
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


As soon as I left the supermarket building, there was an explosion and crowds of monsters climbed from the side of the Ming Wei school, my legs barely moved from fatigue, as if I would have to do my physical development. On the way, I took off my mask, I don't need it anymore. Once I was near the safe zone, the first thing I did was find a clothing store and changed my clothes once again. I also removed some of the bandages from my face so that I could be recognized.

- Let go of Zhou Ming, we need to find Xing Yun, I believe he's alive! I heard Mo Fan's voice as I approached the safe zone. After walking a little forward and coming out of the dense thickets of trees, I saw Mo Fan, who came out of the safe zone. Zhou Ming was holding him, Lin Yu Xin, Wang Ping, Xu Zhao Ting were standing next to him, and Xin Xia was sitting in a wheelchair. I just grinned when I saw this scene.

"Zhou Ming, we're going to have nothing happen to him. Zhao Ting said, trying to calm Zhou Ming down.

"Look, isn't that Xing Yun?" Xin Xia asked, pointing at me.

- Hi guys. I waved to them, coming closer. Everyone who was here stared at me with their eyes popping out, but I don't look very good.

- Where did you get so fried? Mo Fan chuckled, speaking first.

- Yes, when I was looking for Xin Xia, after the beginning of the spell, I came across a guy in black, I decided to ask him if he had seen her. And he took and doused me with a fiery wave, miraculously escaped. Somehow I patched myself up, rested and finally got to the safe zone. - I smiled, scratching my head, giving out a pre-thought-out story.

"You need to rest, come on, I'll take you to the infirmary," Lin Yu Xin said, coming up to me.

- OK. I nodded, then turned to the others. - Thank you for worrying about me, we'll talk when I'm cured.

- How could you survive? An ordinary magician with burns of mild and moderate severity all over his body, and even these wounds? Lin Yu Xin asked as we walked away from everyone, heading towards the building with the red cross.

- I don't know, it just happened by itself. I replied in confusion. "Aren't you Lin Yu Xin, Lin Yun Er's sister?"

"Yes, thanks to you, my sister left for Xi'an, right before the disaster, thank you for that," she said in a sad voice.

- Yes, there's nothing, thank you, for what I did next. - I answered, going into the infirmary.

Quickly registering, they examined me and allocated a place to rest, changed bandages and smeared burns with a special ointment, telling me to rest. When he came to his bunk, he saw Zhang Xiao Hou sitting at the other bunk. He Yu was lying unconscious on it, her stomach was bandaged, but she had obviously lost a lot of blood.

"Hi, Xiao Hou, what's up?" I asked him, sitting down on my bunk.

- Yes, nothing pleasant. On the way to a safe place, we met Bai Yang, who turned out to be a member of the black church. If it wasn't for Lin Yu Xin's help, He Yu would have died saving me from the black monster. - He said in a tearful voice, after which he looked at me and asked. - And what happened to you?

- While looking for Xin Xia, one of the adherents of the black church fried me. - I smiled. - Do you want strength to protect dear people? And you don't know where to get it?

- Oh, what makes you think that? Xiao Hou was surprised, staring at me intently.

"It's written all over your face. I exclaimed, and he lowered his head, acknowledging my rightness. - I can tell you a place where you can get power quickly and without problems.

- What's true? And where is it? Xiao Hou asked in disbelief.

- This place is called the army. I grinned, lying down on the bed. - There you will learn how to fight against monsters, and they will give you resources for cultivation.

- And you yourself, what are you going to do? Xiao Hou asked, thinking about my suggestion.

- I'm going to enroll in Minzhu University, but for this I need to raise my cultivation, so I'll work as a hunter first. I said, putting my hands behind my head. - Well, for those who want strength and to protect people, the army is the place.

- Well, I don't know, I'm not sure ... - Xiao Hou couldn't make up his mind completely, but rather it was like a fear of military service and parting with everyone he knew.

"I will join the army to learn how to defend like Lin Yu Xin does. He Yu, who had recovered herself, said in a weak voice.

"Then let me come with you." Xiao Hou said confidently, He Yu just nodded with a smile, will this couple be okay?

After that, we talked for a while, Xiao Hou left, on business, and He Yu went to bed. Soon Xin Xia came to me, patched me up with healing magic, spending all her magical energy. Shortly after dawn, the Eagle squad, consisting of mid-level magicians, headed by a high-level magician, arrived in Bo City. They, together with Zhang Kong and the strongest magicians of the city, killed the Winged Ash Wolf and set about destroying the leaders of the pack. I slept well, went out for a walk in the evening, Xu Zhao Ting found me almost immediately.

- Hi, did you have a good rest? - He asked, running up to me.

- Yes, not bad, did something happen? I asked, looking at him.

- No, nothing. Remember when you said you were going to be a hunter? Zhao Ting asked, and I nodded my head in response. - Can I come with you. After these events, I realized how weak I was. When it turned out that Bai Yang was a traitor, there was practically nothing I could do. But Mo Fan was able to kill the monster alone! And there was also a certain Aquilon, he came along with Lin Yu Xin and killed more than half of the monsters with lightning magic, he created star trek, literally in a split second! In addition, he easily dodged all the attacks of monsters. I want to be the same! - He made a fiery speech, yes, it can be seen that my actions influenced him quite a lot.

- Yes, why not, but let's talk later? Now everything is uncertain, we'll talk in a couple of days? I asked, I still need to confirm Mo Fan's intentions to enroll in Mingzhu and move to Shanghai, after that I can freely act myself.

- OK. Xu Zhao Ting replied, after which he abruptly became very sad and added. - All my relatives died in this disaster, I'm going to Shanghai, I hope I can start a new life, become a hunter and enter Mingzhu, I hope for your help in this.

Then we walked around a bit, talked, I felt incredibly sorry for him, but unfortunately he has to die in two years, this is one of the key moments in the formation of Mo Fan. A week has passed, the magicians have practically cleared the city of monsters, Mo Xing was able to come from the hunters' base to us. Meanwhile, Mo Fan was repeatedly interrogated, trying to find out everything in great detail, but was not tried, because thanks to him, many people were saved. Lin Yu Xin, along with the military, also searched for Aquilon and Austra, mid-level magicians who also contributed to the protection of the city and the holy spring, but found no one. No one touched me and did not pay attention in any way, which was in my favor. Lin Yun Er also returned from Xi'an with her mother, I went with Lin Yu Xin to meet her, she returned by car, not by train, since the station was destroyed.

The two of us went out to the gate of the fortress, the safe zone, and waited for the taxi from which Lin Yun Er got out, with her mother. They were both very sad, no wonder, their father and husband died, sister and daughter miraculously escaped. I helped them get their things, after which Lin Yu Xin and his mother left, leaving Lin Yun Er and me alone.

"Xing Yun, I'm so glad you're okay. If it wasn't for you, my mom and I could have died like a father," she said in a sad voice. - My sister was lucky that she was saved from the adepts of the black church by a medium-level magician Aquilon.

- Yes, she was lucky, but how was your trip? I asked, feeling awkward from knowing the truth.

- Everything was fine, my mother and I walked through the streets of the ancient capital, saw many strong magicians of light, and also learned what is necessary for admission to Xi'an University, I have every chance to get there, thanks to you and the fact that you allowed me to cultivate at the leak of the sacred spring. I have been studying at school for another year, and I have already approached the third stage. However, when we found out about what happened here, we could not believe it for almost a whole day and immediately gathered back.

- Is it clear what you plan to do next? I asked, and then her face became even sadder.

- We are moving to Xi'an, I plan to go to a local university. Plus, they give out housing to victims of the disaster. And my sister doesn't mind. But ... - Having said this, she was silent for a minute, after which she continued. - You and I need to break up.

- But why? I asked, confused and shocked by her statement.

- I felt grateful to you from the fact that you took me away from the library then and saved me, then gave me strength. I even fell in love with you, but you and I are not on the way. I don't want to depend on you, so I'm sorry. - She said, lowering her head. "I'll get stronger myself, you'll see.

- Well, I hope we will remain friends. - I barely squeezed out, my first girlfriend left me in both lives, yes, unfamiliar feelings.

- Yes, why not. - She answered a little cheerfully.

Then we walked around the safe zone with her, I found out the details of her trip, told a fictional story about how I escaped. A week after the invasion of monsters, Mo Xing, Mo Fan, Mo Qing, Xin Xia and I gathered in the room allocated to us. These were all the survivors, Mo Qing's husband, missing, but most likely he is dead, or as I think turned into a black monster.

- What are we going to do next? - Mo Xing asked the main question. - Mo Fan, Xing Yun, both of you have become adult men, I am already very old, so we will do as you say. - He turned to us. Wow, my opinion will also be taken into account, ha!

"You do what you want, I'll stay here, I can't leave the ancestral city," Mo Qing said, waving her hand.

- As for me, I am grateful to you for raising me, so I don't care. But I wanted to go to Shanghai in order to become a hunter and enter Mingzhu in a year. I said, leaning against the wall.