
A Girl Summoned As a Hero ?!!

DianaB4 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Naming of a Hero

"A hero has been summoned and trained. This hero is even now preparing for the invasion of the elves. I have gathered you here for the naming of the hero. This hero is unlike any hero we have summoned in the past but this hero was picked by prophecy, designed to be the greatest hero not only to humans but to every race. The prophecy is clear if this hero chooses the correct path there will be a period of peace unlike any we have yet known. It appears they are returning from battle preparation now in the outer bailey. Tell my son to bring the hero onto the balcony with me." the king stopped talking to the crowd to wait for them to get to him.

The door behind him crackled with magic and First Wizard Randal, Prince Granthen, and Jemma walked though. Prexon, Segera, and Pippa started the King and the congregation as they came through the door. Prexon strutted to the right, Segera to the left, and Pippa stood in front of the door.

When the king recovered his equilibrium, he cleared his voice and raised his hand to quiet the crowd.

"Many people know my son is a wizard and a prophet, and most of you know First Wizard Randal, they each had visions of the new hero. Each separately had visions of this beautiful and powerful woman as the hero. She was called a few months ago and has been in training. According to the visions of several prophets the elvin army is at our door and she is the hero we need to save our kingdom and ourselves. I king Raynold of Udolphia name Grand Wizardess, High Arcane Witch, Sorcerer Sublime, Dragon Lordess, and Master of Magics, Jemma Magedodder as Hero. I give her now the Spear of Destiny, the Vambraces of Truth and Justice, The breastplate od Courage and the Boots of Wisdom. She has received from her father the Cloak of Power and Protection, the Pin of defense, and the Laces of Unity." As the king spoke Prince Granthen and First Wizard Randal placed the armor on her. When they were finished, she retrieved the items her father gave her from a pocket dimention so they could use the laces on the boots and breastplate. They each took a side of the cloak, wrapped it around her and pinned it in front with the the Pin of Defense. The pin and the cloak working together shrouded her in a visible blue protection ward, that threw the two wizards backward. As she was floating in her personal shield everyone including the gremwah and the trolls and the fae.

"I give you Princess Jemma hero of the races and fiance of Prince Granthen."

Everyone cheered and clapped as Jemma dismissed the barrier.

"My fiance?"

"Affianced?" Jemma and Prince Granthen said at the same time.

"Yes." the king said looking at them. "As of now."

"Great," Jemma scowled, "what next."

"You give a speach." the king said motioning her forward.

"Hello, I'm or I was just a potter's daughter until recently. I was summoned to be a hero before I knew I had magic. I was told it was woven into everything I did. I had amazing, diligent teachers and know at least the basics of wizardry, sorcery, witch craft, elemental, spirit, transportation, dimensional, long distance conjuring, and others I've not mentioned. I have had one vision, I don't know if it was prophecy or not but I learned that this warbis a war of fear. We fear the elves because of their great affinity for the arcane.. They fear us because a mundane human killed their most powerful magi King Drogeren. We have created the best defenses we can, and will give them a show of force, but I believe this war may be stopped before the fighting begins. Prince Granthen and I will parlay with the queen of the elves and see if we can make a treaty agreeable to all living beings. if it comes to it we will get representatives from every race to ratify the treaty. Anyone willing to help may show up in after 2 in the morning to walk to the barrier through a witches door. All in favor of victory or peace!" she raised her spear above her head.

The crowd cheered.

"Go get some rest and meet us back here in the morning." she said after the crowd calmed down.