
Chapter - [5] - All In One Fell Swoop! The Awakening Of One's True Self!


" Hmm~ Hmm~" Humming a pleasant tune softly is Lucifer walking through the apocalyptic city, nonchalantly. Behind him is Morana looking around protectively, eyeing everywhere cautiously, letting some believe something will jump out of a building and attack them.

" So you're saying there are three more Commanders scattered throughout the city guarding their own territory by the Queen who dwells in the middle of the city itself?" Lucifer asked after getting some information from his new subject.

" Yes My Lord. But, the three Commanders possesses an army of their own."

" Hmm, why don't you have an army?"

" My Lord, the Queen didn't provide me one. All she told me was to patrol the New York area with the Undead around its sector."

" I see..." Lucifer mumbled with a strange expression, therefore stopping the conversation with Morana, for now.

Only after some time walking, did Lucifer say something with a vicious expression," Well, as they said, an army is needed to defeat a another army." He then thought, ' Or something like that, I'm no Sun Tzu, after all.'

" But, I'm Mage, so magic will do." Lucifer shook his head getting rid of that idea of rising undead to his bedding, for now.

' [Fly]-[Teleport],' Saying his two spells in his head, both himself and Morana began floating above the ground, around 20 feet.

" Hmm, 20 feet will do," Saying this, both of them started blinking in and out of reality throughout the city.

Feeling this, Morana eyes flashed with shock and awe once again, watching Her Lord's wonderful magic at work. Magic itself never seemed valuable to her when she was alive in her world because she herself wasn't talented in it. But she knew from her fellow commanders, it's a hard and dangerous career choice to have for anything, that tests your very patience to the extreme with how overwhelming it is most of the time.

' Magic, huh...' Morana thought thoughtfully with a slight smile,' I wonder if My Lord can somehow teach me it,'


Blinking into reality on top of a tall skyscraper is both Lucifer and Morana. Looking around this disastrous once beautiful city, they soon find three different Eldritch undead-looking Monsters, doing that seems to be talking to each other. Surrounding these three Eldritch things are various kinds of Undead Monsters and beasts with most of them being the modern Zombies with glowing trees spurting out of their bodies everywhere.

" My Lord, those are the three Commanders I told you about. The three Brothers of War," Morana informed with a blank expression.

" Eh? These guys are?" Lucifer asked with a disappointed expression, kind of hoping to see some badass undead monsters, but all he got was small H.P rip-offs discussing about their favorite foods and drinks. At the very least they could have been beautiful undeads like Morana, but he guesses that's too much to ask for.

" Affirmative, My Lord," Morana nodded with an unusual twisted smile, that made her look even more beautiful to Lucifer's eyes.

" Well, you lived long enough you filthy Mongrels, now be good boys and roll over and Die!" Seeing there's no use for them, Lucifer said with the same twisted smile as Morana,' [Heavenly Wrathful Smite].'

With the sounds of rumbling and roaring thunder, a beam of golden lightning blasted through the black sinful clouds, letting the heaven's warm and gentle glow spill out of its Golden Gates friendly to its surroundings.


Striking the three Eldritch monsters, the beam of light created a sound akin to a nuclear explosion uprooting and destroying everything in its vicinity without a care in the world.


Absent of the ground, all the buildings hit by the heavenly beam began to fall over, hitting each other and demolishing everything by them.

Watching this, Lucifer chuckled wickedly with pale glowing golden eyes," I love Magic, don't you Morana?'"

" Yes, My Lord, magic is something truly amazing," Morana said with a smile, not denying nor accepting, Lucifer's declaration of love to Magic.

" You come around," Lucifer smiled hearing his subjects neutral answer.


Halting their conversation is a furious and painful female cry that sounded throughout the city.


Screeching out is that same female voice, now sounding insane and angry at the same time. Following her voice was a wrathful despairing roar that shook the very building they are on.

' [ Heavenly Protection]-[ Mage Armor]-[ True Seeing]-[ Spirit Guardians]-[ Shield of Faith]-[ Unknown Resistances]-[ Rapid Regeneration],' Saying his spells, both Lucifer and Morana began glowing a pure white color as a wall of golden energy appeared all around them.

Soon they started seeing blue-green color rushing at him that is cresting elegantly in tentacles of foam-like water substance forming a tsunami. The tsunami was a thing of a different origin and order from the norm. It was darker, stranger, massively more powerful and violent, without kindness or cruelty, beauty or ugliness, that is just a wholly alien beautifully being to Lucifer. The water coming onto land and started at surging at him furiously, the ocean itself is picking up its feet and charging at him with a roar in its throat.

It stank of brine, mud, and seaweed. Most disturbing of all were the sounds it generated as it collided with, and digested, the stuff of this human world: the crunch and squeal of wood and concrete, metal and tile. In places, mysterious white dust billowed above it, like the cloud of pulverized matter that floats above a demolished building. It was as if neighborhoods, villages, whole towns were being placed inside the jaws of a giant compressor and crushed.


Shortly thereafter, Lucifer can see some sort of sea Eldritch white monster being with the body of a white female Titan and legs of a slimy octopus black Tentacles float at its back storming to him, striking and destroying everything by it for its Titan-like body to move. At it's back are four black skeleton-like arms that are connected to each other moving its upper body.

However, Instead of fear or dreadful expression, Lucifer possesses a large ever-happy smile, resembling a child getting their so-desired toy for Christmas.

" I want it." Lucifer suddenly said with a voice full of determination and eagerness.

" You... what?" Morana said, really hoping she heard wrong with a disbelief expression.

" I. Want. It." Lucifer said word for word slowly with joyous glowing eyes.

" Why..." Morana asked, with a strange expression,' Why would he want this "thing"? Just...why?'

" It's beautiful," Lucifer said with a matter-of-fact tone, as if Is stating something so obvious to her.

' It's... beautiful?' Morana thought weirdly looking at Her Lord. He really does looks pleased, discussing this thing that is the Queen.

" My Lord, this is the Queen, I told you about," Shaking her head, Morana explained with a blank tone, looking so done with everything.

" Then that's even more of the reason why I want it," Lucifer's fingers twitch as he said this with a chuckle. Truly he feels a little different now possessing Magic. An enormous amount of arrogance and selfishness was absorbed into his very being after he consumed that Mage card resembling the Caster Class Card from Fate/Kaleid.

Does he think it was one? Probably so. Is he mad he's now a little different? No, not in the slightest. Honestly, he would love to thank whatever being is residing inside himself, for this wonderful change. Because now, he feels Free, as if some unknown shackles were holding him down and stopping him from showing his True potential and Self. In a sense, you could say, he's the True Him, that he keeps locked away in his mind from everything and everyone in fear that they would loathe and hate him. However now? He doesn't care about any of that, because who would care about some Ants opinions? No one, absolutely no one will.

Furthermore, Hiding your true self is something many people do in one way or another. As people, humans wear masks to fit in and to protect their emotions and inner lives.

No one acts true to themselves all the time. Starting from birth, Humans learn how to use their faces and bodies to get their parents to give them things, and they continue to act throughout their lives to fit into society.

Humans hide their negative feelings—such as superiority or insecurity—with words and sometimes mixed signals. A lot of the time they don't even know they're acting, and this conviction is part of what makes the mask even more believable to themselves and everyone around them.


Suddenly sensing a connection with the water, Lucifer suddenly smiled getting out of his thoughts," Nereisu Kirie,"


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