
Prologue (Part Two)

Our mansion was so pretty. Even as I walked down the halls to my room, I couldn't help but examine the large tapestries on the walls.

As I turned a corner, I ran into my father. "Good morning, Papa," I curtsied.

Bewilderment filled his face for a split second before being replaced by amusement. "Goodness gracious, Owen," He laughed, "Why in the world are you dressed like that?"

The old man was dressed in his 'casual' clothing. Which only slightly differed from his fancy clothing. Really, the only difference was that the suit was made to be more comfortable to move around in. His hair was a flaming red, just like mine. It was gelled so that it stuck together in a clump. Not a single hair was out of place. The clump bounced up and down as he laughed.

"What?! How did you know it was me?" I frowned in dissatisfaction. Apparently, my disguise had not been enough. I contemplated adding a wig to the ensemble.

My father laughed even louder. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I recognize my own son? Besides, you're the only one in the household who calls me 'Papa'."

Ah, so it was like that. I reflected on my actions of today. I would need to better portray the attitude of my sister in the future.

"In any case, does your Mama know you're dressed like this?"

I grimaced. "Why yes, she does."

Suddenly serious, Father knelt in front of me, just as mother had. I flinched. Was he going to scold me as she had as well?

"Owen," I held my breath, "Sigh. Your mother is... very conscious of appearances."


"This may cause her to lash out sometimes and do things she shouldn't do. Like strike you or your sister. Owen, you are my only son, so I want your honest opinion. I know it may be a tad confusing, after all, you're only eight, but I want you to try to think hard about this. Would it be better if she was... gone? If you had a new mother is what I mean. And a new sibling as well."

Okay, first of all, I'm not stupid. I may be eight, but I was more than intelligent enough to know what this meant.

"Father," I asked seriously, "Did you cheat on Mama?"

A look of guilty surprise found it's way to him.

"Because, if you did, I want you to know that I will love and support you no matter what you do. However, I also want you to know that adultery is a sin. I will love you no matter what decision you make, but if in any way it negatively affects my sister or me in the future... I do hope you thoroughly think ahead and make the right choice."

My father frowned. "Why does it sound like you're speaking to a child rather than your father?" He mumbled.

I stifled a laugh. Really? You're saying that now?

"Says the one who asked his crossdressed, eight-year-old son whether he should divorce their mother and marry a mistress."

There was a moment of silence. Then, laughter filled the air. "I guess you're right. I've been acting pretty dumb lately, haven't I?"

I nodded my head. As long as he understood.

*sigh* If only I'd known that my words would affect our entire future. Maybe I would have thought it over a bit more.

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