
Exchange it with Yun bixue

Xie limo's hands clenched into tight fists, and his heart felt as if it was being cut by a knife.

It wasn't like what endless night had said. He loved Yun bixue very much, more than his own life.

His feelings were very deep, and he didn't have to express them.

Besides, he didn't need to tell this to summer night.

It was fine as long as he and bixue understood.

"I'll protect her," Xie limo said coldly."Her heart won't belong to you."

"What if she forgets about you?" no summer night said mysteriously.

Xie limo's expression changed drastically."You ... You ..."

No matter how calm he was, when faced with Yun bixue's matters, he really couldn't keep his cool.

The blood Shadows stood behind him, their guns ready. As long as Xie limo gave the order, they would shoot.

Similarly, ye wuxia also had a group of ye family experts behind him. The two sides were in a confrontation.

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