

So around the time I put chapter ten-fifteen out, I will also start looking for some good images to use for the characters, and I will put up an image for most if not all of the important recurring characters.

And when I have uploaded a good number of chapters and I have a bit of free time, I will go back through the story to make major edits or maybe change minor details on a large scale. For any spelling or clear grammar mistakes, if anyone puts a comment about it, I will almost definitely get to it on the same day, because it should be easy to just change a few light errors in a chapter or two in a couple of minutes.

I am researching a few things about fire bending and other important and unimportant details about ATLA, and although I currently don't have any real plans for them to be an important part of the story, can someone in the comments explain to me what you know about how the humans and benders hunted the lion turtles to near extinction, I was looking for details about them, but I couldn't find anything clear about how they were beaten, humans even with bending I feel aren't strong enough to beat the lion turtles, and if you didn't know, I am quite sure that there were many lion turtles, it is not confirmed on whether there were elements we don't know about that the other turtles had, but there were many of them other than the four we see in the shows, I haven't read any of the manga, but I do know a few little details about some stuff that happens and is explained in it.

If you have any ideas for the story feel free to comment them, I might include them if I like them, and some of them even if I don't like them I might include for the sake of the story, but if I see a comment that I feel I could fit into the story somewhere, I will note it down and eventually I might put it into a vote or something for the readers to decide. For some ideas, if they are good enough and I don't have to much to do, I would even be open to rewriting the entire story for certain details to add in the idea. Also although he will obviously be having a major focus on the basics, I do want to create a few ingenious moves for him for several purposes, so please comment ideas for bending and martial arts moves and techniques if you have them, but please don't give me anything but your best and your worst ideas, anything in between can be saved for later.

In the original, from what I understand, the author greatly shortened the time line, turning several weeks into a few days. One of the biggest changes I will make is in this, although I will or be making it the full months and weeks from the anime and manga, I will stretch the days a good bit more in certain spots to allow for a bit more training in firebending and for some training in the swordsmanship that the Mc of the original story never trains with and at some points I might have him study a bit more about the world he is in, once I gather a bit more knowledge myself about the finer details of the world and different bending types.

I am currently taking a break from the pile of work I have, to write this and work on chapter two, I believe there is a decent chance of me posting it the same day as this.

For ideas about the story, plot, and characters, please comment on this chapter. (Chapter comments at the end)

For ideas about bending moves and techniques and other combat related things, please comment on this paragraph.

For tips and information about the world and more, please comment on this paragraph.

For anything else, please comment on this paragraph.

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