
Catastrophic Birth

"Are you kidding me, How can a forest fire happen during winter?" If you don't stop trolling this hotline we'll send Cops to your address." Emergency Hotline Answered

"I'm not kidding! we don't need Cops, we need firetrucks to put out this fire, Our house will be burned and my wife is pregnant! Why would I troll you! We really need help!" the man on the telephone answered.

"Shut up! Do you think I was born yesterday? Go find someone you can prank! Get a life man!" Emergency Hotline Answered.

"toot toot", "F*ck this Emergency Hotline, I'm dead serious asking for help and they think I'm just pranking them? How on Earth can I explain what's happening if I don't even know how it happened"

'Bang!' he furiously slammed the telephone and run to save his wife.

'ground-shakes, cracks appeared on the wall, and fissures were dividing pavements'

"What the hell is happening on Earth, now an Earthquake together with the forest fire during Winter? Is this a curse?"

Despite the shaking ground, he run inside the house and he tried to get some of their belongings before rushing outside with his wife.

After an hour, the forest fire reached his house. The Aftershocks caused fissures on the road. As they were living in a rural area, the entire property he inherited were all burned. No firetrucks, no ambulance, no rescue is around.

The nearest neighborhood was 5km away.

The new car he just bought with his savings fell inside a deep fissure and was crashed by the impact. So instead of riding the car, he ran so fast carrying his wife leaving everything behind.

Luckily, he escaped the flames and survived from the earthquake.

But all of a sudden, after the earthquake, an avalanche from the top of the snowy mountain rushed down to the burnt forest.

In his panic mode, he discovered a cave nearby.

He rushed inside and hide together with his wife which is 9 months pregnant already.

The narrow escape was successful but there's one more problem, they were now trapped inside the cave without anything.

"Oh God, why? Am I so Evil on my previous life? Did I offend any Deity to suffer this much?" the man cried but he didn't blame anyone and he prayed solemnly instead. "Please let us survive and let our son see this world, may all the Gods, Goddesses, Deities, Saints, and all exalted beings help us and bless this child."

After a few minutes, the earthquakes stopped, the fire was put out by the avalanche.

Now a tornado appeared and cleared out the entrance of the cave.

This kind of disaster never happened before.

There's no warning, or any weather forecasts, no one predicted that any of this will happen.

As they exited the cave, he's very surprised with what he saw. The surroundings looked as if nothing happened. The tornado cleaned the mess and the avalanche covered all the traces with snow. If he told anyone about what happened, he will be called a lunatic.

This catastrophe passed by when the sun goes down and stars filled up the sky.

The man sat down to rest.

But before he can take a rest, his wife cried out in pain, "I'm going to give birth! Let's hurry! Take me to the Hospital!" He sprung-up and carried his wife again.

He run as fast as he can while trying to be careful not to drop his wife.

They reached the nearest hospital before the sunrise, and the man passed out as soon as he put down his wife inside the emergency room.

The mother successfully gave birth to a baby boy.

And that's how this legend was born.

But there's another problem, both the father and mother didn't know what to name their son.

When the civil registry officer arrived and asked for the name of their baby, they both froze and they can't say anything.

They stared at each other but they still can't think of a name for their baby.

After an hour, they gave up thinking for a name for their son.

The officer said "Why don't you use the default name if you can't name him by yourselves?"

The couple smiled and they both nodded.

They decided to use the default name: "Boy" for male babies without names given by their parents.

The officer's mouth became wide open as if his fist can fit inside his mouth. He was dumbfounded to the decision of the couple, he's just joking when he suggested it but they both agreed.

As an officer, he can't laugh as it might offend the couple so he tried to gain his composure and asked them to fill up the forms for processing. He left immediately after he got all the forms needed.

"Are those couple insane? Did I look that serious when I suggested that?" the officer muttered as he walked away.

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