
Chapter - [7] - Eldritch Monster Get! Ending Of The Dungeon!



Blinking open his eyes, Lucifer can see the Eldritch white sea monster barely moved, since the last time he saw her.

' Huh, so time stopped outside, while I was inside talking to Ingvild,'

「 That is correct, My Lord. Time as itself halted for you, while you were inside your Soul-Realm. Therefore, meaning not even one moment has passed since you felt a connection with the water. 」

' Nice.'


Appearing out his body is Ingvild, standing next to him.

" My Lord-" Seeing this, Morana was about to say something, but Lucifer cut her off with a wave.

" She's with me."

Hearing this, all Morana did was nod and looked back at her former Queen rushing at them in rage.


" I guess I'll be the first," Lucifer said back with a mocking smirk.


Storming through buildings, the Queen was about 300 feet away from Lucifer's group. And considering how big she is, then it's not that much.

Noticing this, Ingvild looked up at Lucifer with a worried expression," Lucifer, she's about to reach us. What do you think we should do?"

" Easy. Nereisu Kirie." As he said this, black sinister water started flooding out from under himself. Following this, the black water began to twist all sorts of a direction, only to finally stop when it reached a Sea Snake-like form with bright purple glowing eyes.


Screeching a violent wicked hiss, the Snakes launched its attack on the Queen by sprouting other snakeheads under the Eldritch monster. Traversing through the blue-green water, even more, snakeheads shoot out and started biting into their Master's enemy hide.


Feeling this, the Queen smacked the snakeheads off her with a simple Tentacle slap. Doing this to the rest of them, she once again began surging at her most hated enemy to date. However, her Titan-like body shook seeing an army of black water nightmarish monsters of all shapes and sizes rushing at her with their glowing radiant purple eyes.

Leading the charge is a is thirty feet tall Eldritch Monster with a seemingly disproportionate body and scaly green skin. It has a top-heavy appearance due to its hunched shoulders and the large cords of muscles standing out on its neck, upper torso, and shoulders. The top-heavy appearance is only strengthened by its much thinner forearms and calves topped off with massive claws and digitigrade feet. At the rear end of its body is a prehensile whip-like tail around 40-50 feet long.

Its face lacks any kind of mouth, nose, or ears, with the only features being four cracks containing glowing green orbs that resemble eyes. These eyes are placed asymmetrically, with three on the left side of the face and one on the right.

Running on two legs at her, she noticed it sways its upper body back and forth in sync with the swaying of its arms, using its tail for balance. 


Slamming into her body, the green monster's eyes flickered as water started flowing out of its body that took shape into a long spear.

Sensing something bad is going to happen, the Queen wanted to use her water for a barrier, Shielding her from the attack. However, all the water surrounding her didn't want to respond to her orders.

Looking around, she only now noticed all the water by her is black and not the blue-green water that she is used to.

Glancing at Lucifer, she saw him smile, a smile that made even her shiver In fear.

" Don't worry Mother, Our Lord and Savior will accept you, Our Great God-Lucifer is a benevolent being who will accept anything into his family~ So Join us Mother~ Because after all, who could turn down someone as benevolent as Our God-Lucifer~?"

" Yeah Mother, like Big Brother, said, come Join us~!"

" Please Mother will all miss you, so join us and be with Us forever~!"

Suddenly appearing around the Queen are three very familiar Eldritch monsters.

*" N-No! NO! He killed you! I saw all your bodies exploded! YOU ALL ARE DEAD!!!*" Recognizing her kids, the Queen's whole body shook in sadness and rage.

" Ah? What do you mean Mother? We didn't die. No, not all. Our Great God-Lucifer helped Us reach our true potential~!"

" Mother join us! He can help you too~!"

" Yes, Mother, Join Us on the other side! We deeply miss you~!"

*" Stop it. Stop it. I SAID STOP IT!"*

Hearing their Mother, all the three Eldritch monsters looked sad. Looking at their God, the white Eldritch Dragon said bowing," Great God-Lucifer, Mother doesn't want to Join Us. What should we do?"

" Leave it to me." Saying this, Lucifer started floating with a calm expression. He then moved out his right hand as he said emotionlessly," Heavenly Judgment,"


Before anyone can react to Lucifer, a golden spear of light slammed into the Queen, from the Heavens.

' Ah, so this is what death feels like... How nice... Maybe he is the One... If so, I don't mind serving a being like him. Because after all, he was born from nothingness, like the rest of us.' This was the last thought the Queen had before exploding into bloody pieces of messy gore everywhere, painting everything a beautiful shade of red.


Seeing his work here is done, he snapped his finger, making all the black water disappeared with its beasts and monsters with it.

「 Random Task Generated: Use Instant Dungeon Create/Instant Dungeon Escape, and remain in it for one full Earth week, or you can defeat the Dungeon Boss, to leave. | COMPLETE | 」

「 Leaving Undead Dungeon in 5 minutes 」

" Welp, I guess that's that. It was fun while it lasted, I can give it that much," Lucifer said floating back down on the ground.


Appearing in front of him is Ingvild who helped him control the water and its Inhabitants that were born from it.

Scanning his body with an almost cute angry expression, she said disappearing and reappearing all around him, touching all over his body with her slender jade-skin fingers.

" Really Lucifer? You might have gotten hurt, you know that?"

Hearing how worried she is, Lucifer smiled as he said in a calm voice," I'm fine." Pointing himself, he continued," See? All fine. Don't worry I'm pretty strong. It will take a lot more than some H.P rip-offs to even touch me."

" Hmph! I guess I have to look after you myself then," With a cute pouting expression, Ingvild said as she stomped her feet on the ground that made her even cuter in Lucifer's eyes.

" I guess so. But I don't mind someone as beautiful as you, looking after me." Lucifer confessed smoothly with a gentle smile.

" Hmph! D-don't think flattered me w-will help you," Ingvild said with a flushed red face, now smiling at Lucifer.

" Hahaha, but I think it did,"

" I don't know what you're talking about,"

" Are you sure? It seems to me, your expression is confessing your true feelings,"

" Hmph!" With a cute huff, Ingvild disappeared into his body, the same way she appeared at first.

" My Lord,"

Hearing Morana, Lucifer looked over, seeing her with an emotionless look, staring at him.

" Yes?"

" If I may ask,"

" You may,"

" Who was that?"

" Oh? You mean, Ingvild?"

" Yes My Lord, the girl with long purple hair,"

" She's my Volund." Lucifer example, only after asking the system.

" Volund?" Morana tilted her head in confusion hearing this strange term.

" Yes, a Volund. A Volund act of uniting two powerful souls together with the same common Destiny."

" So like Marriage? But on a much larger scale?" Morana asked with now having an unusual expression.

" In a way, Yes," Lucifer confessed with a smile.

" Then, do I call Miss-Ingvild, My Queen?"

" Sure, she might like that," Lucifer chuckled, hearing Ingvild in his Soul-Realm cry out in surprise listening to their conversation. But oddly enough, she didn't say anything about it, or outright reject it.

「 Leaving Undead Dungeon in 10 seconds 」

" Ah, it seems my time here is coming to an end for the time being," Saying this, Lucifer snapped his finger, making Morana disappear into his Death-Realm, a place where he keeps all the executed ones away until he needs them.

Looking around, Lucifer chuckled in amusement," Ah, I'm going to miss you apocalyptic city, I truly am. So let's have some more fun than before, when I come back, kay?"


Announcing this, Lucifer disappeared in golden particles with a smile...