
First Flame 7

Infiltrating New Ozai was incredibly simple. All we had to do was move around out of sight of the rock bridge that led to the front gate and then jump the gap. Sounded incredibly simple right? Well, for me and Ty Lee, it was.

The gap was a good one hundred feet wide, a gap that led down into a massive chasm that dropped thousands of feet. Ty Lee just started a few feet of a run before jumping and somersaulting through the air, easily clearing the distance. I couldn't do that. With a running leap with all my strength, I only cleared half that distance, but I had the jet propulsion technique and it was easy to propel myself along the rest of the distance. From there, we both just scaled the city walls and dropped down into it.

"What do you think?" Ty Lee asked, stepping out of the dressing room of the final clothing shop she wanted to visit, we'd hit up three of them previously.

I swallowed heavily as I took her in, posing with her hands on her hips and grinning at me. She was clad in a very familiar sling and skirt type white bikini. Her large, round breasts hung heavily in the sling cups of the bikini top, the fire nation emblem gleaming with what was sure to be smugness between the cups that connected them together, between her abundant and deep cleavage.

She was always showing off her midriff, so I thought I was used to it. But the way the white skirt clung to her perfectly proportional hips in a 'V' shape showed off just how perfectly trim her waist was. I was both happy with the fact that the skirt had tight orange shorts underneath and unhappy about that fact. A thong style swimsuit bottom would look absolutely amazing on her perky, perfectly round little bubbly ass, but at the same time wearing that one mean anyone else could get such an amazing view as well and it would already be annoying with how much guys would hound her even without that.

She was just that absolutely gorgeous, with a body that was total sex on legs. I had trouble containing the desire for her that pooled in my lower stomach.

I put that out of mind, it didn't matter anyway in the end, anyone who tried anything would get the same treatment as the sand shark. Hmm, or maybe I'll keep the sand shark corpse around and just use it to beat the crap out of anyone who tries? I don't think I'm strong enough to pick it up though. The thing is at least two hundred feet in size. And from what I remember, the Megalodon were roughly estimated to be about sixty feet, and were estimated to weigh anywhere from between thirty to sixty five tons. The sand shark is a good three times larger in size and a bit more. I'm not very knowledgeable about how mass works, but just because it was only three times larger, didn't mean its weight was only three times more. I'm not sure how to calculate it, but even if it was just a mere three times more in weight, that would mean the sand shark would be anywhere between ninety to over two hundred tons.

Yeah, I'm definitely not anywhere close to being able to lift that thing. Guess I'll need a super strength training montage in the future. But for now, I can be content with just dropping it on top of them from my inventory itself.

...Hey there's an idea. I wonder what kind of expression Ozai would make if I just dropped it on top of him with no warning. That would be hilarious.

"Hello~" Ty Lee snapped her fingers in front of my face breaking me from my very amusing, dastardly plans, "You're not doing my confidence any good here you know zoning out when I'm modelling a bikini for you."

I grabbed her by those perfectly proportioned hips of hers and pulled her into my lap, she yelped a bit at the surprise pull, but giggled a moment letter, wrapping her arms around my neck, "Sorry, you look that amazing I couldn't think of anything that would be able to describe you."

"Good enough for me!" she nodded eagerly before planting a kiss on my lips and standing up, "This will do, lemme just change out of it into my regular stuff and we can get out of here."

"Alright." I waved her off, leaning back onto the seat I was sitting on. It was lucky I had an inventory man, otherwise I'd be lugging around dozens of bags at this point. Before this bikini shop, she'd checked out two different clothing stores, a shoe store and now this store. And I'd spent twenty fire nation gold pieces so far.

Which was a lot considering that one hundred gold pieces would be enough to feed a family of four for a year easily. I'd spent a fifth of that on clothing for her, and was about to spend a little bit more to purchase this bikini for her. Not that I minded in anyway, I can always get more money. I mean, I don't even actively need most of the weapons I've got stored in my inventory, they would all be worth a pretty penny.

I'd been hoping I could pull a Gilgamesh using my inventory, because the Gate of Babylon is just that cool, but no such luck. I could bring any item out of my inventory within a ten feet radius, even mid-air as long as it was at a maximum of ten feet above me. But I couldn't accelerate them in any direction or anything like that. All they would do if I pulled them out mid-air like that around me, was drop to the ground. I suppose it could work for a hell of a distraction if I like just pulled all the heavy weapons out and let them fall on someone, but it's not exactly a viable combat technique.

That's totally alright though, because one day I'll make a fire technique to conjure flame weapons all around me and shoot them at people. Maybe I can pull out my throne and sit on it while doing it to Ozai and call him a mongrel. That would be hella satisfying man.

A minute or two later Ty Lee came back out of the dressing room fully changed and I paid for her swimsuit. It cost a whole gold coin. But, considering how well it was made compared to the standard attire most people wore around here, well I could understand.

I stored it in my inventory and we left the shop behind, walking through the streets of New Ozai. We decided to hit up a restaurant for some nice cooked food before we left. Ty Lee surprisingly was quite okay with things when it came to roughing it a bit and camping, and even when I tamed Buzzy, my Buzzard Wasp, she hadn't been grossed out at all, which was unexpected from a girl considering Buzzy was a cross between a buzzard and a wasp, not exactly a pretty creature to look at.

Ty Lee led along, since I didn't know where any places to eat were in New Ozai. She had apparently toured the city while we were stuck here for a week.

"Ooh, what's that?" Ty Lee pointed excitedly at something just as we passed a guard station and barracks. A familiar guard station and barracks, one of the ones I'd looted.

I followed her finger and my eyes widened, before a grin spread across my face, "That baby, that is our ticket to avoiding getting on a boat altogether and saving a hell of a lot of time."

Positioned in front of the guard house, was a hot air balloon, baring the emblem of the Fire Nation. One of the war balloons. I'd been hoping to pick one of these up when we got to the Fire Nation itself, but to think I'd find one here!

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