

watch your back, no one will look out for you. don't trust, don't believe, the black king is coming your way. be careful “my king……” he said kneeling on the ground. A fist touching the ground and other his heart “raise.” He stood up from his kneeling position “the red king has come to meet you.” “what is the time.” “4:00 p.m. my king. Just like you said.” “send him.” “yes. My king.” He had to come. What choice did he have. I was sitting on my leather chair turned opposite to the desk. The view outside was beautiful, no wonder I got a full length glass window. The city . Power is what I felt when I stood there, above all… I stood up and went closer to the window, looking at the view, red, blue, white, yellow, green all beneath me. “black king.” A man said from behind

ShreyaI · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Russell's POV:

I woke up in a hurry and called her.

"veronica…" I said in my phone

"Russell, something wrong with the situation with the black king?" she replied calmly… there was authority in her voice, she was talking business and her voice itself even now sounded so scary and even now that I know she is a girl but thinking that she is so dangerous like before I still get shivers when I hear her. I can just imagine how it will be when we marry. I would be bloody scared from my own wife. Now I am actually worried

"no, its not that… I wanted to meet you.. are you free today?"

"at 6:00 p.m.?"

"that will be great… come out like a normal person." I said

"am I not normal?" she asked

"no… you are normal I mean.." I stumbled upon my own words

"fine calm down." She laughed a little and kept the phone.

I am happy that I am marrying her… but about that attack. This is looking too easy no matter what we say, something is not being told… it's the war between the kings. It cant be that easy, it cant be like this. Something doesn't feel right, it feels a bit weird, the battle cannot be only this. It doesn't feel right. The purple kingdom just vanished, it cant be just because of trust right. two enemy kingdoms fight but they don't just vanish like that. after that the yellow kingdom suddenly starts attacking us whereas we never had anything against them. the green kingdom gives up there arms business right before the yellow kingdom attacks us and the black king helps us easily in return of my hand in marriage which he could get without so much work anyday. Even if we say that the black king wanted revenge himself.. he could do it without any help from us, and he didn't even have to wait. Also the yellow king and the purple king were actually real brothers which very few know. then why didn't the yellow king attack the black king straight away. Only one person has the answers to everything and I need to meet him now.

I took out my car and left the house without telling anyone and with no bodyguards my questions need to be answered.

I was now in the middle of nowhere… common ground where no one is allowed to attack anyone and all kingdoms are treated as one. here no one is allowed to pick a fight with anyone. The common grounds are also called peace grounds. A small house stood right under a large old tree which stood like an umbrella over it.

I got out of the car and knocked the door...