
A friend group gets reincarnated in the multiverse

This story does not have a main character and will consist of multiple point of views. Ahem I don't own anything. Will have at least 10000 words a month.

Diobutstronger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs


Fuck me! My head hurts like Fuck! I screamed loudly as a baby. My head hurts like shit but it's for a good reason I guess. I now know how to use spatial magic to an extent. I will need a grimoire to fully use it though and luckily enough it seems that I was also given instructions on how to use a grimoire. All of the spells Finral uses aren't even for attack if I used spatial magic for an attack it would do a big fucking amount of damage. I am surprised that me and the boys got reincarnated into DxD though. I wonder what Warren is gonna do to get stronger in 12 years with his gamer system. I stop screaming and open my eyes to see that I am in a hospital. Makes sense since I am a baby but I hate hospitals. Time to get to fucking New York I thought happily. I see what I assume to be my parents look at me lovingly. I guess my parents will love me in this world. I wonder when I will be able to start learning other magic to combo with my spatial magic.

Imagine force teleporting people into different places. It would be pretty funny to do that. Imagine someone going about their day and boom they fall into the ocean. Or boom they are in the underworld. It would be legendary! Anyway I'm not very worried about anything coming up. Khaos Brigade is gonna come in and fuck things up in the supernatural world. I wonder if the boys even want to interfere with the supernatural world? After all it would be pretty easy to just live in a mansion and watch anime and play video games. Eh whatever I will just go with the flow. Whatever they do I will do as well. I trust those guys with my life. I guess I will practice my magic until then.

........Time skip( 4 years old).......

Wonder what the other guys are doing I thought to myself as I am falling through two different portals one above me and one below me. I have been falling for thirty minutes. I think spatial magic is pretty dope. I mean I can just sit here gaining momentum until I run out of magic. I have to launch myself up to get rid of the momentum though. I have been to space with one of these portals before. It was fucking dope and scary at the same time. So I did it a few times and boom I'm a human torpedo! I don't really know how fast I am going but when I launch myself I feel like I am dying by getting crushed.

I have created a few offensive spells with spatial magic. Can't do much more without learning other magic as it is very hard to come up with spells by myself.

My parents aren't around much. I think they love me? I mean they take care of me when they are home but I am left by myself for hours at a time so it's hard to tell. It does give me time to train my spatial magic so I have no complaints. Even though it kinds fucking sucks that they aren't around much.

I smile to myself while launching myself to space once again.


...........Time skip(9 years old.)......

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHh FUCK! IS THAT ANOTHER GOD DAMN PLANE FUCK YOU PLANES! YOU GUYS RIDING IN THE PLANES ARE ALL PLAIN FUCKS!" I screamed as I had to teleport myself away from another FUCKING plane. All I want to do is go to space why are there so many damn planes? I lose my momentum and start falling back towards the ground. I open a portal into my bedroom and fall onto my bed. "FUCK! I yelled as I fell face first into the bed. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw my black hair and red eyed form start forming some bruises on different parts of my body to signal I am in pain. Damn how will I explain it this time? Ah I know! I fell down the stairs! Nothing wrong with falling down the stairs.

I fucking hate planes. I use a portal and hop to outside the nearest taco bell. I walked inside and ordered a chalupa cravings box. I then open a portal and teleport back to my room when the food is ready. I sat down at my desk and started eating my food. I can't remember my new name most of the time. Mostly because I never bothered to listen to it and since almost no one ever calls me it I just use my old name. I am kinda bored. What if I trap someone in a portal? Heh that is a great idea!

................Time skip (11 years old).............

I watch in horror as the man I trapped in a portal tumbles to the ground and lands like *splat* on the sidewalk. I go to the nearest trashcan and start barfing. I had just killed someone. No matter if it was an accident I took a random person off of the street and he had died. I regain my bearings after a few hours and continue walking through the streets of New York. I feel like shit. I don't even remember who the guy was or what he looked like. I suddenly see a tv that has a breaking news signal. I hear "The bloodied remains of a serial killer have been found on a sidewalk." So I killed a serial killer? Eh still sucky but less bad. I did learn a lesson though never throw someone to space without their written consent. I quickly opened a portal to the top of the empire state building and saw that everyone except Ali and Mike had arrived. "Sup guys hows it going?" I said in a cheerful voice. "Yo Linkin come take a seat we were just about to discuss some things about the plot." said Joshua with a smirk on his face. I smiled. I did miss these guys quite a bit. I saw Zeke dripped out in the robes of a priest. It suited him rather well. I saw an Itachi lookalike and remembered it was Isaac who had gotten Itachi's powers he was wearing an anbuish uniform minus the mask. Joshua looked like a fucking accountant with his yellow coat thing with buttons. I saw Warren wearing clothes that looked like they were from the 1800's. He also resembled Lancelot from fate though I guess he always did even before the whole reincarnation thing. "Sure why not." was all I said before plopping down in a chair but then I heard "Hello it's been a while, right guys?" I turned around and saw Ali standing there with a happy grin.

............The end.............

A/N AHEM where Mike at?

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken I've even forgotten my name I don't know the season or what is the reason I'm standing here holding my blade A desolate place (place) Without any trace (trace) It's only the cold wind I feel It's me that I spite as I stand up and fight The only thing I know for real There will be blood (blood) shed (shed) The man in the mirror nods his head The only one (one) left (left) Will ride upon the dragon's back Because the mountains don't give back what they take Oh no, there will be blood (blood) shed (shed) It's the only thing I've ever known Losing my identity Wondering, "Have I gone insane?" To find the truth in front of me I must climb this mountain range Looking downward from this deadly height and never realizing why I fight

A/N not posting tomorrow got some IRL stuff to do.


Diobutstrongercreators' thoughts