
A Certain Chaotic Wild Horse

Ranma Saotome from Ranma 1/2 was reincarnated in a crossover anime world as Kamijou Touma!? What will happen to him in a new world as a character that have a luck that sometimes much more worse than his old chaotic life?( A lot of character from many animes will appear here) *Story will be a bit different from original source material *And Touma in this novel will not heroic but a bit lazy and love a good fight. Support me in Patreon.com/Raylight25

Raylight25 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

Chapter 46 - New Student

At Touma's school, just as the bell rang.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce a new student to all of you," Komoe said who was currently standing beside Usami. "Usami-chan please introduce yourself, to the other students."

Usami Ikkoku who is currently chewing gum and has a Gyaru-style appearance. With a slightly eccentric attitude, she introduced herself to all the students in Komoe's class.

"My name is Usami Ikkoku, I'm sixteen years old and my zodiac is Virgo, I'm level 0 just like most of the students in this school, currently I still don't have a boyfriend. And the reason I attended this school, was so that I could approach Kamijou Touma who got my attention."

Usami's remarks, which were a bit controversial, caused a big commotion in Touma's class. All the boys in Touma's class shouted loudly cursing Touma especially Aogami Pierce and Motoharu.

"Nyaaaahaha Kami-yan has once again made a girl go crazy over him."

From the outside the expression on Motoharu's face didn't change at all, but in reality cold sweat was dripping down his back because he knew how scary the girl standing next to Komoe was.

"Arrrgh Kami-disease has once again infected a girl! Moreover, the girl who was infected this time was a gyaru with a curvaceous body and quite a pretty face! Why! How come almost all girls are crazy about Kamijou! Why!"

Aogami Pierce screamed so loudly like a lunatic, that Fukiyose Seiri had to take action and hit Aogami in the back of the neck. Seiri's karate chop instantly knocked Aogami unconscious.

Asagi Aiba looks a little angry, because there is another girl who likes Touma.

"Kamijou! You're causing trouble again by seducing a girl! Can't it be, you're holding back on your excessive lewdness just a little bit!"

And Seiri as usual, blamed Touma without first investigating what really happened.


Kirika and Shizuka who knew who Usami really was, didn't make any comments at all. About what Usami had just said, because even if they were both angry it would be pointless because both of them knew that Usami said it just to get Touma's attention. Even though the two of them are totally what Usami's goal is by going to the same school as them.

Touma didn't react even after he heard Usami's confession or Seiri's unreasonable anger. And he chose to be neutral, because he didn't know what Usami wanted by suddenly appearing in his class and saying words that caused a lot of trouble for him.

But if Usami tries to attack him, or does something bad at his school. Touma would not hesitate to fight back against Usami, even though Usami was a woman.


"Tcch, the two of us were assigned to Academy City to perform Aureolus's task and also test the strength of Kamijou Touma the fourth ancestor," Taigamaru said who was currently looking at Usami's condition using a piece of mirror floating in front of him. "But instead she made herself a new student at Kamijou Touma's school, with the excuse that she had to finish her education while she still had the chance that's why she had to go to school. Tch, what an absurd reason. As the weakest member of the Zodiac, she's playing around too much and neglecting her duties! If she wasn't the daughter of Ryuuoh-sama, I would have killed her with my own two hands!"

Taigamaru Tetsuhiro, the fifth most powerful member of The Zodiac. Decided that he would attack Kamijou Touma right after school ended. So that he would not attract the attention of many people and shed blood unnecessarily. The Zodiac may be one of the most feared criminal organizations in Moonlite World, but they also have rules and boundaries that they cannot break in order to achieve their ultimate goal of creating a new world order where their race is acceptable to all.


District seven, in a windowless building that was originally a rocket.

Aleister Crowley was looking somewhat frightened at the moment, as someone of far above power was standing before him. That someone was a middle-aged man with light blue hair with slightly dark skin with a mustache style that closely resembled a dragon's 'whisker'. And the man's name was Kagami Ikkoku, who was called Ryuuoh by his men the supreme leader of The Zodiac and the strongest member of the twenty-four demi-humans who made up the Zodiac.

[I have granted your request by allowing someone as dangerous as your daughter to attend Academy City, Kagami,] Aleister said with an uncomfortable look on his face. [What more do you want from me! If you come here and intend to interfere with my plans, even if you have the power on theHiko Seijuro's level even if I will not be afraid and will fight you with all kinds of magic that I can have!]

"I have no intention of interfering with your plans in favor of mine, Aleister. I came here to watch at close range the fight between one of my subordinates against the fourth primogenitor who resides in this Academy City," Kagami said with an emotionless face. ."I just want you not to interfere with the fight."

[As long as you don't kill Imagine Breaker, I won't interfere with the fight, Kagami. Because it just so happens that I also want to know how strong Imagine Breaker is right now,] Aleister said. [But if that guy of yours accidentally kills Imagine Breaker, I'll make that guy of yours regret what he's done!]

"Don't worry, Taigamaru won't do that to Kamijou Touma I guarantee it. After all, did you forget that Kamijou Touma is the fourth ancestor who can hardly be killed, so even if Taigamaru made Kamijou Touma die he was able to heal himself quickly."


"Chitose-san, why do you look so restless earlier?" Asked Aisha who was currently wearing the same kimono as Index and Chitose and helping the two of them mop the wooden floors on the second level of Yuragi Sou.

"I felt someone was watching us outside for a long time," Chitose replied with a face that looked full of worry. "And anything watching us, isn't a good thing, because it gives off an ominous aura."

"How can you be so sure Chitose?" Asked Index. "Because I'm very sensitive to magical energy, I can't feel anything outside of Yuragi Sou at all."

"My perception ability is different from yours Index-chan," Chitose replied. "My ability to sense something negative and dangerous is far more sensitive than anyone living in Yuragi Sou. My ability surpasses even Touma-san and Hiko-san."

"If someone is really watching us outside of Yuragi Sou that means we have to be careful when we get out of Yuragi Sou," Index said. "Because there is a possibility that the one watching us, was sent to watch over me, Aisha or 10032 who is currently resting in her room because her leg was injured from falling while mopping the floor."

"That's most likely so," Chitose said. "Because for now I forbid the two of you including 10032 who are currently resting to get out of the perimeter of the hill where Yuragi Sou is standing, because there is a possibility that the three of you will be in danger if you get out of Yuragi Sou."

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