
The Locks That Keeps Him Tame

"Upper Majin rank 9 Typhon of the Dawn at your service, I came here to look for really strong mystics to fight the war against the worthless and cruel species known as humans and to think I would find a Chimera Over-lord and to make things even better you seem to have achieved human form as well now if you would kindly submit to her majesty 21 then that would be good, now it either that or die".

"And you seem to be quite the interesting specimens at that as well hmm". Said Typhon licking her lips in lust as she continues.

"That and the fact I have never seen a Chimera that is a hermaphrodite very interesting, quite interesting, extremely interesting you are truly are a beautiful work of art arent you".

"And trust me I know you are both genders, yes we Majin demons can instantly tell you smell both male and female or more you are capable of turning to either one or both at the same time, ahh I never tried Funtari play before since I am a massive lesbian I wouldn't mind the experience though".

"'Now be a good boy or girl and come to mama or be punished for your defiance". Said Typhon as smile sadistically and increased her power drastically which isn't even a percent of her true power.

Aarick watches as the beautiful demon tries to intimidate him with her rank and many weapons as he smiles sadistically under the mask as well as he releases an even huger amount of blood lust and killing intent.

As he said firmly and proudly as to get a fucking point across.

"Look here you big titted fuck, penis or fucking vagina or none, male or fucking female I will have you know I am a man in heart and soul so don't you dare fucking go there I might not be bound to things such as gender as I am whatever the fuck I pleased to be but women are the only thing that catches my attention".

"Now shut the fuck up and be a good thot that is already dead and get inside me so I can slowly eat you and saber the feeling of your misery and despair as you cry in sorrow, and I will have you know I don't take threats lightly, as I will not submit to no one, neither you nor fucking 21".

Typhon looks at Aarick with a little fear and excitement as she had never seen such an interesting creature like Aarick that and the fact she could feel the magnificent bloodlust leaking from him as she got the illusion of a colony of many monsters that were merged together into a fuck up looking monstrous abomination, as many eyes open and a lot of mouths as well, as they all smiled and look at her sadistically while licking their tongues as they saw something delicious came right into their doorsteps.

Typhon watch as a sea of shadows came along from under Aarick at monstrous speed under his feet engulfing everything around it as three sink inside and everything starts to deteriorate or rot once the sea of shadows touches it.

And after covering a nice amount of land hundreds of scary-looking sharp hands came flying out of it at extremely fast speed and when she saw all of this she couldn't help but say.

"Subarashii, Subarshii, Subarashii".

"How amazing, how magnificent, how thrilling that looks like it going to hurt but too bad I have dealt with many high-rank shadow manipulators like you in the distant past and trust me they all squeal like little bitches after I am done with them".

When the series of many flying hands came flying toward her almost reaching her she simply smiles while doing nothing but snapping her finger and my fucking lord she didn't fire non of her weapon.

But a simple snap of a fucking finger caused a great deal of destruction in the area but it was like multiple huge explosions happen all at once to destroy everything around her all at once.






All of Aaricks shadow hands were completely disintegrated as everything in 380 meters was completely destroyed the giant tree and fucking huge rocks here and there were all vaporize and turn into nothing but ashes and what was left was a huge hole about 380 meters wide but at least 100 miles deep into the ground.

And when the smoke was clear nothing was left and everything was destroyed so much so she said.

"Oh, my did I accidentally kill him *Sigh* what a disappointment and I wanted some Funtari meat too, oh well".

That was till she heard a voice behind her along with a frighteningly huge amount of mana that was charge up as the voice said.

"Destroyed me who decided that".

And when she turns around she saw Aarick pointing his hand close to her face but his entire left hand was that of infernoling a mystic that compresses mana inside their hands to release and shoot out a powerful grenade-like inferno blast almost like a cannon.

As a mouth open up from the pawns of his hand and Aarick grabs the bitch by the face and she was extremely shocked at how fast he did it as he snuck behind her by using her own shadow against her.

As Aarick then said

[Inferno cannon: 10 fold disintegration]


A huge blast engulfs Typhon as she literally took it face first as a loud roaring blast at least 30 meters in height and width was created, destroying everything in its path disintegrating everything around it, as it sends Typhon flying.

Aarick looks at the mayhem he caused as he smiles and said.

"Jesus Christ that attack pack more fucking heat than I intended for it to be".

[That one attack scale a total of twenty miles you have to work on your mana output because the mana you place in that is at least a quarter of what it takes to use Supreme magic Breath of Sehkemet which is practically the magic power of 500 Tier-3 mages with at least Tier-2 peak or 3 mana level]

"I see but I'm sure that didn't really do much to that monster she not an Upper Majin for nothing and trust me I know how strong she is she literally obliterated an army of 800 high-level elite soldiers all Tier 4 awaken on live international news at best she probably regenerate from that".

"And out of all upper Majin, she probably hates humans the most as she has disregarded our species life".

[Here she comes]


A high-speed bullet came shooting so fast that not even Aarick would have been able to see that if he didn't take off his mask but it didn't shoot him it went behind him and all of a sudden he heard someone behind him

And when Aarick heard Atlas's voice it was already too late for Aarick already as the voice said while pointing a series of multiple shotguns and one directly at his head as the seductive voice then said.

"Damn If you do amazing shit like that I might just want to take you for myself ahhh... what should I do I know let play a game it's called how much dragon blood would It take to kill a Chimera overlord".

After Typhon said that she then said.

"Of course if you don't want to play all you have to do is submit don't worry you be treated with great care as a Chimera overlord with your level of intelligence and power would definitely be a great asset to add to mistress army and I would hate to hurt such interesting specimen".

Typhon really thinks that she had Aarick in her hand as A Chimera loses it just seen the thing that could instantly kill them but the reaction she got from him really stunned like really, really stun her.

As Aarick began laughing really hard to the point the entire forest began to shake.


"ka... is that your way of saying I quick". Said Typhon who was really confident in her victory but sadly the reality was far from that.

"Kaka... hahaha... ahaha... ahahaha... hahahaha...ahaha...hahaha... ahhhhhh".

When Aarick laughs it stun her as she said.

"Have you went insane because of fear oh my poor thing".

Aarick simply said.

"Quite the opposite really why don't you take that shot who knows you might just kill me".

Typhon takes it as if he was trying to provoke her to make her drop her guard so she simply said with a playful voice.

"Ara, ara your provocation will not get you anywhere".

Aarick simply replied back with some madness behind his voice as he said.

"Bitch I said pull the fucking trigger are you deaf *Sigh* what a let down find let this generous me assist you".

And what Aarick did next shocked her and it really did hit her in more places than one if you catch her drift.

Aarick turn around as he began walking towards all the guns till a stabbing and ripping sound was heard and black blood sprayed everywhere.



What Typhon saw shocked her as Aarick walk into her guns to the point it rips through him in short he impaled himself with all 12 gun barrels as he grabs two specific guns been the one she was holding and not the other 10 she was manipulating to float.

As Aarick grab them tightly and shove both of them deep within himself and said.

"Point fucking blank at it truest bitch one to the heart and one to the head you can feel it too right the slow beating sound of my heart as the vibration travel through your hand or the soft squishy sensation of my brain so take the shot or are you too pussy to do it".

When Typhon saw this she began blushing deep red ass she began laughing to the point she was crying tears of joy as she said right after.

"Ha... hahaha... hahah... ahhhh oh my Majin you are not normal your fucking insane that for sure, the madness leaking off you, the dead-serious expression behind those words while keeping a playful and calm demeanor, ahhh... that not fair you do know how to steal a maiden heart don't yah ahh... *Sigh* by chance what's your name".

"Why do want my name"?

"Please do tell me I at least want to remember the name of the person man who almost turns me straight because your not going to survive the pure blood of a true dragon that for sure, after all, I was gifted a vile of the storm dragon Veldora blood as a reward a couple of hundred years ago I never thought that I would use it to kill you suicidal fuck".


"Yes, are you afraid knowing who blood your about to be killed with really is".

"Hahaha take the shot then bitch take it, take it now".

"Ah... Ah... Ahhh name first".

"Aarick just Aarick".

"Ohh what a rare name no wonder you are so powerful as name hold power and whoever named you probably hold that in mind as that name mean Eternal one or ruler in many languages even that of the language of the great ancient ones".

"Yea yea less talking more shooting".

"Ahh... you are so mean you sure you don't want to submit".

"Fuck you no, now shut up and fill me with holes".

"Ahh to think I will kill my crush you really are a heart breaker how sad well then you fucking ask for it".

[Gun creation: Tempest overload]

After she said that an extremely heavy pressure overwhelms the entire forest as dark energy surrounds her as the many guns start to crank as each crank sound like a raging storm as she pulls the trigger with a smile on her face.





After she pulled the trigger Aarick entire body was full with a series of holes as a loud and powerful sound was let off as black lightning flew everywhere destroying everything causing Aarick to fly back at an extremely fast speed as he flew back and crash into a giant tree in the middle of the forest.

From there, Typhon controls the giant Canons as she flew at extremely high speed heading toward the dead Aarick, and when she reaches she saw a huge hole in the center of a giant tree with smoke coming out of it as she said.

"Too bad you didn't submit honestly killing you actually brought me great sadness but I choose mistress 21 over everything else if it for her my happiness is irrelevant, too bad you had made a great addition to the Majin ranks".

*Sigh* "Well let go and kill that demon slay...

[Black lightning]



When she heard those two words she became shocked one been the fact it was the ability of a certain True dragon but even more shock as a certain Chimera overlord was alive after taking in an entire vile of Veldora pure blood in his system.

That even she wouldn't dare to drink as a Chimera weakness is dragon blood but true dragon blood is poison to all races since a true dragon is practically a mystic God hence fort weaker beings cant absorb it.

Typhon watches as a bolt of huge black lightning came her way as she had a surprised Pikachu's face as she was blown to pieces but instantly heal right after due to Neigh Regeneration as she began to Hear slow footsteps as each step Aarick took was a timer to her life.

As Aarick began walking as he began to hear Atlas's voice in his head.

[A portion of True dragon bloodline has been absorbed]

[1/100 blood essence needed to acquire the entire bloodline]

[Please note find the long last corpse of the True dragon Veldora and consume it whole]

[After consumption the Tempest dragon lineage shall be your along with his authority]

[From their Rebirth festival shall begin as his soul is still dormant in his dragon core]

[Congradulation Partial dragon transformation has been added to the race logs]

[Congradulation you inherit Tier-3 skill black lightning]

[Congradulation you inherited racial skill according to what you absorb (lesser Tempest breath)]

[Congradultion you inherit Veldora draconic privilege]

[Congradulation you inherit Choas dragon blessing (I am Anarchy) was inherited]

[Congradulation you inherit True draconic aura]

[Congradulation you gained the title Prince of Tempest]

[Due to Veldora blood the Suppression Mask has achieved a second form]

[The mask of Tempest was created with the ability (perfect elemental breathing)]

When Typhon saw Aarick she was shaking like crazy but it wasn't in fear no it was pure excitement as she watches the entity that came out of the smoke.




And when Aarick came out his hair became black-bluish, he had 2 large pairs of black and blue draconic wings and a huge fucking black and blue tail just like Veldora and a blue dragon-like unicorn horn on his head.

On his hand was blue and black scale-like armor or more like gauntlets that were part of his flesh and bones.

While on his face. his mask changed a lot if anything it looks like it became part of his face as what was a face mask was a gas mask with many horns and teeth with a Visors revealing Aarick full white eyes with no pupil but it had black electricity coming out of it.

The mask of Tempest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/425449496056116836/

When Typhon watched Aarick she was shocked no word could describe her disbelief as she said in a serious tone that doesn't lack any playfulness at all which means she was dead serious in the question she was going to ask.

"Wh-Wh-What the hell are you"?

"No, you are not a Chimera overlord are you".

Aarick slowly breathes in as he took a deep breath as he notices this mask on his face makes him breathe 100% pure elemental energy within his lungs giving him a massive boost in strength and speed with each breath he takes even his mana and magic control became way better at controlling.

As he breathed out and a blue hot steaming smoke came out of the 2 filters of the gas mask as he said.

"Wow... I wonder what gave it away".

Strangely he could talk with the mask on even if it was skin-tight if anything it just felt natural to him as it was molded to his face he also felt like he could unsummoned it making just his original face show but he finds that as bother he doesn't like unnecessary attention drawn to himself if not needed.

Aarick then continues his barrage of insults.

"You know you are an idiot if you ask me if anything your more tits, ass, and raw firepower than brains or more like you just moved with the flow of things don't ya...

"Please do tell you, moron, would you find a chimera overlord in these part if I remember correctly Chimera overlords are mostly found in the deepest part of a nest type dungeon where the mana is the richest hence fort they can give birth without any hassle their while ruling a nest of millions of lesser or elite class Chimera and also the Chimera overlord is considered almost extinct a 1 in 1,000,000 chances if you ever run into one which is just misfortune on steroids at that point".

"Which bring me to the second reason you are an idiot do I have a fucking army woman, where are the bloody Chimere cannon fodders, lesser and elite the armada and all that shit, I don't see any and if that was the case this forest would have long been dead as Chimera hunt every day so this place isn't habitable for those things".

"Which bring me to my final reason your a major fucking idiot, look at me woman Hiori, 2 fucking swords a demon slayer uniform why the fuck would a demon slayer be a Chimera overlord".

When Typhon saw this she opens her eyes in disbelief and said.

"Oh... I see... w-w-why the hell is someone as strong as you even joined the demon slayer corps hell you are not human and or a Chimera overlord so what the hell are you and don't tell me you are a human your a mystic as a human isn't supposed to have a mystic aura around them what the hell are you god damn human wannabee"?

"Well, it is not like telling you would do me any harm and you won't be an annoyance, later on, to spread the news and making more annoyance come my way hahaha... well then Gun-chan since your curiosity has piqued your interest and your fate is already set in stone I will ask you one more time do you really want to know what am I, after all, something is better left untold you might just look into a forbidden you want no part of at all".

Typhon simply said.

"Eh... do your worse I have seen my fair share of fuck up forbidden shit in my life but I'm intrigued, at first you got my interest now you have my fucking attention now let see your so call forbidden identity how bad can it really be".

Typhon been a prideful cluster head had no idea what the fuck she just walks into but like a true saying that hits like a bitch at this moment was all that could be said as Aarick said.

*Sigh* "Rember you ask for this you should really be careful what you wish for".

From their Aarick then said.

"This will be the first time I will be doing this". Aarick then began speaking in a language that no one could understand, but one thing is for sure it was the language of the devil himself as each word was uncomprehensible yet understandable it was everything and nothing at the same time, in short, it didn't exist but it still exists a language only 2 people in existence could understand this was the language of requiem that forge all of creation itself a forbidden tongue of the nothingness itself as Aarick began speaking but amazingly his voice was now a combination of his and Pandora".

Although Pandora wasn't here, he still had her voice mix in with his as they are one and the same yet two different people. This poetic incantation is the key to Aarick darker emotions as he began chanting in a sorrowful and lonely way.

In short, this incantation is a representation of both Aarick and Pandora's inner self and life thus far.

{𝔐𝔶 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔴𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔟𝔬𝔵

𝔉𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔡 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔶 𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔰𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔰

𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔪𝔶 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔰 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔦𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔯𝔶

𝔉𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔡 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔲𝔫𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰.

𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔶 𝔡𝔞𝔶𝔰 ℑ 𝔴𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣-𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱

𝔴𝔞𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔫𝔬 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔶 𝔞𝔦𝔡.

ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔦𝔫 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔶 𝔡𝔞𝔶𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰.

𝔬𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔴, 𝔬𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔩𝔢𝔣𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯

𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔫𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯-𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔫.

𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔶 𝔰𝔞𝔩𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫

𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 ℑ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔷𝔢 ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔫𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔞𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔨𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰

𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞𝔩𝔴𝔞𝔶𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔦𝔱𝔰 𝔠𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰}


Change of POV

Typhon fell on her ass normally she wasn't afraid of anything except for her master which was Majin twenty-one but for the first time in 730 plus years, Typhon felt fear far beyond the imagination, fear that was alive, fear that is constantly peeking at you just because it can.

As she said with tears flowing from her eyes as a fear challenging her resolves as everyone fear is unique in its own sense.

But luckily for her, she wasn't been affected by the true power of what Aarick was doing since she has long come to terms with her inner demons and the fact she wasn't weak-minded or had something deep within her soul that she regret till now.

It was evident she has long face and destroyed those demons that had plagued her soul long ago as she said in a scared and serious voice.

"T-T-This thing is the king of Desolation, I see it all make sense now why multiple demons committed suicide on that fateful day as we watch the light of Admonition wreak havoc upon this world".

"They say he never withers or dies, that his heart is full with endless hate for everything and everyone even his own self, they say he kill without reason just to give himself a reason".

"Heartless, Sorrowful, unpredictable, evil, and miserable existence that strives for nothing but absolute destruction for all things he is madness incarnates many tries to understanding but failed, many tried to approach him but never came back, walking the Earth because he is forced to walk it".

"They say he lost everything leaving a hole in his heart, and to filled that hole he decides to take everything from the world itself. Death is a blessing while life was a curse was his favorite saying ironically though when he met his end he never smiled even after achieving his long-awaited wish of death up to this day his death was a mystery to even the Gods as two brave warriors".

"Fought him for 6 days and 6 nights how they achieve the impossible and kill the unkillable no one knows but all they left after they disappear was a note with 3 words saying we are [ ] leaving the world with one of its greatest mysteries to this day who is [ ] and how did they kill him".

From there Typhon watches as Aarick was releasing a dark purple light coming out of his body revealing his status as the emperor of eternal Sorrow.

As Aarick said to Atlas in a very sorrowful tone.

"Did I got it right as this is the first time I'm releasing my locks within myself".

[You did great Aarick it was flawlessly done if you ask me, with the 1st lock of the 8th of them has been open, the incantation was also flawless as well if you had said it wrong all locks would have been shattered and your madness would have projected across then entire planet]

[Like when you first awaken that why I have to keep your emotion misfortune and Chaos manipulation locked at all times if not this world would have long been driving into chaos as many would kill themselves]

"I still can't believe the reason I couldn't use my other manipulation abilities was that fact you were keeping them sealed all this time".

[Unlike genetic manipulation which is tamer your emotion manipulation is dangerous because your inner and true emotion is a spiral web of madness, sadness, and depression you didn't get this when you awaken]

[This darkness in your heart was formed long ago and just got stronger over the years of neglect, abuse, and constant bullying, in short, this is why Shiro said your mind is unstable hence fort it is compatible with his]

[Even when you are not thinking anything negative or fuck up you are subconsciously doing it even as we speak, and if I release it all, it definitely going to affect the world in more ways than one]

[It is sad to say but unlike Shiro who has long face his demons by accepting his past and misfortune before reaching this point and time allowing him to control the chaos in his heart keeping him partially sane, you are not capable of that alone]

[But don't feel bad just like how he has Arthemis keeping his true personality at bay you have me keeping it in the form of locks maybe one day you might face your demons but until then I will keep your dark inner emotion lock at all times]

*Sigh* "Whatever do as you please I am in an extremely foul mood right now and I want someone to feel the same way".

Aarick said as he looks at Typhon who was trembling in fear as she said.

"Stay away from me yo-you monster".

Aarick ignored her and slowly walk to toward her.

When Typhon saw how Aarick ignored her she shouted while firing all of her cannons.

"I said stay away".





Giant flaming cannonball came rushing towards Aarick he didn't bother dodging as the cannonballs rip true him killing him but he didn't die he just pops back into existence again.

Typhon saw this and began to summon thousand more of these giant school bus-size cannons while jumping far back as she began firing like crazy as it rains giant flaming cannonballs on Aairck.

But Aarick didn't dodge as it was a bother as he died and came back over, and over, and over, again and again, and again.

As Aarick dies he respawns all while slowly walking towards Typhon who was high in the sky as she said.

"W-W-Why won't you just die already".

But Aarick replied while still maintaining his voice and Pandora.

"I can't even if I wanted to".

"Bull shit there must be a limit to how many times you can resurrect yourself".

"Yes yes, I was a fool I was a fool I should have used this from the start hahah you will just have to die and I will live hahaha...

From there a series of multiple guns of all kinds started to pop up into existence Aarick look up and saw the clouds spitting out multiple guns, in short, there were so many it was practically uncountable maybe a couple hundred thousand or even million guns manifested from nowhere.

Till Aarick said.

"What is she doing now"?

[Bullet rain]

"Bullet rain *Sigh* Atlas show me Gun chan stats, please

[Affirmative Now showing Typhon status]


[Typhon van Winkle]

Race: Upper Majin

Power level: 44,000,000

Outer Emotion: Mad in fear

Inner emotion: Deeply in love but blocked due to immense fear

Title: The Depraved one, The Forsaken

Wives: 2

Occupation: Upper Majin rank 9, Supreme Commander, Teacher

Class: Archer

Threat level: Large City

Strength: 400

Speed: 400

Stamina: 244

Vitality: 850

Intelligence: 380

Magic: Tier 5

[All skills]

[Atomic Alteration, Cannon creation, Gun creation, Infinite ammunition, Bullet Rain, All-Mother Deprivation, Firearm manipulation, Destructive force, Ammunition body, Neigh Regeneration, Kyrie Eleison, Bullet teleportation, Last stand, Demonic Alien physiology, Soul Bullet, objective Bullet]

[Martial arts]

[Perfect targeting, Gun body release, Cannon compression art, Double barrel charge, Bazooka ax kick]


[Yami, Lazaros, Fortress of the forsaken, Riberia, Magic Bullet, Sacrament of the immortal king, Demon summoning Ritual]


"She a monster in her own way as well probably the most powerful enemy I have ever fought but these guns will not really do you any justice also Atlas why does the emotion thing come up".

You release restriction [A] so anyone close to you will be driven mad in fear while her inner deeper emotion was love and admiration for you was because one her race been very unique in terms of finding a mating partner that and she was not right in the head from the very beginning as her sexual preference is rather hard to understand and you fit that criteria very perfectly.

"How annoying".

Aarick then stayed one spot as Typhon said.

[Bullet rain]








Millions of bullets came shooting towards Aarick in every direction imaginable but sadly for Typhon what Aarick did next was what made her decide to run and abort the mission if what she did next did not work.

"All the powerful bullets were going through him as Aarick was using density manipulation for the first time making all other Attacks from these guns useless even if each shot was fired at a supersonic speed, surpassing the speed of sound by almost 50x as she was using her full power.

Typhon then began laughing as she was already driven insane in madness, and at this point, she has nothing left to lose.

"Haha haha haha haha hah ahaha haha ahhh I see, I will have to use that haa I won't fail you mistress sama I just need to use that although I will use 80% of my mana after I use it".

Typhon began to glow a red aura that starts to turn dark pink as the [M] glowed slightly crimson as Typhon began to turn full pink and her tail became longer and fatter while also pink her Hair remain red but with black tips and her left eye was a scope like with a series of 3 monocles.

This was Typhon [Last stand] from here on out this was her full power who would have thought she was pushed this far by Aarick who wasn't even near full power.

From there the holes in her body started to smoke as her body made a cranking sound till it started to sound like a raging engine as series of million of Machine gun bullets came rushing out from both sides of her back making giant bullet wings on her back from there she pulls out a full golden minigun from her mouth.

Aarick then began hearing warnings from Atlas.

[Warning a powerful God-hand detected]

"What a God-Hand".

[The purest divine weapon created from the bones of a god themselves]

"How the hell did she get her hands on that, no how is a demon holding a divine weapon".

[Majin demons are the most unique type of demons to exist on Terra as they are alien-like demons]

*Sigh* "How destructive is that thing".

[If she fires that as she is now half of the Lunar forest will cease to exist]

"Jesus fucking Christ cant I get a break thank god we're miles away from Giyuu".

[Yes this forest cover at least 1000 miles in area, were at the center so he is safe if she fires it this way instead of the other]

"I see but doesn't that made her treat level to be at least Tier-6".

[Affirmative but she can't maintain this form for long as 3 minutes is as far as she can stay in this form any longer and she will die not even her regeneration can help her]


From There, Typhon said with a crazy and desperate tone and smile on her face as she shouted.

"Give them hell".

[Kyrie Eleison]

From there Million of a bullet was released as a single bullet is capable of destroying a huge giant tree as the bullet implode and eats everything like a raging void.






As the forest was been destroyed at an extremely fast pace explosions were present everywhere mystic was dying, the air was been polluted with toxins of previous explosions due to bullet rain and cannon summoning

At that moment Aarick uses the combination of his new mask, his breathing style, and his psychic force which [Isolation of the star] as he made a new unique self martial art that was extremely destructive.

The Chaos vein started to appear on his hands as the chain reaction started to occur and the black cloud-like mist started to appear on both his hand.

As he began to concentrate on a style as he needs to imitate somebody's martial art style so he decides to use Akaza's Destructive death compass needle stance practically stealing the ability for himself through analyzing it that and he got some help from Atlas straight from the Akashi recorders.

As Atlas said.

[Now Downloading Akaza Martial art style to the main bodies brain]


[Download complete]

Aarick then felt a shit ton of information rush into his brain as he felt like he did all these techniques for years and the destructive force it could do especially since his first lock was removed making both his speed and strength insane till a loud cracking sound was heard in all his joints as he said.


[Techique development: Destructive cosmic... Orbit singularity Stylus]

From there the illusion of a very complicated cosmic star map was formed under him

Something like this: https://wallpaperaccess.com/constellation-map

As the world around him freezing and time itself stop as he began running so fast while punching away many bullets at a time till he finally reaches Typhon as he said.

"I don't want to kill you I want to eat you alive slowly and take your soul you intrigue me very much you would make a very great and unique familiar at least with you I might find out where Veldora's corpse is so 5% should do".

Aarick clenches his fist tightly with a loud cracking sound that sounds like a loud giant cosmic supernova going off, with it time revert back to normal as Typhon was shooting like crazy till she notices Aarick was right in front of her as her eardrums were destroyed by the loud sound as she said to her self.

'When did he reach all the way over here I'm screwed I'm so fucking screwed'.


The fist connects to her face as a loud explosion was heard sending her flying.


Change of POV:



Giyuu has been fighting these demons for a while now he has been played and fuck himself over maybe he should have to ask Shinobu to have helped him along with the other Hashira while bringing a fucking army of demons slayers.

He never expects to run into one of the most powerful demons in the world Typhon of the dawn the depraved one he stands no chance against that fucking powerhouse as she is a literal one-man army.

He has already killed half of these lesser demons as it appears Typhon sense a powerful intruder nearby so he got a break and didn't have to fight her directly honestly he wanted to escape and report the bad news to higher up but these guys aren't giving him a break.

As one demon said.

"Haha look how pitiful you look Hashira your dead when her excellency Typhon comes back".

"Yah we are going to enjoy eating you slowly".

"Hahah start screaming worm".

Giyuu would cut their head off but he had a broken arm his sword was broken and he was shirtless riddle with wounds all over as he said.

"I guess I have no choice but to use that".

Giyuu then pulls out an injection with rather blue-like blood in it as he said.

"I'm sorry everyone this is where it ends as I will kill myself right after".

One of the demons then panic as she said

"Wait is that what I think it is no fucking way everyone gets him don't let him use that".

Giyu was about to inject the thing into his heart while all the other demons rush towards him till everybody hear a loud sonic boom coming their way which made and the other demons stop and look to their right but sadly for the demon they just got fuck as they were caught in the crossfire.

They didn't even have time to say anything as a raging black beam kill all the demons till a loud boom was heard Giyuu look to the left and saw a limbless Typhon and many dead demons while Typhon was thinking her head.

'How was my rationality been tempered with'.

'The fear was so strong I lost my calm shit'.

'Ahh, that attack put me out of commission thought'.

'That attack was beautiful and destructive aww to thinks my first crush that was a man would kill me *Sigh* loves a bitch he interesting creature indeed the king of desolation to think it was on the human side mistress 21 is definitely going to have a serious problem with him well I should at least take out this demon slayer before I die'.

From there Typhon use life force to substitute for mana as she was fresh out, hell she uses the remain to focus on nothing but regeneration as Giyu saw a huge red cloud start to open up, and from it came a giant bullet the size of a mountain it was nuke like,

As he began running away from their saying.


Typhon then said with a weak voice.

[All-Mother Deprivation]

The Giant Bullet came from the sky and touch the ground going off like a nuke destroying everything around this area and more as it engulfs Giyuu as he said.



After the nuke was set off and the smoke was cleared Giyuu said as he notices he was still alive and when he look a black barrier was placed over him no a black Halo was over his head that created a barrier protecting him.

"You should stay in that barrier she is still dangerous".

Giyuu look and saw Aarick who revert back to normal as he said.

"First off what you are about to see might be disturbing so you are free to close your eyes and before you ask why I have dragon wings I have a shape-shifting ability that allows me to grow stronger the more I eat, so don't ask me again, I hate the irrelevant question you people love to ask and also please be witness to the execution as I want to join the Hashira ranks as your rule goes if you kill an upper demon you can join the corps as a Hashira no question ask".

Giyuu didn't answer so he sits down and focuses on healing.

"You are so fucking annoying, I almost had him fuck you and your bullshit powers". Said Typhon to Aarick barely standing up but Aarick uses the poison Noir bead and instantly teleported in front of Typhon with a giant black cannon in his hand he created using it".

"So fast". Said Giyuu in shock at the inhuman speed Aarick was distributing

"Hehe, so you are going to kill me with A cannon how ironic".

Aarick said nothing as he took the poisonous Cannon and shove it into her chest and blow out her whole insides.


Typhon fall to the ground as She watches a scared Giyuu and when she noticed the reason why he was like that was that Aarick took a monstrous shape with many hands and eyes grey in appearance as he holds her down to devour her slowly as Aarick said in monsterous voice that could fill anyone in fear.

"That poison in you kill your regeneration factor for 2 days so it's useless trying to regenerate your dead either way".

Aarick at this moment couldn't be described so easily as it would take someone with equal madness to make sense of the form he has taken to feast on Typho as his feature was completely monstrous, one can only say he was an abomination that doesn't belong in this world.

Abomination Aarick: https://www.deviantart.com/morkardfc/art/Feral-Offspring-833494475

Due to the great and one-sided fight that took place, the forest will never be the same again as this one area will be a death zone as the great amount of mana that release by these two powerful entities will eventually turn into pure mana Poison.

Due to Aarick releasing a huge amount of miasma in the atmosphere also mix with the chemical and Atomic Toxin Caused by Typhon All-Mother Deprivation a skill so powerful it could wipe an entire large city off the map upon releasing it.

Meanwhile, Giyuu could only watch in absolute horror and fear as the reason he wasn't affected by the poison and explosion that was a literal Tsar-Bomba on steroids was that he has long partaken in Aarick stream of immortality and the barrier around him protected him.

He watches as Aarick slowly tears and rips her to pieces as she was still alive Giyuu was so afraid to the point he was given the right to move simply to show that even if he moves and Aarick really wanted him dead he would have been dead.





And the only reason Giyuu wasn't freezing to death as it starts to snow chemical snow shortly after was that he was using his Ki to stabilize and control the warmth in his body as well preventing radiation at the same time.

Meanwhile, Typhon was on the ground still very much alive slowly been eaten alive as she was been held down by many monstrous hands.

Sadly for her, she was the weakest in terms of physical strength as she watches as the monstrosity eats her slowly as she was alive but been alive like this was a hell like no other as she was been assaulted by the most painful thing she has ever experience.

But sadly for Aarick, he won't get the reaction of despair pain, or agony out of her if anything she felt honored, proud, and completed as a Majin demon all have strong belief over the concept that to live one most devour that and she came back to her senses and it was just her time to be devoured as she was the weaker one in this war as she said in her head.

'It hurts... but I won't cry or complain over spilled milk my fate is already set in stone from the moment my body absorb that poison but regardless I can't think of any better way to go than this,

'To fight the beast of desolation and becoming one with him is an honor like no other, I shall live on within you as we Majin demon believe we are eternal so eat, eat till your sick of it, eat till you can't eat anymore, eat till their nothing left'.

'The strong prey on the weak as to live is to devour so eat your fill'.

'Ravish me, devour me whole, eat me out, deprive me of everything I have and let our blood and flesh become one, savior each and every bite don't leave a single thing behind it not good to waste food isn't that right mistress 21.

It was just too bad that she was too weak to talk and couldn't say these words to Aarick as he has already eaten all of her limbs as he grabs her by the hole he inflicted in her chest earlier, and rip her in half consuming a huge amount of her blood whole.

Typhon started to lose consciousness as her vision became Hazy and blurry but right before Aarick completely kill her she starts to see a beautiful girl she was full pink in color and wore baggy white pants with a black bra top and curly white spikey hair and multiple gold bracelets on each limb except her neck and hips.

She wore a white lab coat and eyeglasses as her beautiful blue eyes reflect with a gentle smile and her giant pink tail wave from left to right as she walks towards Typhon and rubs her head which made her shed a single tear as she said.

"Thank you milady for everything it was an honor serving you for all these years".

Android 21 just smile as she said but one sentence before vanishing.

"I hope in your next life you will find the answer you have been looking for Typhon thank you for your years of loyalty and service and goodbye".

From there Typhon began closing her eyes slowly as she died with a smile on her face with tears coming from her eyes with her last word been.

"Thank you for everything".

If we now look we can now see a normal Aarick that revert back to his original form with the head of a perfectly decapitated head of Typhon who died with tears of happiness on her face as his fang was deep in her neck sucking everything she had.

As he slowly removes his teeth from the already dead Typhon as he began hearing the voice of Atlas in his head.

[Congradulation you gained 103 lesser night demons familiar with a little intelligent left as familars]

[Congradulation you gained 1 Upper-Rank Majin demons as your familiar]

After Aarick finish sucking Typhon her memories of her entire life flash before his eyes and he actually fell a little pity but that was it.

You see Typhon was originally a Human name Tefla as she is the perfect definition of a human who fell from grace 739 years ago.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was kind and very energetic she loved everything around her equally and fairly but she was also very religious as she grew up in a village that worship the god of love Cupid as he believes in love and beauty overall.

The village was very strict with their belief as they believe everything was done out of love till one day a village fire breaks out due to some bandits as they raid the village but thankfully they weren't strong but because of her noble heart she tried to rescue a little girl from one of the bandits as her ability was called great concentration.

Which make her concentrate at an extreme level as she manages to save the little girl through tactics and smart thinking but in the process, she lost half her face as one of the bandits shot her in it destroying her once beautiful face thankfully she survives as she manages to dodge it in time thanks to her ability but not unscathed.

Even after her noble deeds, she was exiled and abounded because of her ugly appearance as no one can love such a disgusting girl or woman with such an unsightly appearance.

The girl wandered into the world of the mystic constantly running from the danger it has to offer till eventually due to the constant running and not having anything to eat for weeks she was on the verge of death as she waits for death to patiently come and end her suffering once and for all.

That was till she met a demon that called herself 21 that feed her a portion of her flesh as she said.

"You look pitiful girl you want to live then eat and don't waste a single chunk of my flesh".

Out of desperation of wanting to live, she ate twenty one's flesh and that was the day she became a demon like her and disregarded her humanity for vengeance as she returns to her village killing the entire village and her family in cold blood by shooting all their face-off, and skewered them all on poles as she faces them all to the east where the sun rises.

As it is believed that the sun is the eye of the universe where the Gods look at their mortal creation as a way to piss Cupid off which she did manage to do as Cupid loves the village dearly.

Hence the nicknamed Typhon of the dawn.

Aarick also learns a couple of things like how 21 immense power that grows by the day causes her to slip and change personality depending on how much power she is using as one minute she is the kindest person in the world, while the other minute she is a living nightmare no one wants to cross paths with as this greatly hurt her as she feels the 21 she once knew is changing slowly but surely.

He also learns that there are 24 elite Majin demons but amazingly this body doesn't know what their powers are as Elite Majin demons tend to keep to themselves as they are 12 Upper MaJins and 12 Lesser Majin then comes the Hierarchy which goes like this Majin been the lowest of the lowest which are mostly night demons, 1st Majin which are also night demons, 2nd Majin which are day demon and the fourth highest rank, 3rd Majins, Lesser Majins, Uppers Majin then Royal Majin which 21 and 3 others under her holds that position of.

After Aarick completely absorbed her life, emotions, memories, soul, mana, knowledge, energy, and talents he felt refresh like he had trained in the way of gun-wielding for centuries as he knows everything about guns, firearms, nukes anything that has a trigger or can go boom he likes and he wants, But Typhon most interesting Talent is the fact that she can drive anything even if she hasn't driven it this is caused by the reason for her love for destructive things.

Aarick then Began to fused Typhon's horrible damaged and mangled corpse he brutally half-eaten alive so he can get her racial abilities but sadly some of them were annoying as fuck as he heard Atlas's voice rang in his head.

[Eight powerful Racial abilities were inherited due to merging Typhon with yourself]

[Majin Seduction has been inherited]

[Demonic Alien Physiology has been inherited]

[Majin Breath has been inherited]

[Majin Charm has been inherited]

[Majin Stomach has been inherited]

[Bullet Regeneration has been Achieved]

[Majin Libido has been inherited]

[Majin Mating Dance has been learned]

[All racial abilities has been inherited]

[Typhon has submitted to your reign she is now yours to mold as you pleased]

[The Majin race has been added to the raced logs you can take the form and power of Typhon van Winkle due to perfect familiar control]

[Everythig Typhon own is now your for the taking Magic, abilities, even her twisted Depraved nature is all your due to perfect Familiar control along with her God-Hand Kyrie Eleison]

[Now giving a quick ability synopsis]


Majin seduction: The Majin race is a very powerful race of demons kin but at the same time they are probably the Succubus on steroids of this world due to the fact their part of a very powerful and extinct Alien species called the Lilitherias as these alien have a very high sex drive beyond this current universe understanding so your seduction skills have been maxed out.

Demonic Alien Physiology: Half devourer demon and half Lilitherian the perfect combination to make the perfect dick hungry destroyers your also capable of using Majin energy which is special invisible energy you can manipulate at will PS you can breathe anything and when I say anything I literally mean anything don't go and use any wipes young man it because of this condoms are feared in that world as this world doesn't need another monstrosity. (Ps fucking make you stronger)

Majin Charm: A charm so strong not even the Gods and Goddesses could resist you.

Majin stomach: You will be surprised by all the shit you could eat and digest at an extremely fast pace.

Typhon Bullet regeneration: Yea I'm multiple fucking bullets that can reform cause why the fuck not.

Majin Libido: Bitch I said get on all four and start sucking for about a month Till I calm down.

Majin Mating Dance: Ever wanted to fuck a Majin demoness well now you can as the more elegant and beautiful the dance is the more Majin bitch will throw themselves at you so let us catch them all and breath them all then offspring when they developed and the cycle begins all over again.


Aarick had a dead-pan look on his face after reading this horny race racial skill he could only thank God that he is not bound by one bloodline as he can be any and every race he wants with genetic manipulation alone.

"Bloody hell I'm convinced that the weakest Majin demon libido and sexual preferences are even beyond a succubus queen understanding what a scary race hmmm I want to fuck 21 I only saw her once but my god she packing more heat than a Mexican burrito... hmm fuck it raping a succubus doesn't count as rape right *sigh* whatever that coochie is already dead since it on my hit list".

"Wait what the fuck am I saying".

[Due to the main body merging with Typhon during the main mating season of the Majin demons you are in a slight arousal state and because of that your mind become way lewder and fuck up]

"Well fuck me".

[Congradulation you have achieved the Lilitheria alien mind]

"Wait this isn't a hentai chapter".

[Congradulation your horniness just broke the fourth wall]

"Atlas just shut the fuck up will you as we will never speak of this again".

[You gained the title the Crimson fucker for making a demon cum from her death]

"Moving onnn...

Aarick then put back the suppression mask since his magical power had a huge boost in power and the fact that a trembling Giyuu was holding his broken blade aiming at Aarick in fear as he has mixed feelings about him.

On one hand, he owes him since he saved him from been killed earlier but on the other hand, he was in a state of immense fear as he just witnesses a human no a monster pretending to be a human who claims he wanted to be a Hashira to kill all demons and erase them from this world.

He watches as Aarick comes close to him, Giyuu wasn't dumb running would be useless before this thing in the shape of a human but then he thoughts if they would have such a destructive force of nature on the side of the demon slayer corpse they might stand a chance against demons hell even the upper echelons of the demon race.

So he concentrates on his breathing to calm his self down.

Meanwhile, Aarick was starting to walk to Giyuu till Aarick heard a voice in his head that was not Atlas till the seductive voice said.

{Ara, ara You know master you sure did enjoy tormenting poor old me you sadistic fuck}

{You literally take everything away from me sniff sniff}

Aarick has gotten used to this already what another voice in his head so he said.

"You see in any circumstance you would have made a point if you didn't get off to it, I ate your memories I know you cum plenty in your pants when I blow your fucking stomach out you Majin bitch as your race is way more fuck up than me".

{Says the Crimson Fucker}

"Fuck you Typhon".

{Please do, I like an audience if you catch my drift}

"Why do I even bother how annoying".

{What I can't help it we're not like you who could change his race as he please}

*Sigh* "How annoying by me fucking you is me technically taking masturbation to another dimension in a whole".

{It's still your fault you hit me in a good spot too}

"I fucking blow out your inside with a fucking Cannon with a really strong and deadly poison in the bullet how the fuck is that good in any way".

{Well master bitches love Cannons and I really love Cannon especially your cannon I still can feel and remember when you knocked up my inside properly with that deadly poison of yours}

"Of course you love Cannons you are the living definition of the living breathing gun-chan wait I just remember you are already dead, you know what you win, bitches love cannon I dig it now shut the fuck up before I take away your right to talk I got some important shit to disgust".

{Yes daddy abuse me more}

"Good lord this chick has some fuck up fetishes".

[May the Lord be with you Aarick]

"He has long left me Atlas he has long left me so there is no point".

[At this rate your harem is going to be full with crazy bitches first Pandora, now this gun-loving, cock worshiping masochist what next an evil or broken spirit]

"Please don't jinx it Atlas".

But little did Aarick know it was already too late.


*Sigh* "My schizophrenia has just gone through an entire series evolution".

From their Aarick was in front of a Giyuu who manages to calm his self down as Aarick removes the barrier around him so he didn't get killed.

Giyuu watches the mysterious humanoid monster as he went for a handshake and said.

"First off thanks for saving my skin back their the name is Giyuu Tomioka".

Chapitre suivant