
A Hunter Is Leaving

War is Life in the Great Tree village, Zune. Casualties is to be expected as battles break out almost everyday against the opposing village Fon. Monsters roam this world leaving very little civilized lands. While this war against the two villages has been raging for hundreds of years. Every boy is raised for that purpose. Given no name and taken from their Nurturer at the age 8, and trained until they are 13. Once they have completed this they go through “The Naming” Ceremony. Which names and titles are given too them, as they are added to the ranks of the army. Hunter is an elite title given too the most loyal and talented men in the village. They work in small groups spending most of the time outside of the village and camps. They specialize in recon, tracking, trapping, and killing monsters. At least that’s what The Officials will say. This world called Noon has so much to offer if it wasn’t for the other village. War propaganda is spread across the village. Everyone must do their part to keep their way of life safe. But is this way the right way? Classism, sexism, deceit, corruption, all within the reasoning of The Officials.

brownkaleal · Action
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8 Chs


The first rays of dawn peeked through the cracks of the straw and mud hut where the four boys stirred from a night of revelry and wine-induced slumber. Stretching their limbs and rubbing sleep from their eyes, they rose from their beds, their heads still buzzing with remnants of merriment.

Determined to embrace the day that would define their future, the boys donned their simple cloaks woven from rough fabric that spoke of their long, harsh training. They stepped out of their hut with a shared sense of purpose, joining a bustling path connecting their dwellings to their comrades.

Walking along the dirt path, they saw other boys emerging from their huts, their footsteps converging into a steady stream of anticipation. Each boy carried his hopes and dreams, for this day marked a significant milestone—their initiation into the village army. Today, they would stand in formation, united by a singular purpose, awaiting the arrival of their commanding officials.

The training grounds loomed before them, a sprawling expanse of open fields where countless aspirations had been forged and tested. Old stone and metal were covered across the opening. Buildings barely held themselves up, weapons laid against them, dirt and moss blanketing them. The boys felt excitement and nervousness well up inside them, their hearts beating with anticipation. They knew this was the day of earning their names and titles and accessing the world beyond this camp.

As they arrived at the training grounds, the boys lined up, shoulder to shoulder, forming a row mirrored their camaraderie. They could feel the collective energy pulsating through their ranks, a blend of determination and uncertainty. In this formation, they stood as future equals, their pasts and futures intertwined.

Eyes fixed on the horizon, they awaited the arrival of their Officials, who would guide them through the trials that lay ahead. They knew their test would be rigorous, pushing them beyond their limits, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as they stood in formation, each passing second a testament to their resolve. Finally, two Officials emerged, one in their late 20s and the other in their early 30s, with an authoritative presence commanding attention. The boys straightened their backs, their focus sharpening, ready to begin the ceremony.

Four masters and eight Officers were with the officials. Master Ta is a Master who's also a retired Officer. He wore his Master cloak, which was purple with a gold lining on the edge. The Officials wore robes of white and purple. A dragon was placed on the front and back of the robe, marking them as Zune's Leaders.

The Officers wore their cloaks, black with a silver lining on the edge. More was present than the boys had ever seen at one time, and they were only in their early 20s. Scares and cold stares flowed from their faces.

Two teenagers no older than 15 carried in stone platforms. After placing them down, six in total, they turned to the Officials standing at attention. The Officials waved their hands, and the two young men bowed, turned, and walked away.

The boys couldn't help but stare at the young men. They saw themselves becoming them, focusing on their brown cloaks, dogs with shells on their backs stitched in orange-stained cotton, and soldiers.

One of the Officials stepped forward from the line of superiors. 7 feet tall, thin, bald with broad-shouldered, two scars lining an " X" over the jugular.

Official #2 Rodow

"Believe me when I say that you are the future. The lands your successors will see will pale compared to what you will conquer. You are men now, protectors of this life that has given you everything. Step forward and join the ranks of this village. Be given the blood of the tree. Show us your place and how much you have sacrificed for the village."

It was hard for the boys to keep their composure. These boys were given everything they could have wanted from birth until the day they turned 8 and had been brutally trained since. The promise of getting all that back and becoming protectors, the heroes they are told so many stories of, ones everyone loved and adored.

There are six platforms for the six lines of soon-to-be men. In "The Naming," they step on the platform on which they recite the oath and drink the blood of the tree. The platforms will glow, showing what rank they lifted. The color of the glow will determine what rank each person belongs to. The brightness of the glow shows how close they are to the next.

Lift Rank #1 Red

Lift Rank #2 Brown

Lift Rank #3 Blue

Lift Rank #4 Green

Lift Rank #5 Orange

Usually, no one boy like them would have a chance to be above Lift Rank #2 Brown, but for some reason, Master Ta can't keep back a smile as a red-eyed boy steps onto the platform.