
A friend group gets reincarnated in the multiverse

This story does not have a main character and will consist of multiple point of views. Ahem I don't own anything. Will have at least 10000 words a month.

Diobutstronger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

The church (Zeke)

I was teaching Satsuki how to write when I got a call. "Ezekiel you are needed for a mission." This wasn't Mike, it was my superiors at the church. Time to go talk with Mike about this. I told Satsuki to continue practicing and that someone would take care of her soon. I walked into Mike's office and sat in one of the wooden chairs across from the big black one. He walked into the room with a smile on his face "What do you need?"

"The church has requested me from a mission Not from your website though."

"Oh! I almost forgot you're an executor for the church right?"

"Yes, and they said I have a job should I go?"

"Of course! It would be great for you to be in the church as a spy for the Akatsuki."

"Alright, make Warren teach Satsuki I will go on my mission."

"Alright be back soon if you need anything call me."


I walked out through the door and used the ring Linkin gave me to teleport out of the Mansion and back into Canada. I used some teleportation magic set up by the church to get to the Vatican. I walked through the hallways to the usual meet up spot. I see my senior there waiting for me most likely. "Welcome Ezekiel I need you to kill some stray devils in France." I nodded and got myself ready. I walked to the teleport room and went to the France one. I hopped into it and boom I was in France.

I walked around, looking for the monsters that killed innocent people. Stray devils are former reincarnated devils that have betrayed their masters. I am killing former humans who have become monsters. Well, most of them are humans but there is a rare vampire or youkai. Doesn't really matter though as they are all insane in some way. It is doing them a favor to kill them. They become shadows of their former selves, kill innocents and cause needless destruction. One of the many flaws of the evil pieces system. I don't hate devils as a species, more of the group of devils that murder and convince people to become slaves. Yes, I know that some peerages are treated well as they should be, but an overwhelming majority is treated like slaves. Which, is why stray devils exist in the first place. I am snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a noise coming from the alleyway on the right side of the road. I rush over there and make sure to stay hidden and observe the situation that is happening.

I look into the alleyway to see a stray devil sitting down while eating a dead sheep. Huh, I was expecting it to be eating a human or something but a sheep isn't that bad. I rush towards it and take a pair of black keys out of my pocket. I threw one of them at the devil's shadow rendering it unable to move while I took the other one and sliced its head off giving it a quick and painless death. One down quite a few more to go.

........Time skip.......

I walked through the hallways of the Vatican after I purified my black keys in holy water. I had killed a total of 15 middle class stray devils. It wasn't very hard as they are extremely weak to holy weapons. The only ones that gave up a fight were those with good instincts who could dodge the first black key. I made sure to check in with my senior before I was free to go. I was going to go home before I realized my black keys needed to be purified. Now I will go back to the mansion and fix the mess that Warren is most likely in. He isn't a very good teacher that is for sure. A more pressing matter is that two of the Excaliburs have been stolen. To be honest I have an idea of who the culprits are, but it is mere speculation. I will inform Mike of this though.

I injected some mana into the ring Linkin had given each of the members of the Akatsuki and then I was back in the mansion. Time to save Warren. Why has Amakusa been so quiet today?


the end of this for now. I just wanted to make sure people know that Zeke is still working for the church as well.