
A Lazy Mans Motivation to Eternity

One man's failure is a fortune to another. Due to bad luck, karma or bad fate, I failed too ascend at the very last step and died, well almost but at least I can give opportunity to another to achieve what I couldn't.

Rutabulis · Fantaisie
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46 Chs


Lingyun and Linghua made their way to the mess hall. They had the option of having food made in their quarters given their status in the clan now but instead chose to show their faces among the other clan members.

It had not gone unnoticed that the Sun and Moon residences had gotten new owners. When they arrived in the mess hall most of the clan members were still in the same festive mood as the first day after the return. The clan opened their coffers since the food had strong yuan qi essence.

Most of the clan members who were allied with various sects were already used to some of the best quality food that would be good for cultivators and hence the clan was going above and beyond to make sure that their quality of life had not disrupted.

The time of the gathering had already been decided and the news had already been shared with the clan members and the talk of the reason they had been called back was all that anyone was talking about.

"I didn't think our clan was so wealthy that we could vie for so many entry tokens..." one girl was saying to a group of others.

"Do you think that we will have to fight each other for them..."

"I don't think the clan would risk our injury for this," another girl said. She seemed to be the one with the highest cultivation and hence the de facto leader.

"But it's a great realm where even a strong figure could make a breakthrough." another girl said.

"I heard that story, is it true," a boy said sitting down by the girls. The leader of this group turned away in disdain at the boy but one of her friends continued talking.

"Hundreds of years ago, the Zhang clan patriarch stepped down from the clan to go into death seclusion, and everyone assumed he died since he was not heard from again," she said.

"But surprisingly, he came back to the clan alive and stronger than ever." another girl concluded.

"It was in that secret realm where he made his breakthrough," a boy chimed in.

"I am sure that anything we pick up in that realm might be a treasure, not to mention the inheritance that might have been left."

"Picking up even a treasure could come with death and difficulty." the girl's leader said, "I don't think just anyone will be allowed to go."

At their own table, Lingyun was unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation. He knew that that was just the story that had spread from Wenzhou city but the Zhang clan had yet to confirm the truth. If it was true, it wouldn't be a surprise if some of the weaker clans and sects were raided for their tokens and if it was false the Zhang clan could face definite fallout from the many people who had given their valuable treasures for the entry tokens.

They were eating silently when one of the boys looked back at them and said, "We can ask the truth from those two," he said.

"Yes, they were with the elders and the Matriarch returned from the city, I am sure they know what is going on."

Suddenly all the talk in the hall died down. Martial artists had very good senses and the boy was easily heard by most people. All the attention turned to their table and a few people in their immediate vicinity brought over their chairs to join them.

Lingyun had to say something otherwise the stares would swallow him.

"We don't know much more than you," he began.

"BULLSHIT!" said a shout from a few tables away as a large boy about sixteen-seventeen stood up. People around him gave way for him to pass through and stand right in front of Lingyun.

"It's true, we were only at the first auction when the terms of the auction were made," Linghua said, "The only thing I can confirm was that the old man was indeed the Zhang clan ancestor as all of you have heard."

"Qifan," a young lady said walking up to them. She was slightly older than he by a few years, "If they were not there, there is probably much they know that we don't."

"Hmmph." Ling Qifan said, "If that is the case how do you explain them staying in the Sun and Moon quarters in the clan."

"We all heard that they have incredible talent which was confirmed by the elders when we asked," she said.

"Well the clan gathering is tonight," Ling Qifan said and walked away.

The crowd dispersed seeing no action or new information and went back to their own circles and continued talking. A few continued to chat and look in their direction once in a while. Lingyun didn't pay them any mind and continued to eat. The spirit beast meat was particularly good to eat and he could feel his body condition continue to improve.

"Do you really know nothing?" she asked narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the both of them.

"Senior sister Shi, there is not much we can do if you don't believe us," Linghua said laughing slightly.

Lingshi was a talented member of the clan and the only one among the younger generation who was stronger that Ling Qifan. It was why he had backed away from his interrogation when she appeared.

One look at her feminine features would have many men pursuing her. She looked delicate and fragile like a fairy. Beneath her general demeanour hid a terrifying strength that the two of them had endured before. When they were younger the two had tried to sneak at her as she bathed and the result made Lingyun visibly shiver.

Their indiscretion was forgiven and they had become friends until she had to leave to join the Nine Yang Pavillion where she was an inner disciple. At her age, that was an impressive feat that showcased her talent.

As he continued to eat he sent her a voice transmission: "Gather as many Core Realm beast cores and blood and come tomorrow look for a strength-based cultivation technique."

Having had a favourable impression of her he had a quick conversation with Linghua about whether they should make her an ally or just leave it be. The latter nodded but they should but they had to test her first.

Her eyebrows rose as she realised what he had just said. This was the perfect test since it proved a few things. First was that he knew the reason why the clan members had been summoned, second that unlike what many people thought the entry tokens were important but they were not the reason why clan members had been summoned. They could have been called back right when the secret realm was set to open. The third was the fact that he knew how best to benefit from the gathering.

Lingshi looked at her two junior brothers. They were clearly only at the Opening Mortal Realm but they could already send voice transmission, something that only Core Realm cultivators and above could. They were clearly not as simple as they looked. She remembered when they were known as the boys who had refused to cultivate. What had happened since she had seen them last and what exactly was going on in the clan?

She had so many questions but also knew that this was the forum to address them. It was not important what was going on in the clan for now. What she had learnt just now was enough for her to make preparations. She finished her food and stood up

"It seems you really don't know anything," she said just loud enough for the people nearby to hear but she sent a voice transmission, "I'll be going ahead first. Be careful of Qifan, he might try something before tomorrow."