

Prince comes from a very rich home, but chooses to stay through to himself. He falls in love and ends up in a lot triangle. will he be able to find his perfect match or end up making the wrong match. Follow prince on this Short but exciting journey

Mochi_Godwin · Urbain
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

<At Prince's home, he is talking to his older sister>

Christana: Prince what is the problem, why did you have to disturb me?

Prince: Sorry about that but i have something i want to talk to you about, sit

Christana: This better be important like you said

Prince: Well the thing is that i have fallen in love

Christana: Wow that's good, with whom?Prince: A classmate , am planning to tell her my feelings tomorrow, what should i do, do i have to buy are anything?

Christana: <smiles> Don't buy anything, just tell her how you feel about her, if she agrees you can now ask her for her birthday.

Prince: Really, thanks very much, you are the best <hugs her>

Christana: you are welcome

<Same time probably by coincidence Angela is also talking to her sister>

Angela: sis what should i do, i really love him and i think i know what he wants to tell me tomorrow

Joy: You don't have to agree immediately Angela: <exclaims> what, why?

Joy: <Signs> you are to naive, don't you know what guys like him want these days, they just want to get under your skirt and dump you.

Angela: Prince is not like that, you can't compare every guy to your ex  just because he left you.

Joy: what do you know, if you don't want my advice why did you come to see me, i can leave if you don't want to hear anything bad about your so called Prince.

Angela: <signs> you can talk am listening

Joy: All i want from you is to test him

Angela: How and why?

Joy: simple, if he ask you to be his girlfriend, decline him and tell him that you feel the same for him but you have someone else in your life.

Angela: but i don't, why will i do that, it would hurt his feelings, he might never talk to me again.

Joy: This is what you don't understand if he really loves you he will be sad and even depressed when you tell him that. If he has true feelings for you he will stay that way for some time and not easily act normal if he doesn't have feelings for you.

Angela: If i do that it will really affect his studies

Joy: if it does you can now be sure that he really loves you and not after what's under your skirt. Then you can tell him how you feel about him and that all you did was just a test not to fall prey to bad guys

Angela: I don't know if i can go through with this

Joy: you have to for own good

Angela: <signs and talk to herself> Prince please don't fail this test

Joy: Angela!

Angela: <snaps out of her thoughts> what is it

Joy: Are you doing it or not?

Angela: I will go through with it

Joy: That's good, come down for Lunch, it should be ready by now

Angela: Yeah.