
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 21 Night shroud

[ Would host learn night shroud]

[ Yes, no]

"yes" said Ajax.

Immediately, Ajax felt a burning sensation across his entire body. A massive headache came soon after as a flood of information came in.

Night shroud: Gives the ability of the host to be able to pass through physical attacks for 5 minutes but drastically uses a lot of stamina.

As the pain began to subside, Ajax fell asleep.

Feeling the sun shine on his face, Ajax began to slowly wake up. Looking back on his skill, Ajax just thought of one thing, and that is that the skill he had was pretty op for last minute measures. For 5 minutes, he is basically invincible if he can get secure his kill within that time limit. Although the stamina may be a problem at the moment, as his level rises he can always invest in stamina points and problem solved.

Looking around himself, he noticed the familiar surroundings and made his say towards Tim and Jerry. Arriving at the location, he had already saw that the two were already up and starting their sparing. He did not immediately show himself and stood on top of a branch while eating a fruit in his storage.

Tim was continuously dashing around and side to side around Jerry trying to find a an opening. Although Tim was faster than Jerry, Jerry had a wide range of attack. Every time Tim would get close and land a strike, Jerry's wide attack would come close by to bash in Tim causing him to jump back to dodge the attack. Like this, their attack pattern changed and varied but it was a stalemate. It seems as though Tim was having trouble of dealing with wide ranges of attacks. Seeing this problem, Ajax couldn't stand it anymore and jumped down.

"It seems like you are having trouble Tim" said Ajax as he walked forwards.

" Yes, I can't figure out how to get past his defense" replied Tim.

" Watch me" said Ajax.

" You ready Jerry" asked Ajax.

Nodding his head, Jerry put him his guard and prepared himself since Ajax was a lot stronger than he was.

Seeing the confirmation, Ajax made his move. Putting the spear on his back, he took out his sword and put it in his mouth. Ajax had always wanted to try this. He had never tried this method in his previous world simply because it would look weird if he showed it to others. He then crouched into a low position and ran forwards on all four. The way he was running it seemed like he was a natural four-legged beast and ran with great speed. As Ajax took off, he instantly approached Jerry and as Jerry swung, Ajax leaped upwards and appeared behind Jerry with the sword in his hand and at Jerry's back.

" Dead, first example" said Ajax.

Ajax then leaped backwards and said," that was one way, I will show you another way, get ready Jerry".

Ajax then came running at Jerry with his spear and thrust it forward when reaching Jerry. As Jerry was getting ready to block the strike, Ajax simply changed the strike and the tip of the spear was on Jerry's heart and with just a little more strength and Jerry would be killed.

" Dead again, one more time" said Ajax.

Like this, Ajax showed several ways to get past Jerry. He showed many feints and movements with both spear and sword that enlightened Tim. Jerry also experienced ways to defend better and attack more efficiently.

" Continue to spar and practice getting used to your weapons and tactics, I am going to go hunt" said Ajax.

Ajax wanted to rack up on experience because the experience needed will only get higher and hunting low level creatures will take forever to level up and evolve.

" Tomorrow we will go deeper into the territory and kill off their branches" said Ajax as he ran off.

Seeing Ajax run off back into the woods, they resumed their sparing.

Ajax destination was clear, he was heading to the outskirts of the bear territory and move around look for exp. After traveling for about an hour, he came across a few horned bears. They all leveled around 5-10. Easy for Ajax. Taking out his spear, He killed the weakest one.


[ Experience gained 50]

Killing of the level 5 horned bear, Ajax gained little exp and continued to run towards the other 4 horned bears.

Seeing their fellow bear being killed, the strongest one came running towards Ajax trying to seek revenge.

"Hmm it seems as though I do not have the aura to scare off some of the lower levels like my father." said Ajax seeing the level 10 horned bear coming towards him.

Putting away his spear, he took out his sword and waited for the horned bear to come. Facing the basic charge of the horned bear, Ajax waited for when it came close enough and 'swoosh' sliced of the head. It was then the other bears became afraid and started to stumble back and then ran. Seeing the other three horned bears run off, Ajax quickly ran forwards and finished off the other three.


[ experienced gained 300]

Name: Ajax [lvl 11]

Exp: 400/2000

Race: Primate [chimpanzee, martial ape]

Strength: 42




Endurance: 30

Attribute points: 0

Skills: Warrior [lvl5], language [lvl10], , Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl2], , Wind enhancement [lvl2], Cooking [lvl3], Perception [lvl1], Night shroud [lvl1].

Looking at the sun in the sky, it was still high in the air so he continued to look around and hunt. As the sun was setting down, he had already hunted a few more groups of horned bear. During this hunt, he hadn't found any other bear that had a core inside it but he did manage to savage some fruits and food. In total Ajax gained another 400 exp.

After finishing his preparations, he headed back to where Tim and Jerry were. As he arrived, he saw that they were laying on the ground exhausted.

" I'm back" said Ajax as he arrived in front of them.

Seeing Ajax arrive, the two looked up at him and then put their head back on the ground. Seeing them still exhausted, he got some sticks and wood together and started a fire to cook something to eat. As time passed by, food got ready and by this time already, the two recovered and got up quickly to eat.

As the sky began to darken, Ajax put out the fire and the three climbed the tree to get rest.

As morning came three slowly got up and prepared their things.

"Alright let's head out" said Ajax as he looked at the two. During his hunting last evening, he scouted ahead and found a few larger groups of horned bears that although he could've taken them on his own, he chose to leave it for when he brought the other two so that he could see they gained from their sparing.

After traveling deeper and deeper into the forest, Ajax had led them to a large group of 15 horned bears all at least level 10 with one level 15.

Name: Horned Bear [lvl 15]

Strength: 38




Endurance: 30

Seeing its stats and the numbers, Ajax thought that this would be perfect for them to battle.

Making their entrance, they jumped straight in the middle of their group and and ran towards their own opponents.

Ajax went straight for the level 15 horned bear. Running straight for the level 15 bear, he took out his spear and made a thrust towards the head of the horned bear. As the spear came towards the horned bear, it used its horn to clash against the spear and fended him off, pushing him back. Surprised by what just happened, he came at the horned bear again. As he approached the horned bear, he side stepped to its right side and thrust forward piercing through the body. As the spear pierced through, the horned bear groaned as it felt the pain and turned towards Ajax, swinging its large paws. As the large paw was coming close to Ajax, he leaped backwards pulling out his spear with him. Seeing that he had made no fatal damage, he felt like this horned bear has experienced more battles as it could fend off his spear. Interesting is what Ajax thought as he put away his spear and took out his sword. Seeing the change in weapon of Ajax, the horned bear stood up on its hind legs.

Seeing this, Ajax smiled and ran towards the horned bear and swung his blade. the horned bear swung its claws at Ajax. 'clang' A clash occurred between the claws and the sword. 'clang' 'clang' exchanges were made between the two in succession. Ajax started to put my strength in his swings got used to the movements of the horned bear. As its right paw came down, Ajax put in his full strength and swung at the claws that was coming at him. As the clashed occurred, the paw was deflected which made it stumble back and Ajax used this opportunity and jumped upwards towards the horned bear and pierced through its heart.


[ 200 exp gained].

As Ajax heard the sound rang in his head he looked towards Tim and Jerry who were fighting the rest of the horned bears. Tim had already taken out half of the horned bear and is just watching Jerry fight. Jerry was swinging his bludgeon which would always take out or two horned bears with it. A few minutes later there was only smashed heads and a bloody bludgeon.

Ajax looked towards the two and at their status.

Name: Jerry [lvl 9]

Race: Primate [gorilla]

Strength: 34




Endurance: 28

Skills: Blunt weapons [lvl 5]

Name: Tim [lvl 11]

Race: Primate [Orangutan; sage ]

Strength: 35




Endurance: 32

Skills: Swordsmanship [lvl8], Spear fishing [lvl1], Language [lvl10]

Looking at Jerry's stats, Ajax saw that he was close to evolving. By the end of the day, he was planning on having him evolve so that they could keep on going deeper and deeper.

" Let's keep going" said Ajax as he got up and readied himself.