
A Great Ambition

A path to greatness is one carved from the bones of others. It is a voyage in a sea of blood, to set sail means to be ready to paint the sea a darker shade of crimson. ========== One day, as Adger was venturing through the woods, a strange event pulled him into a web of madness... yet it was something he longed for. Finding himself in a new world, one filled to the brim with danger. Adger's cold, unwavering heart is willing to do anything for his goals. Manipulation, Killing, Betrayal, whatever gives him the edge over others, Adger will do. ========== Things to know before you read... > A dark story. > Slow start (around 15-17 chapters) > Eventual insanity (mc)

Mr_Outsider · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

First ability

Adger after munching down the apple slices, slept for some time. He wanted to regain his strength and begin his training as soon as possible.

He slept the entire night and woke up the next day. As Adger got out of the bed, he felt his muscles were a lot denser than before, even though he was lean, his body contained a next degree of explosive strength.

He wore a loose shirt and pants. Alice had probably taken off his coat.

'My revolver is in that.' Adger thought, unsure of what to do.

He then decided to stretch his body, his bones were a lot more flexible than before. He noticed his vision and all of his sensory abilities had been exponentially highlighted.

'Incredible. Without even training, my body has enhanced to such a degree. I really am an Infuser.' He thought as he continued to stretch.

Soon, he heard the sound of the door creaking. The black haired, black eyed, beautiful girl Alice entered the room.

She smiled slightly.

"You are awake. The washroom is there. Freshen up, then have some breakfast. I will hand over the 'book of secrets' to you today." She pointed towards a door in the room corner.

Adger greeted Alice with a smile and then thanked her for allowing him to rest in her house and showing such hospitality.

He then went to the washroom and took a bath. He could see his muscles had taken well defined shape. He had even grown a little taller. He was now almost 6 feet tall.

His face had a radiant glow on it, making him seem full of life.

Adger took care of his buisness and then dressed himself back up in his clothes. He saw that his coat was hanging on a hanger in the room.

Confirming the presence of the revolver, he wore the coat.

Then Adger headed to the dining hall which was attached to the kitchen. The room was very small, the dining table was even smaller and could only allow four people to eat at once.

Adger took a seat and ate the food prepared by Alice. He thanked her again and chatted with her over the food.

As the two finsihed eating, Adger displayed a nervous smile and asked hesitantly.

"Hey, Alice, if you don't mind, would you teach me some basics of Infuser abilities? I want to learn a bit more before you give me the 'book of secrets'. As I have a limited time to learn from that book, I want to choose techniques that are most beneficial to me."

Listening to Adger, Alice fell into a deep thought. She seemed to consider Adger's request and after a brief period of time, she slightly nodded her head.

"Sure, but only the basics." She replied.

Adger was delighted. He was not worried that Alice would reject his request, afterall the seeds he had planted were not for nothing.

"Thankyou so much. When do we start?" Adger asked impatiently.

"In a minute." Alice answered and got up. She did the dishes which barely took her a minute to complete.

Then she signalled Adger to follow. Adger got up and followed behind her.

Alice walked back to the room where Adger had slept and went to a corner. Adger followed behind without saying a word.

Alice then took off the mat that was placed on the floor, revealing a door of sorts.

It was a 2 metre wide, square shaped door placed on the floor. Alice lifted the door up, revealing stone stairs that went underground.

Adger observed the entire scene in amazement. He had not expected the small hut to have a secret underground celler.

"Is the 'book of secrets' also there?" Adger asked, making a guess.

"Yes." Alice replied honestly. She then walked down the stairs and Adger followed behind her.

They went down for half a minute and to no ones surprise, they could no longer see anything. The underground structure was extremely dark.

"Wait here." Alice said suddenly and Adger stopped in his tracks instantly.

Soon, Adger heard some clicking sounds and the structure underground was brightly lit.

His eyes widened in bafflement, the structure underground was extremely large. The walls were made from stone, the space was almost 30 metres both length and breadth wise.

Light lamps were attached to the ceiling of the structure, illuminating every corner.

'Holy shit, never thought such a thing would exist under such a small hut.' Adger thought to himself.

He walked to the middle of the room where Alice was waiting.

"You will train here. Now listen carefully. The basic ability all Infusers can use is telekinesis. Aside from that, Infusers also gain physical strength boosts as their strength grows.

"Growing stronger is quite simple for infusers. Consider your powers as a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it will become. However the growth rate of this muscle will be dependent on the potential of each individual.

"As you continue to use Life energy, you will grow stronger. The more you use your abilities like telekinesis, the stronger it will become. You understand?" Alice explained.

"Yes I do. So all I need to do it practice. The rate at which I grow will reveal my potential, am I correct?" Adger asked.

"Indeed. Now let's get started. To use life energy, focus on that tin can in that corner. Imagine you are trying to pick it up with your arm." Alice pointed towards the tin can in the distance.

Adger looked at the small, tin juice can in the corner and followed Alice's instructions.

He took in a deep breath and then pointed his hand towards the tin can. He imagined grabbing the tin can and lifting it up.

At that juncture, Adger suddenly felt a tingling sensation all over his body. It was like a wave of warm water was flowing through him.

This warm water was life energy. The energy poured out from his body and under Alice's watchful eyes, the tin can suddenly floated in mid air.

However in just a second, dents started to appear over it. It was like a strong force was crushing the can. Then abruptly, the can crushed upon itself turning into a small ball of metal scraps.

At that moment, Adger felt a sharp pain around the back of his head and the ball of metal scraps immediately fell down on the floor.

"You crushed it, a sign of poor control. But it is a job well done for the first try. And the pain you feel right now shows your limit with life energy for now. Don't worry it will improve the more you train." Alice said as she witnessed the entire spectacle take place.

Adger just nodded his head in response.

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