And IIIYIIIIY WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUOOHOOO IIIYAAAI-" "Mistress unless you'll rather have me go over the etiquette book Again?"

"Wait the Whole book."

The Reginald corrected his glasses as he answered "Word for word."

"So Erica darling what brings you to my humble dwelling," Katraya says in a British accent.

"First of all creepy. Second I just wanted to..."

"Sush. Dear don't ruin my mood by talking those fleas you called family."

"But I-"

"Sh just go get a nice soak freshen up and go to bed you've had a long day."


"Don't but me, Reginald dear please take her to her quarters"

Before Erica could respond she was already ascending the staircase.

Once Erica was gone Katraya resumed a serious expression.

She then held up a wristwatch. She brushes The screen which had an apple watch design.

A holographic screen occurred. "I want that company in shambles," She said in a chilling composed voice.

In the bathroom, Erica soaked in the warm bubble bath. She sat there, tears began to fall as she remembered after her father and grandmother died. She was driving back home after the reading of the will when her breaks failed. Luckily she narrowly escaped with her life. She was hospitalized for three full two and a half of which she was unconscious. The three people she put her trust in went to the hospital two days after she regained consciousness while Katraya stayed by her side for all three months.

After she was discharged from the hospital she went back home with Katraya only for the three vipers to poison her mind against Katraya and....like the fool she fell hook, line, and sinker for their plot and blamed Katraya, instead of losing her mind she smiled and left without saying a word.

Even with all that Katraya still considered her a friend. Tears of regret run down her face and it wasn't because of the whip wounds she looked at the blood that was washed of from her wounds.

Out of nowhere memories of her son start passing through her mind more tears flow down her cheek as she sobbed, "Ace." She said between sobs. Ace was her son's nickname.

"Need a barrel? cause judging from the look of things that bathtub is not enough to handle all you tears."

"It's my fault *sob* This is all my fault."

"No darling it not your fault. It's your stupidity's fault" Katraya resumed her British accent.

She received a nudge from Erica as she giggled. Well if your done being la Llorona get out of the tub before you prepare #colorless soup.

Those were her last words before she left the bathroom. Erica dried her tears then tried to stand she managed to land her feet on the floor when *CRASH* she fell hard on the marble floor.

"Hey Hawk, don't smash," Katraya yelled from the bedroom.

"Hehe." Erica giggled as she tried to stand up."Ugh."

"You really know how to give people hard." She lifted her from the ground with ease as she to her to the bedroom then places her on the bed. "Only you want to cause more trouble wearing that that towel here wear this." She tossed a pair of barbie pajamas at her. Erica raised an eyebrow as her gaze shifted from Katraya to the pajamas and back again.

Katraya pouted as she defended herself. "Don't judge me."

After Erica changed into the childish PJ's Katraya handed her one of the mics as she put on the house's sound system. Erica looks at her with hesitant eyes.

"Don't worry I made it so we can only hear it in this room. Now, let's wipe that depressed face off." She had a secret mischievous smile as she said these words.

Together the two sung to their heart's content, reliving old childhood memories.

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