
Start of a "Dangerous Journey" (1)

It was in the middle of the night it was supposed to be pitch black but this is Beijing(2) and the streets were very boisterous. This was supposed to be a normal night for everyone but who could have thought this was the day the "Devil" was born.

In Narashing University's 1st year dorms on the rooftop which was supposed to be empty, there was a youth with average looks crying and tears falling from his eyes as he was at the edge looking like someone who was gonna commit suicide.

He is Fan Cheng(3) who was made a fool by his crush when he finally confessed to her the class beauty Ning Bing and got ruthlessly rejected. He was indeed thinking of committing suicide by jumping off the building.

He was a loner and had no friends whatsoever. He was average in almost every single thing average looks, physic, grade, and not good at expressing himself.

He should have had 2-3 friends but for some reason, he had never made anyone his friend even if the other person initiated it.

He finally decided to break free from this average life and do something with the courage which was confessing to the class beauty his crush. He was hoping to just change himself but the words she spoke after his confession poured cold water on him.

"Me? Go out with you? Who are you? I don't even know you. Even if I knew you, you could never date someone like me.what do you have?wealth?grades?looks?power?. Looking at you, you probably have nothing for me to look at. People like you live life normally and after death becomes earth fertilizer forgotten by the world. I don't wanna be like that. Even if you jump off a building you are not worth a second glance." Saying this she turned around and left leaving behind a completely dumbfounded Fan Cheng.

Fan Cheng stood rooted there for an hour before leaving. After coming back to the dorm he was still dazed and thought about his 21 years of life and felt like garbage. He decided dying is better than living like this and got to the roof to commit suicide. When he thought about the things that happened today tears poured down his face no matter what that was his first love and the first courageous move in his life.

He slightly bent forward and was about to jump when Images started flashing through his eyes starting today going backward in time to his childhood.

He thought this was the memories flashing before death but suddenly he kept going back in time and got numerous memories from his past lives which contained many experiences.

He felt like being struck by lightning as he remembered what Fan Cheng(4) this name meant for him.

He watched his first life in which he almost became immortal but could not and was forced to use the heavenly item '99 Reincarnations and 100 Lives' with which he could have a second chance to reach immortality.

The price for using this item was losing his memories and one thing dear to him in each life as a result in the next lives he sometimes lost his parents, lover, brother, sister, friend, master.students, or even the country itself thus he became colder in each life.

The only benefit was that he had one chance that was his hundredth life in which he can remember all his experiences through a trigger that will awake these memories.

In this life, all the restrictions on the heavenly item disappeared because of the weakening of the item after finally vanishing from his soul no longer capable of reincarnating himself.

The price in this life was that he was an orphan.

The experiences he had in every life were filled with danger especially the journey he will be taking in this life.

The path to immortality was not easy because this was a legend people only heard and never seen an immortal.

But he knows immortality exists because he was close to reaching it once. The only difficulty lies in the journey, time, and effort which is very long and lonely.

Those who cannot endure loneliness cannot reach the Apex. But Fan Cheng knows it very clearly and thus this was also one of the reasons he used the heavenly item to strengthen his resolve and soul.


At this time he abruptly wakes up from his memory awakening but cannot think much because he will fall if he cannot catch on the rails of the building.

He quickly catches the rails and climbs up and gets away from the edge. He pants heavily and sits down on the ground and gets his thinking straight.

Fan Cheng, he gave this name to himself to remind him of the difficult and dangerous path to immortality. His personality changed greatly but his goal is still the same.

Perhaps he will become emotionless, cold, and distant but for his goal, he can abandon anything in life. But thankfully he became cold but not emotionless because of the experiences from the past lives.

He starts to think about the world he is currently in. This is a planet called 'Earth'(5). The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is very little. He immediately realized the energy is so scarce that even cultivating for his whole life he can maybe only reach the Qi gathering realm(6) which can only make him live about 150 years and not enough to reach the Spirit realm(7) and die at age 150. If he can reach the spirit realm that would give him 500 years of lifespan.

He needs to find Special Herbs to improve his cultivation or becoming an Immortal will forever remain a dream. He casts off all other thoughts and wants to cultivate.

He gets up from the ground and gets down using the stairs and goes to his dorm room. The Narashing University is a 2nd tier university and therefore the living quality is good and he stays alone in the 2-person dorm room. There are very few students who stay in the dorm so people like him chose to stay alone because the dorm is pretty big.

He sits in the middle of the bed to cultivate and finds that his body was even worse than that of a mortal from his world.

He knows that his body didn't even have his gate to his dantian open because to open that gate you need to fill your body with Qi and nourish it to reach the body refinement stage-9. People from his world had their gate to dantian open because the world he lived in had High-grade spiritual energy already filled their body naturally and there was no need to fill their already full body and open the dantian.


1. This is lol like the cheng word means Dangerous.

2. I am not from Beijing and know nothing about it.

3. The cheng in his name means Dangerous like Bai Xiaochun's white is for Bai.


5. This earth may have many changes from the original.

6. Qi gathering Realm is the 2nd or in High-grade realm 1st stage.

7.this is like the fifth stage.

Well just writing this for preparing for another Idea I have.First time writing for me. Please forgive me if you find fault in the writings.

Jubaer1creators' thoughts
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