
Chapter 1: The Title

The gentle tapping on the screen was the only indication of life in the night. A bedroom hardly lit by the light of a dim phone. In this bedroom there was a desk and a bed. The desk was empty except for the laptop that sat on it. Luckily this desk isnt important and niether was the room for much longer. In the bed there lied a boy on his phone contemplating the words of what he hoped to be the beginning of something great. After giving it ours of thought he typed away a title. "Labyrinth of The Rich Man" was gonna be his new book that took people by storm. He had imagined his life as if he were a rich man plucked from his calm life and thrown into a magical world where he would gain power through sheer luck and determination. He imagined an easy world where his main character could thrive and survive.

Sadly, this was just in imagination. No matter how hard his main character would fight in his story, there was no way he could make it practice. He would probably be squashed by the evils of this world. After all, he would be a newbie to the world of magic.

But that wouldn't make for a good story... So as your benevolent narrator I will see if I can pull a couple of strings so that we can have a fun time. Hope to see you later on in the story. I am gonna need some concentration to bring you the show of life time. So long and see you soon. The story begins now.

Daniel was excited about his new novel. He had the ideas planned out in his head and he wrote the title officially written and, and... Now Daniel was questioning why he was talking in his head in third person. I decided to stop. And what I really need to do is get to class. Ms. Snodgras already hates me for being late to class for the past week. If I am late again who knows what will happen. Maybe I am not important enough for her time. Maybe she will finally understand that it isn't my fault I am late... Aww who am I kidding not with my-

"Whoaaahhh shit" I managed to get so lost in my thoughts I tripped on the elevation change from grass to sidewalk... Glad no one was here to see th-

"Yooo Dann! Wassup My man?" Oh of course... could it get any worse... of course I would have to wipe out right infront of Kyle. My supposed "friend" since 6th grade. Now it's 10th grade and he wont leave me alone. All he ever gets is the bit of money I saved up for the vending machine while I am left with nothing.

"Hey Kyle... do you need something? I am kind of late for class... and... yeah."

"Seemed you fell pretty hard back there. Didn't think you hit your head but clearly you did. You think that is any introduction for me?" He reaches his hand out to me. To anyone else it would look like he was being nice and helping me up. "Oh what a nice person Kyle is" they would say later. Half the time they are trying to suck up to principal's son to soldify their position in the school and others, believed the lies they told about him.

I do what he wants me to do every time we are in this position. I grab his ring and I kiss the highschool championship ring he stole from his brother. He laughs as beckons one of his jock friend to come over while I get up and brush the dust off my cargo shorts.

"Do you have what we asked you for?" Kyle doesnt seem to care if I am hurt. This isn't anything new for me but Mom said I shouldn't give up him yet. That everyone has good in their hearts and all that. I don't buy it. He was born rich and corrupted by greed the moment he was fed the silver spoon. I was born poor and corrupted by want the moment I was starved. We maybe similar in some aspects but never were me meant to be friends and never were we meant to be good.

"Yeah it's... it's somewhere in here... god my backpack is to unorganized... uhhhh... EUREKA!" I pull out the papers that he wanted. The answer sheet to his 6th period test. He said something about owing me a favor if I did this for him. I just hoped it would keep him quiet for a month or two so I can focus on work. "So I gotta head out now... bye!" I take off running hoping my day couldn't get any worse. Of course I would jinx myself with those words but C'mon! My day can't get too much-

"WHAMMM" I run into someone but I cant see a thing. I have managed to lose my glasses and now I have a headache and... my day can't get much worse.

"Ohhh nooo!! I am so sorry about that. I think these are yours" It is a girls voice that I hear. One I am too familiar with. It's also a soft hand that reaches into mine spreading out the fingers. I am not really sure what I thought you happen... I thought if her fingers interlaced with mine I wouldn't mind... I was dissapointed by my glasses being placed in my palm.

I sit there quiet for a second. "Oh yes it is alright. In fact I should be apologizing to you! I shouldn't have ran into you like that Emma!"

"It's okay Daniel!" she laughs at my franticness "Calm down it will be okay. Hurry up to class" she starts walking away and I catch myself staring and shake myself out of my hypnosis "OH AND DANIEL!" she quickly walks back towards me "I am having a party tonight at my place to celebrate the end of the first semester. You should drop by it will be fun."

I look at her for a moment trying to decipher if she is joking or not. She has hardly talked to me even though we have 3 classes together and all. "Umm... sure I will see if I can make it... But I got to get a move on. The bell is gonna ring any moment now." I rush off but after I take two steps I turn around and yell "Sorry again... Byeeeeee!"

I was trying to dip my feet into something new. This is the first time even attempting something like this so bare with me.

Pen_Writercreators' thoughts