

Éditeur: Sparrow Translations

"That place is also… a single realm! It holds many of the most powerful spirits in our world! Hey, most of them are the big shots left over from that great holy war. Most of them are back in the mortal realm after reincarnation."

The second-generation senior laughed cheekily, "How could these bunch of power houses be okay with being stuck here in the mortal realm? Of course, they would want to return to the immortal realm. Only the immortal realm offers enough resources for them to upgrade to the optimal state.".

"But over at the immortal realm, there's still the Rabbit and the Dog assuming guard, along with the twelve original ancestors. They would never let them return there so easily! That's why there's an impasse now."

"If you're talking about that War of the Gods, there were so many spirits implicated as well!"

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