
A Certain Chaotic Wild Horse

Ranma Saotome from Ranma 1/2 was reincarnated in a crossover anime world as Kamijou Touma!? What will happen to him in a new world as a character that have a luck that sometimes much more worse than his old chaotic life?( A lot of character from many animes will appear here) *Story will be a bit different from original source material *And Touma in this novel will not heroic but a bit lazy and love a good fight. Support me in Patreon.com/Raylight25

Raylight25 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

Chapter 59 - Attack to Mizawa Cram School

Deep in the interior of a mountain, right at a temple that stands at the foot of the mountain. There was a little girl dressed as a miko with long black hair, standing in front of the rikudo of the shrine. And in front of the little girl, there were corpses of vampires lying strewn about.

The little girl didn't look scared or show any emotion when she saw the pile of vampire corpses in front of her.

But there was one sentence that came out of her mouth and that sentence was:

"I've killed again, I see."

If an ordinary person or a child saw a large pile of corpses, the correct reaction would be to be frightened or to scream loudly.

But the little girl didn't react that way, because she already seen too many deaths before her eyes....


"So the high-rise building protected by this kekkai that can disrupt perception is the Misawa Cram School? From the outside this building doesn't look suspicious but Aureolus Izzard who is a descendant of the famous alchemist Paracelcus Von Hohenheim," Kaori said who was currently in a very alert state because she was in the enemy's base. "We both have to be careful, lest he set a trap in this place."

"Trap, huh? I guess it wouldn't hurt to be careful considering that the Alchemists in this world are quite different from the Alchemists I know," Touma said immediately putting on both Flame Alchemist glove on both hands. "I think my fight with Aureolus Izzard will be something interesting."

"Alchemist in this world? What do you mean by that Kamijou Touma?" Asked Kaori who was confused by the meaning of Touma's words.

"Hmm? I was once go to another world by my grandfather where magic was replaced by Alchemy," Touma replied. "Alchemists in that world have extraordinary abilities in manipulating an element, even my abilities in manipulating air and fire is something that I learned in that world, the ultimate goal of alchemists in that world is immortality which is achieved by using the philosopher's stone that has been achieved, with so many sacrifices."


"I see, so you learned a trick that gave Stiyl trouble in another world where the Alchemists have succeeded in creating the philosopher's stone," Kaori said who didn't look surprised to hear Touma's story about another world.

"You don't look surprised about the 'other world' I mentioned Kanzaki Kaori," Touma said. "It is common knowledge that Hiko Seijuro XIII is the only human in this world who has managed to learn the Kaleidoscope, the operation of parallel world a true magic that can make a person travel to another dimension freely," Kaori said. "So I didn't feel strange or surprised when I heard that you were going to another world with that grandfather of yours. Hey, what do you think the ultimate goal of Alchemists in this world Kamijou Touma?"

"Hmm I don't know," Touma replied in a casual tone. "I already said before that I don't know what the ultimate goal of Alchemists is in this world."

"The ultimate goal of Alchemists in this world is neither the philosopher's stone nor eternal life but rather, simulating the entire world," Kaori said explaining to Touma. "And Aureolus Izzard is someone who can make his imagination come true by using the help of his Alchemy technique, Ars Magna. Because of that he is someone who is very dangerous to fight against. Even I myself don't know if I can win against him or not."

"Turning imagination into reality with help from Alchemy? Sounds a bit preposterous to me, because from the knowledge I have as a Flame Alchemist, the Alchemy cannot escape from the law of cause and effect or the law of equivalent exchange," Touma said as he touched his chin with his right hand like a detective. "There must be something that can make it seem like she's changing reality, in his Alchemy techniques like chanting, human sacrifice or something that can make his imagination come true."


"Well, I can't deny what you said, because even though Aureolus Izzard's Ars Magna is very strong, it's impossible to turn imagination into reality unless it meets the terms and conditions that apply," Kaori said who felt that Touma's words made a lot of sense. "But to find out more about how Aureolus can turn imagination into reality, we have to investigate further what magic technique he used to strengthen his Ars Magna."

"That's not a problem for me, because for me it will be easier if I look for Aureolus directly," Touma said while yawning because he felt a bit bored. "Hmm, the inside of Misawa Cram School looks normal, except for the strange corpse in medieval knight's clothing that is under the pillar."

The index finger of Touma's right hand pointed at the strange corpse that was under the large pillar.

Kaori, who had been too engrossed in explaining the power of Ars Magna possessed by Aureolus, only then realized that someone's corpse was in front of his eyes.

"That armor! The corpse is from someone who is a member of the Order of the 13 Roman Orthodox Knights!" Kaori said who looked shocked to see that there were corpses of Vatican members inside the Misawa Cram School building. "To think that the Vatican had already attacked this place."

"The existence of the Kekkai in this place makes the students in this place not aware of what is under the pillar," Touma said. "Aureolus Izzard seems to have prepared himself for various things to protect himself from various situations, he is really a very paranoid person if he makes kekkai with so many functions."


"Hiko-kun, do you know what abilities the enemy Touma-san has to deal with?" Asked Chitose while walking on the stone steps leading to Yuragi Sou with Hiko beside her.

"Hmm Aureolus Izzard is an Alchemist who is quite talented. From the information I got about him from my informant at the Lion King Organization, he has a unique technique he calls Ars Magna which he says can turn imagination into reality. But within certain limits," Hiko replied.

"Turning imagination into reality? Won't Touma-san will have a hard time if he has to face such an opponent even though Touma-san has Imagine Breaker and all kinds of powers he has imitated," Chitose said. "Would he be able to defeat such an opponent?"

"Well I guess if my grandson is smart enough to realize how imagination can come true using Ars Magna I guess Touma could beat Aureolus quickly," Hiko said casually. "Touma won't be defeated as quickly even if his enemy is someone with strength like Aureolus Izzard. Moreover, from my informants I know that in terms of physical strength he is not on par with Touma."


"Since Kanzaki Kaori and Imagine Breaker have already entered this building, it'll be easier for me to kill those two so they can't get in my way!" Aureolus shouted who saw the state of Touma and Kaori through the monitor in his room. "Hmm, I shouldn't underestimate both of them because Kanzaki Kaori is a Saint who is a formidable enemy and the other one is the grandson of Hiko Seijuro who is the strongest human in the world. Moreover, Imagine Breaker is said to be much stronger than Kanzaki Kaori and an Alchemist just like me, he is far more dangerous than Kanzaki Kaori!"

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