

She sits at the airport waiting for the plane to take off. That isn't her flight but her ex's flight to the state for good. she wonders why her heart doesn't move a bit. she wonders why her ex decided to go without saying a word. she wonders why she is sitting right here at the airport seeing him off without seeing him, without him knowing her presence. she wonders... her heartbeat just goes on so stable, doesn't beat as fast as when she runs or when she was out of time when doing a test. Her heart is so stable, annoyingly stable.

The plane starts moving, listening to 'leaving on a jet plane song', she stands up, walking towards the exit sign. Her head is blank, no memories, her heart is intact, no feeling.

She was told that love is just a fantasy, love doesn't exist. After a while, all those butterflies in the stomach will fly out of the ear and go away, far away. Love is just an illusion, a beautiful fairy tale, that covers one's judgment. Understand that, do not really believe in the existence of true/real/long-lasting love, she wishes that she could experience that short term feeling, she wishes she could just open her heart, to let someone in, feel all the butterflies and then get hurt. rather than living every day without emotion.