
A Bastard's Allure

He wanted to be accepted for who he was; a bastard. But the world was a cruel place for bastards, especially in the vampire realm of Eldoria. A vampire prince, born a bastard, was a disgrace not only to the royal family but the realm at large. And for that, Gabriel Sinclair grew up in harsh environs within the very castle his brother considered heaven. And as if being bastard was not enough wound to scar him and put him miles away from the throne, they made marry a human to seal the treaty between the two warring species. ***** Elena Thornhart always dreamt of venturing beyond the walls of Mysthaven. Since childhood, she had been confined in the castle of Mysthaven, safe from the vampire's reach. But not everything goes as planned. In an effort to save the nearly extinct human population, Andrian Thornhart, the human king and Elena's brother, offers her as the sacrificial lamb. Now Elena must navigate the treacherous Vampire court and royal family and protect her husband from his own kind. Little does she know her presence is set to unleash a side of Gabriel Sinclair that he never knew existed, a secret that might set the realm apart or unite it!

Dennis_Bundi_5441 · Fantaisie
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67 Chs

Gabriel And Disloyalty

Seconds passed, paving way into minutes! Still, Elena didn't feel it... The craving, the obsession, the unexplainable feeling... She let him knock the air out of her lungs in a heated kiss. An intense one, and one that was exaggeratingly longer than Gabriel's! But there was nothing!

Her hands rested on his chest armor before she pushed him off. He appeared to be in a daze, but her eyes found his before he shied away in guilt. Still, no redness in them. His fangs were still intact!

She tried touching his face again but he took a step back, afraid of the consequences of his actions.

"I'm sorry," Elena said, her hands falling to the side of her fabric. She cast her eyes on the floor, slightly embarrassed. "That was unbefitting for my status."

Darion's grip on his helmet tightened, too scared to afford her a glance. He could be executed for this! In fact, spending a second longer in this room felt like treason in itself!