
A Hunter's Legacy

From riches to rags. From prince to slave. From family to execution. Ever since The Fall the kingdom has become warped and twisted. The beasts are no longer on our side- instead? We hunt them. … The nation of Giliad was once a prosperous nation that held its borders thanks to the chosen who bonded with the beasts. The lucky and talented whose bond would allow them a fraction of their beast's powers. This mutualistic relationship granted the beasts protection and homes while granting the people the power to secure their borders, create new technologies, and enhance day-to-day life. It all changed with The Fall. The king got greedy after seeing a neighboring kingdom use ‘the ritual’ to infuse a beast’s life force into a weapon allowing them to siphon a majority of their powers. Now the royal family is slain, the nation is in disarray, the youngest prince is nowhere to be found, and only a fraction of beasts remain.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Monster

The cheers from my victory echo in my ears as I step away from the dirt ring, catching my breath. I wipe the sweat from my brow, my heart still pounding from the intensity of the fight. I glance over at Keel, the kid I just defeated, as he makes his way back to the lineup. He shoots me a nod of respect, acknowledging the fight we just shared.

The next set of duels unfolds before my eyes. The blue pair steps forward, exchanging blows in a fierce display of determination. It's a brutal dance, and the crowd's reactions mirror the ebb and flow of the skirmish. As the dust settles, one emerges victorious, and the defeated combatant returns to the line, disappointment etched across his face.


The matches continue, each revealing a unique style of combat. It looks like that kid from earlier, the behemoth who seemed almost otherworldly in size and strength, is up next. His opponent, a more average-sized boy, looks nervous but determined. The contrast is stark as they engage in combat.

The arena seemed to crackle with energy as he stepped into the center, a colossus among contenders. His opponent, a much smaller and seemingly more agile boy, eyed him with a mix of fear and determination. The air itself seemed to tense, anticipating the impending clash between these two disparate forces.

As the elder's call for the fight to begin echoed through the square, I was lost in focus analyzing the fight missing the monster's name. Then the fight began. He moved with a silent, intimidating grace almost as if it were a dance—swift, deliberate, and each strike sent shockwaves through the air. The crowd, caught in the grip of the unfolding spectacle, held its collective breath.

The smaller boy, aware of the challenge before him, circled cautiously, his eyes never leaving the behemoth opposite him. The monster's gaze was fixed, intense, as if he saw not just an opponent but a formidable challenge.

The first strike came like a thunderclap, a powerful blow that sliced through the space between them. The smaller boy managed to evade it with a nimble sidestep, but the force of the swing left the air quivering. 

Undeterred, he pressed on, his attacks relentless. His fists were like battering rams, each impact sending shockwaves not just through his opponent but reverberating across the arena. The ground itself seemed to shudder with the force of the blows, the very ground of the makeshift ring vibrating beneath the combatants.

The smaller boy fought valiantly, dodging and weaving, his movements a desperate dance to avoid the impending storm. But the monster, with an eerie calm, closed in, delivering a series of bone-rattling strikes. The smaller boy, caught off guard, stumbled backward, struggling to regain his footing.

Then, with a final, devastating blow, his fist crashed into the boy. The impact resonated like a seismic event, causing the arena to shake, seemingly sending ripples through the dirt floor. Dust billowed around them, adding an almost otherworldly quality to the scene.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze. The smaller boy lay sprawled on the ground, the crowd hushed in disbelief. It felt as if the very essence of the square held its breath, waiting to see if he was dead.

Slowly, the smaller boy stirred, groaning as he began to push himself upright. My fists clench in anticipation, watching with a mix of fear and fascination. The monster, however, stops just short of delivering a final, potentially lethal strike. He looks down at his fallen opponent, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. The tension in the air is palpable until, unexpectedly, he steps back, allowing the other boy to rise.

The crowd erupts in a mixture of relief and confusion. It's clear that the monster possesses incredible power, yet there's a flicker of humanity within him. I can't help but wonder about the stories behind these kids, the struggles that led them to this point.


As the duels progress, I observe each bout with a newfound respect for the challenges my fellow candidates face. The town's future hunters are a diverse group, each with their strengths and weaknesses. The battles reveal not only physical prowess but the mental and emotional resilience required to navigate the brutal world beyond our village.

After the last duel, the elder calls for a brief intermission. The crowd murmurs in anticipation, and I lock eyes with the monster from across the square. There's a shared understanding that we've all undergone a significant trial, and the true test is yet to come.

The elder steps forward, commanding attention with his weathered presence.

"Congratulations to those who have proven themselves in the duels. Now, we move on to the next trial."

His gaze sweeps across the assembled candidates.

He explains that the following test involves knowledge of various beast classifications—the creatures that roam the outskirts of our village and beyond. It's a crucial skill for anyone embarking on the perilous journey of a hunter. My mind races as I prepare for the next challenge, will what I learned with Ja as a child and over the past few years with Lira compare? How will it measure up against the expectations of the elder.

The anticipation lingers as the elder prepares to pose questions that will test not only our combat abilities but our understanding of the creatures that inhabit the wilderness, as the central fire continues to burn ever brighter.
