
My Assistant's Betrayal!


*No action of suicide but there is death*


My life wouldn't have ended if it weren't for my recently hired assistant. Who would have thought she was trying to kill me?

I was living my life perfectly fine, I never treated her in a way to make her loath me to the point of plotting my death. Looking back at it now she attempted it several times.


"Ms. Mai? Here is a relaxer tea I brought for you." Helena had placed a white mug with a dark tea in it. I had drank it all because it was sweet and delicious.

"Thank you Helena it was wonderful."

If it weren't for my horrible cramps, I wouldn't have thrown up that sweet poisonous concoction into my toilet.


"Oh no Ms. Mai!" Helena had said, as she faked a trip and pushed me onto the transited road. Luckily, the man next to me had seen me fall and caught me right before a car could squash me like a bug.

I hadn't questioned her foul mood the rest of the day.

I guess she was upset I was still alive haha.

Her most recent attempt was just today...her last attempt to kill me, the one where she succeeded.


"Ms. Mai! Ms. Mai! Someone is trying to jump off the top of the building!" Helena panicked, ushering me to go look with her.

I had quickly ascended the stairs, with my four inch heels clacking as we went up. When I had reached the top and opened the door for the both of us, Helena closing it behind her.

There wasn't anyone in sight. I approached the ledge to inspect any evidence of a person but no one was there and there was no commotion below. I checked the neighboring buildings and there was no sign of a suicide attempt.

When I turned to look at Helena she had a sorrowful look on her face.

"I didn't want to do this but, I have to....goodbye Ms. Mai...."

She said as she pushed my shoulders, sending half of me over the edge. She then lifted my legs and finally had me entirely over, leaving me to fall to my death.

I remember this clearly, my lungs felt like they stopped exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide like they normally do everyday. My breathe had stopped, caught in my throat.

All I could do was close my eyes, the colors of the city in my mind. My family, friends, my closest companions flashed through my head. All their love and support, our good times and happy moments. I was grateful for them, my heart hurting for having to leave them...and my dearest sister.

I didn't want to leave them behind, I didn't want to say goodbye. I wanted to keep living! To have a life! To live more!

I was young, I had family, friends, a high paying job. Why did I have to die now? I had so much to be grateful for, people to be grateful of. I loved them.

But....all I ended up saying was "Damn it", as my world went black.


As my senses came back I was feeling like I was in the middle. All of my senses felt like they were...in between. I felt like I was laying on the ground but also floating in the air. I felt like I was in water, wet but also on dry ground.

I tried to open my heavy eye lids. As my eyes adjusted, I saw a vast nothingness. I looked at my feet and saw that water reached above my ankles. I wiggled my toes in the clear water.

So I was laying in water...

Although there was water my clothes were completely dry. I wasn't in my work clothes anymore, I had a on a simple long, white, silk dress. What was going on here?

Dread flooded my mind...who had changed me?!

Had I not died?

Had Helena not pushed me to my death just a minute ago?

"Hello there fellow candidate!" A voice spoke. I quickly turned to it seeing a floating meerkat in what seemed like a travelers clothes. It even had shoes...

"I did die..." I muttered in disbelief. Why was this what awaited people after their death?

"Yes you did...let's see here...Mai Medina." The animal said, as it searched through what seemed like a profile...my profile.

"What are you? Why am I here?" I asked. If I really died then there is no reason to question what happens after death, maybe this was normal?

"I am Moebilly, a gifter. I gift humans a chance to have another opportunity at life..." It said.

"A chance! There is a chance to go back?!" I asked as soon as my ears perked in realization.

"Yes I was getting to that...rude human." Moebilly seemed to be offended at being stopped in the middle of his sentence.

I stood silent to hear what he was going to say next.

"As I was saying until I was rudely interrupted, you humans are so rude." He said, shaking his head slightly.

I raised my hand slightly, signaling my upcoming apology. "I'm very sorry Mr...Moebilly, this was not my intention." I lowered my gaze to my feet.

"Forgiven human! Now let's get to why you are here!" Moebilly said, and my eyes brightened.

"Ms. Mai Medina you died....and since your criteria fits of those who didn't complete a fulfilling life you get a chance to live again! You neither succeeded nor failed you will receive an opportunity, although you will not return to your 'Earth'." He said.

"What will I have to do?" I asked.

"You will be required to journey to the castle, and tame the dragon."

"A-A Dragon?!" I yelled.

"Yes Ms. Mai, the recent king has ascended to the throne but only one maiden will be able to break his curse to fully take claim to the kingdom." He explained.

"I would have to do what?!" I squeaked, my voice reaching high limits.

"Break the king's curse...I thought I had made that clear..." Moebilly said, deadpanning.

I glared at him subtlety.

"This isn't something that a normal person is use to. What would I even receive for this?" I asked.

"Ah yes! The reward!" Moebilly resumed.

"Although bringing you back to earth is not possible, your gift after death is this chance. It is either pass on to what comes next or have a chance to resume living in a different realm." Moebilly explained.

"So it's this or the light..." I said.

"Or the flames depending on how you lived your life or if you failed it, but that is not up to me. Will you accept or not?"

My eyes got wide. "I'll do the dragon thing instead!" I answered quickly.

"Great! Sign here and you'll immediately start your journey on your new life!"

Moebilly summoned a pen and contract with a small 'poof'.

I signed my name and placed the pen down.

"Amazing! Now you will go through a portal to your new realm, the direct one is currently under construction but you will make it there...eventually."

Suddenly there was no ground under my feet and the next thing I knew I was falling.

"Tame the dragon! If you don't succeed then you WILL fail! As in no 'light'" The animal said.

He had never mentioned this, I could have took my chances towards the 'light'.

"AHHHHHHH" I yelled as I fell towards what felt like my second death.


Hey there beautiful ;)....haha hoped you smiled :)

Jojo_Writingcreators' thoughts