
A Promise

They both sat down on the grass and was watching stars in the night. they both were reminiscing their childhood moments , how they used to fight and how they became lovers.

Lu jinian was very happy as finally Ning xi and he will get marry so he tells Ning xi that he will convince his and her parents so that they can finally get marry.

Ning xi says that her mother will already agreee so there is no problem from her side but she tensely asks will your mom agree. Lu jinian smiles and says i will convince her .he says she appears to be a cold and strict but inside she is warm and a considerate women. she will surely agree to my happiness.

Ning xi gets a relief and was watching stars . suddenly lu jinian asks her something :-

Lu jinian :- Ning xi !

Xi:-" mmm..."

Lu:- Do you remember our promise ?

Xi:- She smiles and says" yes."

Lu:- what was the promise ?

Xi:- "that whatever happens in our life we both are not allowed to leave each other at any cost. no one will break this promise ever."

Lu :- he smiles and kisses her on her neck as she was leaning on lu jinian chest.

This sudden kiss sends a shiver in her body and she gets goosebums on her body. she stands up from there and says lets go home its getting late....lu jinian gets little bit upset but still stands up and they leave for home.

They both get in the car and jinian reaches in front of her house. Ning xi says bye to him and was ready to open the door when suddenly lu jinian leans closer to her says "that day after Tommorrow he will wait for her in civil bureau affairs office at 9 am".

Ning xi gets shock and says what about our families . he says i will talk to both of our families. you just get ready to become Mrs.jinian now. she gets shy after listening this and blushes instantly. he comes forward to kiss her but she lowers her face and his kiss lands on her forehead. he pretends that he is annoyed and looks in different direction.

She gets tense up and leans close to him and kisses him on his cheek . he still doesn't reply or reacts. She further leans close to him and gives him a slight peck on his lips and quick gets down from his car without saying bye. He smiles and leaves .
