

25 January astronomy tower.

Blair and Olivia were sitting at the Ledge of the Astronomy tower. Both of them admiring the beautiful landscape. Every evening they would come to this place and just sit there, talk about their plans for the future. Like every other child of their age, they also had great dreams and ambitions, Blair wanted to push the limits of his magic, whereas Olivia wanted to travel the world. They both decided to travel around the world after Hogwarts, Blair could learn magic from different places and people, whereas Olivia could also fulfil her dream to travel around the world. They even started to save money they got from Hogwarts for it, Olivia didn't spend any money on books as Blair let her use his 2nd-yearbooks, It saved quite a bit of money As the books in the wizarding world are quite expensive, Most of them are even more expensive than the wands.

"I wonder if I should start practising elemental spells" Blair said while blankly looking at the setting sun.

"If by elemental you mean that black fiendfyre, Sure go ahead, Burn yourself like you nearly did last time" Olivia said with sarcasm in her voice.

"I was just wondering and we don't have an idle place to practise this kind of spells, anyway" Blair said before getting up" Let's go, it getting late"

" What the hurry, let's wait for a few more minutes"

"Yes Mudblood, What's the hurry?" Blair and Olivia both hurriedly turned around towards the voice, taking out their wands ready to attack.

There stood 10 Slytherins, everyone one of them had their wands drawn in their hand, led by none other than Bellatrix Black. Blair knew about this crazy bitch, She was one of the Slytherins, who openly call him and Olivia,'Mudblood'. Blair had also heard about her being a good dueler. Some even said that she defeated a seventh-year student in one on one duel.

The group contained two more fourth-year students, three third-year students and the rest of them were second and first-year students. Blair took Olivia's hand and tried to walk towards the exit, But was blocked by Bellatrix.

"What's the hurry, why don't we play a but. Last time you got me by surprise ." Her voice raised as she continued to talk " or else how could a mudblood like you defeat three purebloods"

Bellatrix raised her wand, as if ready to attack. Blair quickly pushed Oliva behind the column, before hiding himself behind the other one. Spells began to hit the columns. He looked at Olivia who was also looking at him and said.

"Use 'Impetus Maximus' after I use my first spell and cast Body bindings as much as you can." She just nodded. Blair quickly pointed his wand towards the Slytherins before whispering "Exocul". Blinding light shot out of his wand, But the Slytherins closed their eyes as soon as they heard his incantation. It was as if they knew the spell.

" Do you really think that I would fall for the same trick twice?" Bellatrix said while casting an unknown spell towards him, He dodged it, Before casting 'Ventungo'. Bellatrix blocked it with a 'Protego'. The spell bounced off the shield before hitting a first-year blonde boy, The boy clutched his abdomen before falling on the ground, screaming loudly.

On the other side, after Blair casted the Blinding curse, Olivia pointed her wanted towards the Slytherins and shouted 'Impetus Maximus'. An indiscernible shimmering wall of force rushed from her wand towards other Slytherins, Unfortunately, Bellatrix was standing a little further away from the group. She wasn't affected by the Massive Banisher. As for the other Slytherins, the other 2 fourth-year Slytherins casted a 'Protege', But were caught by surprise as the Banisher wasn't stopped a bit by the shield, it sent them flying towards the wall. The other Slytherins were lucky as they didn't know how to cast the shield, so they dodged it. Olivia repeatedly casted 'Full body bind curse' towards the students who dodged her first spell. She was successfully able to immobilize all of the younger and two Fourth-year Slytherins. The only ones remaining were the 3 third-year students, They looked quite surprised and enraged, one of them pointed his wand towards her and shouted "Mimble Wimble" while the other one slashed his wand and spat out furiously "abscindereo".

The first spell directly hit her mouth, While the other one hit her chest. She fell on the floor with a loud anguish cry coming out of her mouth. A long red line began to form across her torso. Blood began to spread throughout her inner white shirt. Her screams attracted Blair's attention, who was furiously fighting Bellatrix. Even though she was a crazy blood fanatic bitch, One cannot deny her skills in duelling. She Probably got extra tutoring from the Blacks.

he saw Olivia laying on the floor, as her blood began to spread out beneath her, Rage overtook his mind. He let go of the caution, he was taking for not using any deadly spell. 80 present of the spells he knew were extremely dark and dangerous. He made a wide slash with his wand and roared in anger.


But Instead of normal Flames, Black Flames began to spew out of his wand, Moving forward in a wide circular slash. The four standing Slytherins frantically ducked down as The wave of fire passed by them and rapidly going out of the tower with a loud boom. Blair didn't stop at that, he casted another 'Fire cutter', This time it had greater power, The Slytherins again were able to dodge it. Again the fire got out of the tower with a louder bang. The sound resounded throughout the school. After failing to hit his target enraged Blair even more.





Blair began to reputedly cast the flesh cutting spell towards the four Slytherins. Two of them were hit by the cutting curse. Both of them hid behind the corner, While the last one laying on the ground as if surrendering himself, As For Bellatrix, She was still standing her ground, There was a maniacing rage in her eyes, It was as if she wanted to tear him up, limb by limb.


"THAT'S ENOUGH" A loud voice came from the stairways and Before they knew it, Blair's and Bellatrix's Wand were ripped away from their hands. Both of them looked at the voice, There stood the old headmaster looking at them with a grim face, Blair could see anger radiating from his eyes.

The headmaster took out his wand before flicking it toward the unconscious Olivia. Her Breath went back to normal and the blood on the floor disappeared. He gave another flick towards the knocked out Slytherins. Before placing it back in his rob.

"Every single one of you will come in my office after tending to your wounds" The headmaster waved his hand towards Olivia before heading towards the exit. Olivia's unconscious body followed him while floating in the air. Blair gave Bellatrix a last look before following the headmaster.

Just rate the fight scene in between 1 to 10. I would try to improve it.

Darkcrow8creators' thoughts
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